First World Problems Thread

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I just ironed a shirt for my wife, itsn't that her job?
Ducatiboy stu said:
Don't drop it in the bowl
Isn't that what it is for?

Oh, you mean the phone.
Took me 2 days to figure out how to turn on the Foxtel in my motel.
Tropical_Brews said:
War Games but will the North kick the first goal. If I lived in Japan I might be thinking on moving.
bum said:
The US has significant presence in South Korea. If the North tried to launch anything the US would have it grounded before it left their borders.
Airgead said:
Problem with Korea (and probably the only reason the US hasn't kicked something off to date) is that Seoul is only a few K from the border. Well within artillery range and the North have literally thousands of rockets and guns trained on Seoul with the stated aim (and capacity) to reduce the whole place to rubble within a few minutes. Not many countermeasures for massed artillery like that. Patriot missiles are fine against occasional missiles but not against millions of BM11 rockets and shells.

Liam_snorkel said:
bum said:
Yeah, sure. I was referring to nukes as I assumed this was T_B's concern.I'd reckon the +25K members of the various US militaries being stationed there may act as something of a deterrent, though.
spog said:
beggers belief how they make such threats,threaten other countries etc.(obviously have a problem with reality) maybe the people are too afraid to speak out as they would be shot.just another f,wit who will kill just to prove a point, .cheers..spog...
WarmBeer said:
It's cause he's wonely. So, so wonely...

Went to buy some 12 grain multigrain bread from the supermarket, got it home and it's only the 9 grain one.
It was hard work figuring out what can and cannot be purely microwave cooked in woollies.
that's assuming they will let you take a microwave in and start cooking stuff
Touché. Motel living at its best.

btw, seriously looking for a room in Canberra.
brentice said:
i havent made a brew in 28 days. Its becoming a problem
I havnt brewed since Feb! Getting a bit ansty tbh.

Moving house sucks balls too, buggered if i could ever be a painter for a living. Cutting in paint is the most annoying thing ever.
I haven't brewed since Sunday.

The larger Coles stores do a good range of fresh Indian and Italian in trays you can microwave - I lived on them when I stayed at the Y in Sydney.
Discounting a fwk fermented, not since September last year.
Florian said:
I win, it's been January here...
:eek: A cry for help if ever there was one.
Get over here Thursday arvo.
PVR users who try to skip forward to bypass commercials when they are on live TV.

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