Favourite Brewing Tunes

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Beer Guy

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What tunes get your beer mojo flowing on brew day? I like to play my beers some Floyd during primary ferment. After all it works on plants yeast is a fungus which is sort of planty.

cheers and hope I'm not the only one beers
What tunes get your beer mojo flowing on brew day? I like to play my beers some Floyd during primary ferment. After all it works on plants yeast is a fungus which is sort of planty.

cheers and hope I'm not the only one beers

I brew on Sunday. Last time I played religious rock - The Angels & The Choirboys.

This week I'm using my Wyeast Bavarian Lager yeast and putting down a germanic style beer so will probably go the german classics. Led Zeppelin.
If brewing on a Sunday I tend to listen to Blue Juice on 3PBS FM which is a Melbourne public radio station that plays old roots, blues and ska.
...You only have to ask any of the Canberra Brewers about Cougar's Metal mash music....i have influenced a whole club with this pointless but necessary mash routine.... :super: ....energizes the enzymes for a proper conversion....
I normally end up brewing on Sundays or in the middle of the night so it's either JJJ with Roy & HG in the background or nothing as I don't want to keep next door awake and I make enough noise as it is.

I must admit the times when I use the Urn as a kettle rather than a pot and a NASA make for a nice serene relaxing time to reflect on all things good about brewing and life, whilst enjoying the smell of hops boiling in the wort.
Kruder and Dorfmeister - K & D Sessions
If brewing on a Sunday I tend to listen to Blue Juice on 3PBS FM which is a Melbourne public radio station that plays old roots, blues and ska.

:lol: Hey Devo. Good to see they're (PBS) are still going. Used to love their Saturday night reggae show in the late 80s. The DJ would constantly ask for donations. If you gave one he'd attempt to play a request. B)

My music of choice is obvious. Though my fuel of choice from the 80s has changed :D

Warren -

PBS usually has a good selection of blues, jazz, bluegrass and reggae to listen and play guitar along to on a saturday/sunday. good stuff while smelling that mash and sacraficing a few virgins to apease the beer gods.

Warren, must be an early moening session that shane is enjoying there. G&T's are his morning drink from memory.?
you cant listen to pogues, for the early morning brews... get to tempted to drain a keg.

My Garage brewing music is dictated by what i have on minidisc (which were all burnt around 2000, need to do some new stuff)
Tool - Aenima, gets the most runs.
God Damn that Face is scary Warren! looks like Rook a bit innit.

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