First World Problems Thread

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Ducatiboy stu said:
Started on a job today, as a hired hand, and there was suposed to be a third person to help. Basically the job is cabling in a full security system for our shiny new BCF. Its a priick of a job. Some company in Sydney are the subbies.

Bloke turned up fom Sydney late this arvo.

He has a brocken ******* thumb
Did he type the above post for you?

I can't apply the free Mavricks upgrade to my VM version of Mountain Lion.
Liam_snorkel said:
FWP: lecture notes written in engrish.
Had a head tutor this semester who spoke only in 2nd-hand riddles.

Very technical subject.

When you open a popular online beer forum and have a popup and you have to go to all the effort of closing it. Damn you 1 or 2 extra seconds.
When you open a popular online beer forum and have a popup and you have to go to all the effort of closing it. Damn you 1 or 2 extra seconds.
Those .13 seconds add up, especially when you're driving!
I bought lollies for the kids coming round tricking and treating, but none of them wanted to come in and see Uncle Warren doing his nude yoga.
Called SWMBO out into the yard just now to look at three enormous Black Cockatoos (note I didn't say enormous black cockies) who feed on the Banksias.

She wouldn't come out as she's watching a wildlife show.
****** bunnings changed the sizing of their pine boards. My keezer plans are in disarray, can't use 90x45s for filler. Might have to find a Clarke rubber or somefin that sell expaning foam.

Spewin. Fool. True story.

PS: got 2 sides cut larger than required. Would've to trim them down. Fukin life, end it. Get me another Heineken.
Yesterday some ******** neighbour up the street put out his overflowing recycling bin on the kerb. Lid up at about 38degrees. paper and milk bottles all over the street.
I get his son's homework on my driveway. He can't spell for ****.

Come to think of it I should've corrected the spelling and put it in his letterbox. Damn! Why do I only think of these things now?

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