Fat Arse South Australian Judges

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i am really pissed off at the moment, just heard that the courts here in south australia have deemed the anti bikie laws here are illegal, what the hell goes through their bloody heads, SHIT AND LOTS OF IT, we have a bloody good police force here in this state who are busting their guts to clean our state up and make it a safe place to live, they risk their lives for this state , then for whatever shit is going through the judges heads here in this state they have the audacity to declare the anti bikie laws unfair and illegal, we are talking about CRIMinals here you dickheads, who cares if its unfair to them, THEY ARE BLOODY CRIMINALS, its this sort of stupidity by our court system here that really spells out what a bunch of fat ars wankers we have here running the state, lets hope the next person that is shot, bashed up, forced onto drugs, or whatever it is turns out to be one of our precious judges family members.
i am really pissed off at the moment, just heard that the courts here in south australia have deemed the anti bikie laws here are illegal, what the hell goes through their bloody heads, SHIT AND LOTS OF IT, we have a bloody good police force here in this state who are busting their guts to clean our state up and make it a safe place to live, they risk their lives for this state , then for whatever shit is going through the judges heads here in this state they have the audacity to declare the anti bikie laws unfair and illegal, we are talking about CRIMinals here you dickheads, who cares if its unfair to them, THEY ARE BLOODY CRIMINALS, its this sort of stupidity by our court system here that really spells out what a bunch of fat ars wankers we have here running the state, lets hope the next person that is shot, bashed up, forced onto drugs, or whatever it is turns out to be one of our precious judges family members.

I think if they did deem it legal, they would have family members beaten up...
lets hope the next person that is shot, bashed up, forced onto drugs, or whatever it is turns out to be one of our precious judges family members.

Cant wish that on anyone mate.... :( I agree with what you have to say though about the Laws/Judges... <_<

:icon_cheers: CB
Ever considered that the poorly constructed (i.e. quickly, poorly written by politicians) laws could have resulted in making totally law abiding informal motorcycle clubs illegal? I.e. internet based riding clubs?

Imagine if they did the same for homebrew?

I'm not familiar with law in SA, but i'm presuming the activities carried out by outlaw bikie gangs is already illegal. Or is shooting people, bashing people and forcing people on to drugs perfectly legal in SA?

edit - Ignore me - just started reading the act. It doesn't actually specify motorcycle clubs. It's any organisation the attorney general determines to be criminal.
Those laws were crap in the first place....

I live not more than 300m from the site of the bombing earlier this year in Sydney, am I concerned for the welfare of myself and my family?


People need to realise it's not the "motorcycle clubs" that are the issue, it's the new young ones using the bikie tag as a cover for plain old criminal activity....
judges are like polititians, so out of touch with the average man on the street. I loathe them all.

Those laws were crap in the first place....

I live not more than 300m from the site of the bombing earlier this year in Sydney, am I concerned for the welfare of myself and my family?


People need to realise it's not the "motorcycle clubs" that are the issue, it's the new young ones using the bikie tag as a cover for plain old criminal activity....

oh okay pollux, so you dont remember innocent people getting caught up in bikies wild fire and being injured, how naive are you.so its only the young ones using the bikie name, and all the bikie gangs are innocent bystanders are they. hmm your not a lawyer or judge by any chance
edit - Ignore me - just started reading the act. It doesn't actually specify motorcycle clubs. It's any organisation the attorney general determines to be criminal.

If this is the case then it shouldn't have gotten up. That's bullshit.
oh okay pollux, so you dont remember innocent people getting caught up in bikies wild fire and being injured, how naive are you.so its only the young ones using the bikie name, and all the bikie gangs are innocent bystanders are they. hmm your not a lawyer or judge by any chance

Oh, innocent people can get caught up, but the same stands for all forms of organised crime, I'm simply stating that compared to the general levels of danger in a place like Sydney, the presence of bikies so close is not high on my list of concerns.

And as I said, it's not "motorcycle gangs" that are the issue it's organised crime hiding under the tag that is, under these laws a group of retirees who meet twice a month to go on a cruise together on their Harleys could be unfairly targeted. Like most laws made these days, this was another one that was a knee jerk reaction and not properly planned.
There is an awful lot of very poorly drafted pieces of legislation.

Many of these come about from knee jerk reactions by pollies wanting to think they reflect to community concerns. Note how motorcycle groups are almost invariably described as "bikie gangs". Why not describe them as a "community of like minded motorcycle enthusiasts"?

As a result, the pollies don't clearly enunciate their intentions for the legislation, the legal drafters are forced to do it in a hurry, and the bills are not properly checked before they go to parliament to get shoved through in a hurry with minimal or no debate.

I always have concerns about legislation where it is solely up to the minister's discretion to declare some activity or group as "illegal". As such legislation is so non-specific and potentially wide ranging, I can understand why the courts strike them down.

If the pollies have genuine specific concerns, they should ensure legislation is properly drafted, deals with a very specific issue, and is in line with the state's constitution. It is certainly possible to draft legislation to limit or prohibit association for criminal activities. But to give the minister the sole discretion to declare association of individuals or groups on the grounds of his or her pre-conceived prejudices is not what society should accept.

As has been mentioned above, existing criminal legislation already is able to deal with criminal activities, conspiracies, and association. We don't need more knee jerk legislation to deal with it.

No, I'm not a member of a motorcycle club, and I'm not involved in criminal activities.

As to the comments about judges, having worked extensively with the legal system before I retired, there were certainly instances where judges made decisions which were biased, pre-determined, or just plain wrong, but equally, there were many where the result was it it should have been.

Rant over. Flameproof suit on.
i am really pissed off at the moment, just heard that the courts here in south australia have deemed the anti bikie laws here are illegal, what the hell goes through their bloody heads, SHIT AND LOTS OF IT, we have a bloody good police force here in this state who are busting their guts to clean our state up and make it a safe place to live, they risk their lives for this state , then for whatever shit is going through the judges heads here in this state they have the audacity to declare the anti bikie laws unfair and illegal, we are talking about CRIMinals here you dickheads, who cares if its unfair to them, THEY ARE BLOODY CRIMINALS, its this sort of stupidity by our court system here that really spells out what a bunch of fat ars wankers we have here running the state, lets hope the next person that is shot, bashed up, forced onto drugs, or whatever it is turns out to be one of our precious judges family members.

Fergi, this rant is a joke. Your arguments are a joke. You have no idea what you are talking about and are simply throwing shit in the hope it hits a target. Wisen up and join the real world when you are ready.

In the meantime I'll go read the beer & brewing related topics this forum is here for.
This sounds like a speech from one of the 'average Joes' on Today Tonight.
i am not going to get into a slanging match with every person who disagrees with my comments,but its interesting that most of those who disagree with me come from probably the most backward and corrupt state in australia. thats the last comment i will make on this subject too .
Wow... define irony: Someone from SA calling NSW backward... :blink:
i am not going to get into a slanging match with every person who disagrees with my comments,but its interesting that most of those who disagree with me come from probably the most backward and corrupt state in australia. thats the last comment i will make on this subject too .

What a masterful stroke of rational debate that was.

Well done!
Poorly drafted or not, 98% of the population know who these laws are targeted at.
To suggest that retirees who go out biking once a month might be targeted by them is ridiculous. It's the 1%ers who go out in gangs looking threatening with club colours and behaving illegally we should all be worried about, we all know who they are and judges just don't like it when someone other than themselves make the rules, and like to flex their own legal muscle every now and then just to throw a spanner in the works. Frankly there are far more serious cases of badly drafted legislation that need to be remedied in all jurisdictions, not just SA before people get on their high horse about these laws

NSW does seem to have its fair share of dodgy goings on over the years, fergi has a point. As a NSWelshman I am not proud of that, but neither can I deny it.
They were still pointless laws that really served no purpose beyond vote buying.....
Thank God for consititutions, no matter how flawed they may be.

Id much prefer to suffer too little law than to suffer the tyranny of the mob...