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I planted a couple of the Victoria rhizomes a couple of weeks ago and they are already sprouting (a couple of shoots 2 inches long). They are outside in a sunny spot big pots (in Sydney). Is this normal? I haven't grown hops before but from what I've read they're a couple of months early.
Just giving drsmurto a plug, bought some Vic a few weeks ago from. Outstanding quality and packaging. You would be very unlucky to suffer damage to rhizomes via post as a result of the packaging efforts.
Just giving drsmurto a plug, bought some Vic a few weeks ago from. Outstanding quality and packaging. You would be very unlucky to suffer damage to rhizomes via post as a result of the packaging efforts.
Will have Chinool for at least another month plus have a patch I haven't dug up yet. Victoria will be gone soon. They need to be planted soon as they'll start growing soon.Hi Mate, are you selling these all year round? What's the best time to plant? Waiting for new house & garden to be finished before I can get some going.