troywhite said:
Really? Is this guy a regular at the Rockingham Swap Meet / Markets?
If so where do I find this mystical place and purveyor of cheap pails.
Unfortunatelly, It doesn't appear that he is a regular, I've only seen him once since. I will be back there tomorrow(Sun). If I see him, I'll grab his details for you. I believe that some of these swap meet people move around from week to week, like Rocko this week, Freo next week, Waneroo the next, back to Rocko the one after etc etc.
Don't forget there's no tap hole in these pails, so racking only, and they are white plastic, not translucent.
If your willing to chance him being there this weekend, the markets are in a big carpark behind the row of shops/restaraunts on the Rockingham beachfront. If you see a highrise hotel under construction(Nautilus), yer in the right spot. Actually, there's two being built, you want the westernmost one.
If you come down the freeway south, turn right at the Thomas Road offramp(head west), drive to the very end of Thomas, turn left onto Paterson Road(now heading south) and stay on this road 'till you hit water! The last 50ish metres of Patterson is actually Railway Parade, full of angled parking, if your lucky. Oh, and if you see a sodastream at the market and your chasing one, bugger off, It's mine!!

BTW, this is a different person to the one I'm hunting down for Jason, who has mysteriously disappeared!, used to be there every weekend.
Fingerlickin, Menzels is here in WA too, or were, not sure if they're still around? Clarke rubber also sold lotsa plastic stuff, dunno about buckets/pails tho.