Fresh Wort Kits. Are They Any Good?

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Good enough for me I will have a go at the 'Late Harvest Amber'.

No shipping costs involved for this one and a few dollars to to the LHBS.

Can't be spending all that hard earned at the site sponsors can I ?

Might even find a use for the cube afterwards too.
As someone who is often lampooned for his poor use of the English language, i wonder how the 'rules' of a competition have become part of the cannon of Australian Law to make them 'illegal'.

Also i do not mean to pray on folks who are not privy to as much info as I am lucky to have been, but the last time I checked the same professional brewers who make Coopers trade beers also make their extract.

The wort all comes from Coopers Meura mash filter and thier Briggs brewhouse. That being so, and with Coopers being the main supplier of malt extract to the Australian Home Brewing industry, it would therefore make near every malt extract brew entered into a comp 'illegal'. What is a difference between a FWK and Malt Extract - a vacumm evaporator - both brewers mash and boil in a brewhouse the product by a professional brewer....

NNL has tight quality control mechanisms put into place by thier head brewer Dr Simon Brooke-Taylor. Check the gravity, I doubt it will be out by a tolerance level of 1.002 from that stated on the packaging. Simon runs a tight ship and expects those that brew for him to be just as tight; I know it was me for several years!


Thanks for the insight Scotty.

Considering your insight have you got any good tips for a nice brew out of one of these FWK then?
Ferment with a good yeast and watch temp ....

Be clean too.

UPDATE for those interested?

OkeyDokey Folks,
Went to Craftbrewer on the Saturday and got the ND Brewing IPA 15lt fresh wort kit and some S05 yeasties. I got the IPA as I few K&B's down that I can directly compare against. Although if this works out I might get the Bitter next time.

So here is what I have found and done to the FWK brew.

EASY EASY EASY PEASY... These babies are a walk in the park. As previously posted by Scotty the FWK OG undiluted from the cube was in fact 1064. I added 4.4lts of water, allowing 600mls for the yeast pitching as I always now rehydrate, and that was it. SG was 1043 at 18 deg. No hops, no additional malts or specialialty grains. Just followed the instruction to the enth degree, which is not hard at all. In fact it was riddiculously quick and easy and I can see these being really good if you just want to put a couple of quick brews down in a hurry. All up from start to finish, including prep and cleanup, it took 30 mins. In fact I had the wort in the fermenting fridge for at least 20mins prior waiting for the yeast rehydration to kick.

The wort tasted good IMO and I am reasonably confident it's going to be a good beer. I probably should have added some hops but I kind of wanted to do this brew straight up K&K style (so I could compare) but I may dry hop with some kiwi cascades when I rack to secondary? I have dry hopped for a while now and it would probably be a more fair comparision to one of my kits and bits.

Sunday - Grav 1031 @ 18 deg - The air lock was nicely bubbling away and the krausen wasn't a huge one but it must have come and gone pretty quickly? The aroma from the fermenting fridge was awesome, tasted good but it's the bigger hops that is missing IMO so I will go dry hopping this at secondary and see if I can help it along a bit? I guess ND would be trying to cater for a broader range of tastes. I don't see this as a negative as I usually hop up my K&B's anyway.

Good enough for me I will have a go at the 'Late Harvest Amber'.

No shipping costs involved for this one and a few dollars to to the LHBS.

Can't be spending all that hard earned at the site sponsors can I ?

Might even find a use for the cube afterwards too.

TB how did you go over the weekend, did you get your FWK? It would be interesting if we both posted our results up here?

You are a thorough man Chappo. This dedication will see you very successful in home brewing mate, and I dont think it will be long before you are doing AG. :)
Jakechan you are not wrong I started slipping to the darkside this weekend at CB's... went in for a FWK and some yeasties, walked out with the intended plus fittings, valves, bit and pieces to convert a 70lt SS milk can I have into a HLT... How does that happen? :huh: They must pump something into the air, well that what I tell the cheese and kisses :lol:
Chappo my son you have inspired me to have a crack at these fwk's....
just need to clear a back long of k&b's (so as not to be wasteful).
I am keen to find out how she turns out...
UPDATE for those interested?

TB how did you go over the weekend, did you get your FWK? It would be interesting if we both posted our results up here?

Yes but not done it yet got a "Boonies" LCPA type in the fermenter all ready to bottle hopefully today.

I am ready to go after bottling will save a cupful of the US-05 yeast and reuse.

Got about 150g of Crystal to use up and a new pack of Amarillo hops so may give it 15g for 15mins and maybe dryhop another 15g later.

It is The Brewcraft Late Harvest Amber I got.
Chappo my son you have inspired me to have a crack at these fwk's....
just need to clear a back long of k&b's (so as not to be wasteful).
I am keen to find out how she turns out...

:super: Excellent Ardraine!!! Glad to be of service and welcome to the FWK club. I will definitely keep you posted on the results. If your interested PM me with your address and I will send you a bottle of Chappo's FWK for your sampling pleasure (I hope!) :icon_cheers:
I hear you with the K&B's, I was in Coles on the weekend and I couldn't help myself I bought another can of Goop to make my Bitter Ale, my intention was to get away from K&B's but what the hell a man's gotta have something to do right? LOL

Yes but not done it yet got a "Boonies" LCPA type in the fermenter all ready to bottle hopefully today.

I am ready to go after bottling will save a cupful of the US-05 yeast and reuse.

Got about 150g of Crystal to use up and a new pack of Amarillo hops so may give it 15g for 15mins and maybe dryhop another 15g later.

It is The Brewcraft Late Harvest Amber I got.
Amarillo :icon_drool2: the crystal couldn't hurt either maybe?

Same goes for you TB. If your interested PM me with your address and I will post you a bottle of my brew to try.

Maybe we can have mini bottle swap to try each others FWK results?

Just a thought?
I bought the Aussie Pale Ale on the weekend. Came with a US-05 yeast. See I usually drink CPA when im out, and I usually brew up variations of the coopers Australian Pale ale in k&k form, so im curious to see how much better it can taste out of all-grain.

Im gonna mix it up next week & report back on how it tastes in a month or so.
Cool Phoney. If you think of it post your results up here Mate. Oh and welcome to the FWK Club!
well im up for the Czech Pils so we can have a broad range to compare against :super:
Yes but not done it yet got a "Boonies" LCPA type in the fermenter all ready to bottle hopefully today.

I am ready to go after bottling will save a cupful of the US-05 yeast and reuse.

Got about 150g of Crystal to use up and a new pack of Amarillo hops so may give it 15g for 15mins and maybe dryhop another 15g later.

It is The (Brewcraft) Brewcellar Late Harvest Amber I got.

I meant Brewcellar not Brewcraft Doh.

LCPA style now bottled up Amber in waiting to cool down to pitching temp. Damn tap water is 26C and I added some clean ice.
Could not get in to edit previous post. :(
I meant Brewcellar not Brewcraft Doh.

LCPA style now bottled up Amber in waiting to cool down to pitching temp. Damn tap water is 26C and I added some clean ice.
Could not get in to edit previous post. :(

I hear your pain TB water temp is around the 26C here too and is difficult to drop without the use of ice. The kegging fridge takes too long to chill the wort down to pitching temp even at 2C it will take 5 to 6 hours to drop to 20C from 26-28C.

The IPA last night was 1022 @ 18C - Tastes good but definitely needs a hops finish for my tastes. Actually I am kicking myself I didn't do a hops boil when racking to the fermenter. I hope the dry hopping to secondary will correct some of it? I might suggest to others venturing this way to have a taste test before pitching to make sure the hops are where you like them.

It was burping away at a good steady rate, it appeared to me it had a second rush at the Krausen? I have never had that before but there is definely two krausen level marks left on the lid. The only thing I can think of is that maybe one of the kids opened the fridge somewhere in between? Strange?
The IPA last night was 1022 @ 18C - Tastes good but definitely needs a hops finish for my tastes. Actually I am kicking myself I didn't do a hops boil when racking to the fermenter. I hope the dry hopping to secondary will correct some of it? I might suggest to others venturing this way to have a taste test before pitching to make sure the hops are where you like them.

Just remember your dry hopping will impart mainly aroma and a small amount of flavour, for bittering you need them boiled. Waht was it you thought was missing hop bitterness/flavour/aroma/all of the above?

Remember also that carbonation will also change the taste perception of this beer.

:icon_cheers: SJ
Cheers SJ. Aroma and flavour IMO would be good at this stage. I am not disappointed but since hopping up my kits and bits I have a better appreciation and I guess palate for hops? I guess what I am saying it's a bit like tasting a straight K&K without bits to me at the moment. Granted it tastes a mile better but maybe I was expecting more?

SJ it was all of the above. Firstly very small hops start, sweet malty middle (still green I guess) and little aroma and blandish/nothing finish. No hops bite. I love IPA's and like em to have a rounded maybe even bold hops taste if you understand what I'm saying. Sorry SJ my description aren't great but I hope you get the idea. Do have a suggestion?
Yeah no dramas i get what you're saying, and i guess my main advise would be to let this one ferment out, see how it tastes (taste at different temps, 5degC & maybe 9-10degC, this will release more hop aromatics). Most importantly record your results and then tweak it next time.

Maybe (if you can't resist messing with it :rolleyes: we've all been there!!) throw in 15gms when you transfer to a secondary. Is it an English or an American IPA, as this will guide your choice (maybe Challenger for English and Cascade for American).

Remember, patience grasshopper, let it ferment and evaluate the finished beer. It is very difficult to pass judgement on an unfermented wort (other than to recognise something drastically wrong, like you mashed kitty litter, instead of pale malt :p )

:icon_cheers: SJ you mashed kitty litter, instead of pale malt)

ROFL... what's wrong with mashed kitty litter? Do it all the time! No stuck sparge. Maybe that's the twang I get? <_< Note to self feed cat barley and cut the sardines.

On the label it only says IPA so I can't tell you what it is styled on. I will have a better look tonight. SJ your right I started this journey to establish if a FWK was better than a kit and bits and was it worth the extra money, less time etc etc. So to stay true I really shouldn't muck around with it, should I?

BUT I have some '08 Kiwi Cascade hop flowers AA 8.3% which I was going to use into the secondary but then again I have some Amo's as well? Tempted?

I know patience grasshopper but can't I just... :rolleyes:

Got it! Patience...
Mashed kitty litter is the essential ingredient in Cerveza (note it must be well soiled!!!).

A quick check on the Craftbrewer website leads to the following:

It appears to be an English IPA, hopped with Fuggles, so i would try to resist the tempation to throw in those NZ Cascade and Amarillo (if you find it hard too do, PM me and i will give an address where they can be sent for um..... safe storage...... :unsure: ).

Try and grab some Fuggles if you really want to dry hop it. Remember also that English IPA's are milder and more rounded than their American versions.

Leave it alone, let it ferment, keg it, taste it, and if you find it lacking you can post said keg to the same address offered for the hops storage. It will be well looked after :chug:

:icon_cheers: SJ
Bugger English huh? Was hoping like hell Aussie or Yank? Oh well live and learn...

Well I never tried and english IPA before so I will chalk it up to experience.

I not that upset. It's what I love about this hobby the variety. Mainly from deadhead experimentation but it's the variety! ;)

PM me SJ with your address I will drop a bottle in the mail to you. You can give me a critique of the end product.
Relax and have a homebrew Chappo, all will be fine. Don't be to quick to judge the English IPA, remember they were the buggers that developed it in the first place.

One further point worth considering (moreso if you find you like the final product) is that next time it should be fermented with an english yeast. Nottingham would a great dry yeast for this, and then there is a whole world of liquid yeasts to choose from.

The US-05 is a great yeast abd really helps to develop a clean crisp finish that allows the hops to shine through,though it does it's does it's best work in an american style ale. Something like nottingham will throw out a few more esters and definitely give a different end result. Relax though, you haven't done anything to hurt the brew.

OFF_TOPIC: I got my urn on friday, so my first all-grain brew is booked in for this sunday. Even though i have the garage to myself for brewing, the wife and kids are being sent off premisis to ensure no interuptions!!! :super:

:icon_cheers: SJ

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