facebook - blocking

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Beer Sloth
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can you stop someone posting on your homepage without cutting them off completely.
dont want to offend by not being friend anymore but am getting ***** with all the crap
that is being posted on my home page ie. - horoscopes, likeing crap, help with puzzles ,
pictures of rubbish, take this challenge to test your iq and so on...
Just block them, they wont know.

You can check on their page if you still want to keep up with their 'happenings'...

Or, next time you get a notification, in the top corner of the notification, drop down and choose no longer receive of this type or something like that...

Not a big FB person but yes, there is ways.
cool, thanks cocko, i tried the restricting tab a few days ago, but this didnt work,
on the drop down on notification it had 'hide', with a heap of other functions.
hopefully this does the trick..
Or try this, if you hold the mouse pointer over their name it comes up with a little profile thingy, move the mouse to friends, then remove the click on "Show in newsfeed".
I elect to sidestep the whole hornet's nest of social awkwardness and simply block facebook altogether.

edit [edit]
My pet hates, invites to play stupid Facebook games, status updates of quotes shared among 50,000000 posters, updates saying I "like" a retailer I have never heard of.

oh, and Facebook
I get a real kick out of marking posts as spam, particularly sponsored posts.

for instance this morning:

"Northlane posted and Soundwave"
[video of them playing at Soundwave]

curiously I clicked. Gayest thing ever. Reported.
says Dave who is on a social media forum solely dedicated to brewing. :lol: But really FB is a useful tool and if used right is great. As with most useful things though people find a way to abuse it especially the one making money off it :rolleyes:
Click "Start", then "Run...". Type this into the run box:
notepad %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Add the following line to the bottom of the file: www.facebook.com

Save and exit.

No more Facebook. Everybody wins.
I hopped out because of all the spam

miss those that I wanted

but when a friend of a friend of a friend wants to be a friend

no thanks
bruce86 said:
says Dave who is on a social media forum solely dedicated to brewing. :lol: But really FB is a useful tool and if used right is great. As with most useful things though people find a way to abuse it especially the one making money off it :rolleyes:
Pointing out irony is a form of cyber bullying you know.