Fresh Wort Kits. Are They Any Good?

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I seen these today at BrewCraft, and this thread has got me really intrested in them! Think ill grab one next weekend! Maybe the pale ale or the Pils!
There's a thread around somewhere started by Chappo. I think the title is exactly the same and the basic response was yes. Worth hunting up though because there was a lot more detailed info in there.
And Manticle is the one who accuses moi of having senior moments :p

Whenever I'm in Sydney I always head for Newtown / Camperdown / Nags head territory and get stuck into the St Peters' Brewery ales and lagers and I believe the ND FWKs come from the same place. I've only made one, as we are right at the end of the suppy chain here, but it turned out under hoppy as it's basically just a no chill cube of wort... Easily fixed with 30g of the appropriate hop made into a hop tea and added on pitching.
Is that not this very thread!?? :icon_drunk:



BribiG have you seen my um..............


I'm new here. My name is manticle and I've been brewing


Has anyone seen my trousers?
Sorry to bring this thread back again!
About 8 days ago i put down an Amarillo FWK 15lts I toped it up with 5 more liters of water and chucked in the US05! I was a naughty boy and did not take an OG reading! I will be taking a reading later today but would just like to know what kinda FG i will be looking at for this beer?, Just so i know if my reading is in the zone or not!
of course ill make sure i have 2 steady reading over two days!
Thanks for ya help! :)
"...But what do people do with the used containers?.. i've got 3 now sitting in the cellar, but surely they are re-suable for something ;)..."

My four FWK containers are now fermenters. ie. taps installed and experimental stove-top "mini-biab" recipes trialled.
Im also gonna use mine as a fermenter some day! There a very handy size!
Sorry to bring this thread back again!
About 8 days ago i put down an Amarillo FWK 15lts I toped it up with 5 more liters of water and chucked in the US05! I was a naughty boy and did not take an OG reading! I will be taking a reading later today but would just like to know what kinda FG i will be looking at for this beer?, Just so i know if my reading is in the zone or not!
of course ill make sure i have 2 steady reading over two days!
Thanks for ya help! :)

Did this one a while back


My notes say finished at 1011 with US 05 after 15 days

Leave the US05 (it can be a bit "dusty" and takes a while to clear)

As far as the original question - Any good ?

Never ad a bad one although a bit expensive for everyday brewing (and I actually like the process I have) If I just need to put something down quickly... They are my go to range - plus you get a quality yeast and a "cube" to play with as a "no chiller" or a small fermenter

Happy Brewing

that's what mine finish at as well, I do get annoyed with these (doesn't stop me buying em) as the OG with the 5 ltrs water is around 1.040, so I generally put same LME in.

Mine have all finished @ about 1012-14.

So OG of 1040, FG of say 1012, gives ABV of (very roughly) about .28*.13 +0.3% = 3.9%.

Q1. Isn't that pretty weak ??? Even my K&K's come out at around 4.5%.
Q2. I tried a FWK Grape and Grain #2 with US-05 but added some hops that started with T as per a recipe on their website. Didn't really like it - but I have a feeling it was the strong hoppy taste I didn't like, not the FWK itself. Has anyone done a similar FWK but not added anything other than 5 litres water + yeast ??? If so, does it taste like an AG brew ?

Trying an undercarbed bottle (2 days old, felt carbed but clearly not) of my Grain and Grape hefe. Really quite good. A hefe suffers without suffish carbonation but its got the banana notes that i wanted and sufficient tartness and a touch of clove to balance it.

Not as cheap as AG, but for 54 dollars including wyeast 3068, it's not too bad. Especially considering I can literally pour it in to the fermenter, aerate it for 2 minutes and pitch the smack pack. For those who just want to make some quick and easy quaffing ale, it's pretty f***ing ideal.
Good Morning gentlemen,

Does anyone know where in Adelaide you can get these from?

Good Morning gentlemen,

Does anyone know where in Adelaide you can get these from?


I believe Brewcraft stock them, at least it mentions them on the website.
I've been tempted to try on myself.

The cubes are handy for storing fresh homemade wort in. Not sure about use as a fermenter as I think they would be a bastard to clean out!! Although I agree with shape being a handy size but you would only be able to ferment around 10 lt at a time!! And that would totally blow!! Lol.