First World Problems Thread

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Darn I forgot the cheese when I brought the beer over. Back to the fridge and another beer. ****
OT: Dude, I wanna start playing again. Where is the club/what days?
I play at ANU. There is no club there, we are just a bunch of guys who get together for social doubles. $10 to hire a court for an hour.

I have heard there is a decent competition set up down south though, somewhere in Tuggeranong.
Cool. I'm not competitive. Will ask my buddy at work where the ANU courts are. Have to find a racquet... Forgot mine in Brissy when I moved :(
See you there sometime. Do you guys just SMS around or something?
My favourite YouTube got deleted.
My cavalry in Age of Empires II HD need a kick up the arse. When I send them through an enemy's gate that has been conveniently opened by some dumb villager, the cavalry go the opposite way, wheel around in a poncy formation and only then rush the gate, by which time it's closed again.

Started on a job today, as a hired hand, and there was suposed to be a third person to help. Basically the job is cabling in a full security system for our shiny new BCF. Its a priick of a job. Some company in Sydney are the subbies.

Bloke turned up fom Sydney late this arvo.

He has a brocken ******* thumb
It keeps raining and I have to brew out side. The only days in the last few weeks it hasn't rained I've been at work...
My kids have too many toys and they can't decide what to do.

Poor little blighters.
I ran out of the Coles $5 mince that I feed the wild birds on, and had to give them pork and veal mince instead.
Yeah, but he has to decide whether in the fan-forced oven or wood-fired pizza oven? That sucks.
****. Sorry, PK. I swear I didn't know.

My thoughts are with you.