Fermenting Kit Beer At Around 25 Degrees

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You were happy with your right hand for 20 odd years too ... till you tried the real thing. Probably.

EDIT: :lol: :D :D

Straight to the pool room with that one NickJD. :lol:
as said get 2-3 fermenters, its easy you can pump out 2 batchs a week with 3 fermenters. I have 2 fermenting and one CC when I bottle do another batch and one of the other beers is finished and goes in the fridge to CC then that gets bottled and the 3rd ones finished and goes in the fridge to CC and so forth
What? Working out how to make poor practice tolerable?
bum...please tell me how maximising efficiency is poor practice. Let's be clear, I'm not championing the OP, I'm not suggesting that a toohey's kit fermenting at 25C is good practice, we're three pages in now and plenty of new ideas have been raised so let go of your pride and personal issues with OP and contribute something worthwhile. I can see you're a grumpy fucker, get over it and learn/teach us something useful
Nothing to do with pride, jakub. How has jamieh's monumental ignorance got anything to do with me and my self-perception? Read through his early posts, you'll see me answering many similar basic questions for the guy, trying my best to help him out even though he was the same cretin then as now. Your suggestion that making a starter will offset high ferment temps is stupid - that is what I questioned. Sure, correct pitching rates will offset many flaws in a beer but not ones created by ABUSING the yeast by roasting them through a ferment.

Do you think so ?

Very much so. Read the threads linked.

That's it, you have lost all credibility now.

Is that a fact, boobie?

[EDIT: typo and formatting]
Your suggestion that making a starter will offset high ferment temps is stupid
read the post, bum. I was suggesting a method for quick turn-around/increased time efficiency...note I said pitch at 18C, is that roasting?
stupid, moron, monumental ignorance
dude, maybe sit the next round out - perhaps a water instead of your angry-juice
jamieh's monumental ignorance

This forum is full of so much hatred.

The dude just wants to know if he can brew a beer quicker at 25 degrees. The answer is yes. He'll be doing a brew that most likely over half of all aussie home 'brewers' are doing. Let him go for it. It wont kill him.

Some words from jamieh would be cool right now.
just reading some of his posts he does have 2 fermenters so with them and maybe a bunnings water drum he could brew better beer without making off flavors. Build a fermenting cupboard if you cant hold 2 fermenters in your fridge and set it up with a light in (wont need cooling for ales this time of year) and then use a fridge to CC the 3rd fermenter is not that hard and cost bugger all if you already have the temp controller.

Edit: if you make 25lt batches you get 30-32 longnecks after hydro readings and yeast cake so to drink 60 stubbies a week I think you may have to look at rehab not how to brew faster.
dude, maybe sit the next round out - perhaps a water instead of your angry-juice

Seems like you have been asked to leave, Bum. Liberty always has it's price.

jakub76, you're just pickin' fights now.
no I'm not asking anyone to leave, just to be constructive that's all. boobie you're the shit stirrer :) you get that apartment brew setup or any Hoisin Duck?
Seems like you have been asked to leave, Bum. Liberty always has it's price.

jakub76, you're just pickin' fights now.
read the post, bum. I was suggesting a method for quick turn-around/increased time efficiency...note I said pitch at 18C, is that roasting?

I did read the post. I especially read the bit you're trying to pretend didn't happen now. The bit where you encourage noobs to ferment at 24degC. I don't care if you preface the statement with "I've been led to believe most nasty stuff happens in the first 20 minutes". Fact is that (unless your tastebuds are at the wrong end of your digestive tract) fermenting at 24C with a supermarket kit yeast will throw off flavours and your (supposedly hypothetical) point (removed from the context of the thread) actually constitutes bad advice for future new kit brewers who may stumble upon this thread who search for the answer to this question instead of just asking it like jamieh did (yet again).

And for the record, I'm a happy drunk. Dumb fucks annoy me just as badly when I'm sober (and jamieh can sit this round out).
I'm a happy drunk. Dumb fucks annoy me just as badly when I'm sober (and jamieh can sit this round out).

To join you in the gallery of peer banishment.

A psychologist might ask you to look into a mirror.

And then imagine yourself wearing a red rubber bow-tie that squirts Southern Comfort into the eyes of your own reflection.

jamieh is just a young Bum. Let 'em play with their goo and their powders.
Like I say, I deny no one their goo and powders. I wish nothing but happy drinking for them and their mates.

Jamieh needs a smack. Pretty sure that most here would suggest the fact that manticle gave him one is proof enough of that.
Jamieh <i>needs</i> a smack.

We can just keep quoting your hatred.

Or is that a Michael Jackson song?

Pretty sure that most here would suggest the fact that manticle gave him one is proof enough of that.

Completely quoted out of context, but..... you and your buddy gave him one of WHAT ? It sounds dirty & greasy. Are you and Manticle part of the same group of thugs ?
Boobie, put your bra back on. You're picking the wrong bloke for AG snobbery. I've done one proper 3V Ag brew.

He is a cock. You're getting there.
Boobie, put your bra back on. You're picking the wrong bloke for AG snobbery. I've done one proper 3V Ag brew.

Bully for you.

I am blessed with a natural perkiness, but thanks for your sexist comment.

Look, I just think that your comments about jamieh are tantamount to internet bullying. If pressed for an opinion on the OP, I would maybe say that he seems to be a dickhead, not just for his question, but his desire to make a beer that's going to suck. Oh yea, and his girly response. And yes, I have recently looked at his other posts/topic starters, and FFS. He's one lazy ****... when it comes to sourcing information. I'm not saying any of that though... but if I was asked to...... that's sort of what I would say.

But his question is "can I do it".

Yes he can. And he might like it.

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