Favorite slab for under a pinapple

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Hooten Dutch lager for around 34
Virtually identical to Dutch brewed Heineken.
From liquorstax outlets. Oettinger is crap nowadays, Henninger from BWS is better.
There are times when it's great to sit back with a few chilled green ones as opposed to a mug of ale.
There are some classic knock offs at Aldi. Stella, Boags, a wit (cant remember the label they're ripping off there) and one called Ark.
The Ark was pretty good as a bland fizzy lager that you need when its hot and you are due to have a few.
$24 IIRC.
They actually sell Leffe Blonde for >$60
Bribie G said:
Hooten Dutch lager for around 34
Virtually identical to Dutch brewed Heineken.
From liquorstax outlets. Oettinger is crap nowadays, Henninger from BWS is better.
There are times when it's great to sit back with a few chilled green ones as opposed to a mug of ale.
Yep, Henningrenades are a good cheap lager. Forgot about that one!
Coopers Mild for me as well @ $37:00 a slab,and having the 10 cent deposit on them comes in handy when cashing them in.
kalbarluke said:
I live in a rural area so I'm not exactly spoiled for choice. Sometimes we get Asahi for $50. That's okay.
Lately I've been buying Coopers Mild ($36 or so).
Flame suit on: I used to like the Pure Blonde 'naked' (mid strength) if there was only swill on offer. Now they are just called 'pure blonde mid' or something and they don't taste the same.
are you still nuding it up when drinking the newer version? not many things are the same with ur clothes on eh
For an extra $5 beyond a pineapple I occasionally splurge on a case of some Leffe Blone or Brown from my local.
mckenry said:
That should be <$60
They do. I thought it was a special, but it's been a few months now. I'm sure i've jinxed myself now though...
Coopers Green
Abbotsford invalid stout
DAB but its gone up to $54.95

Apparently invalid stout is one of the few CUB products thats all grain, no adjuncts.
ben-burd said:
What's your favorite carton of beer for under a pinapple ($50) yes we all like the fancy craft beers but whats your go to cheaper alternative

Mine is coopers pale ale being a south aussie its hard to go past.
yeah pale ale buts thats easy to beat with home brewing. Even if you just brew the can version.
Home brew ingredients price as low as $7.00 a slab! for me.
What are you guys doing paying $50 a slab for lesser/ordinary flavors? :)
I wish I could brew every 2week but wife and kids are selfish like that. I'm slowly teaching my 2.5 year old how to brew. He can't count enough to weight the grains but he's almost there.
kalbarluke said:
Sometimes we get Asahi for $50.
Asahi stubbies are ****. The label has "Fully Imported" all over it, but actually they are brewed under licence in Beijing! Might be allright if they were actually brewed in Japan, but they are not.
kalbarluke said:
Lately I've been buying Coopers Mild ($36 or so).
Yeah, that's pretty decent, and you can get cans. Good for camping.