Extract Advice/suggestions

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Hi all please excuse newbi questions in advance.
Firstly i am moving slowly towards extract brewing with the aim to try all grain.
I have just aquired a 50L brew pot so i can now do large boils.
after required boil my plan was to transfer to a cube (no chill plate yet) how is that so far? Ill list what ingrediants ive gathered if i know im on the right track and get feedback on that later.. thanks heaps for all the help so far...
Sounds like a plan. I assume you're all over the thinking that most brewers adhere to that you should minimise splashing when you transfer from your kettle to your cube? That grey area aside no issues there to my mind.
The only major problem I see is that you have already come too far to go back. Homebrewing can be a debilitating condition in which several other areas of your life inevitably suffer.
Especially when you move into extract, then partial, then AG. It is all consuming and makes focussing on non-brewing aspects of existance virtually impossible.

But you get used to it :icon_cheers:

I'm jealous of your 50L pot, have fun!
Thanks for the speedy responses seems like im on the right track. Yes fitted pick up tube, stainless ball valve, and silicon hose to transfer hot wort to cube.

Yes im allready way gone even had dream about brewing the other day i think im obbessed
The only major problem I see is that you have already come too far to go back. Homebrewing can be a debilitating condition in which several other areas of your life inevitably suffer.
Especially when you move into extract, then partial, then AG. It is all consuming and makes focussing on non-brewing aspects of existance virtually impossible.
Amen to that! I drove my wife crazy ages ago and my friends tend switch off more more...I find I'm constantly thinking of my next batch all through the day, I think there's a wort boiling in my brain....

Good luck with it zarth, you won't regret getting some freshness from specialty grains and hops. I'm checking out pots at the moment and think I'll go the no-chill option as well. Especially for double batches I can't be stuffed paying for, operating, storing and cleaning a chiller. I'm just mulling over the late hop additions and how they might have to change with no-chill. Thinking of trying a First Wort Hop addition or steeping hops before the boil for flavour. Anyway...happy brewing
MMM You never stop learning I didn't know that no chill method changes hops characteristics
I have LDME
Whirfloc tab
safale,notto, wyeast 1335-2035

Also pale crystal

looking to end up with 23l cube so Leave about 2L inc trub?

not really confident with beersmith etc just yet so any suggs most welcome...
Lots of different opitons there. Wanna give people some guide as to what you like?
Sure I am thinking along the lines of a James squire Sundown or anything pale with a fruity tang would be good.
I realise thats a bit vague but I generally like most good quality beer. Not real keen on extreemly bitter though...
If you're after suggestions you could make a great pale ale. This is a bit of a rough guide but I'd steep 300g of the crystal, when boiling add 3-3.5kg of the LDME, after it's settled down add about 20g of the cenntenial for bittering, after the hour add 40g of Amarillo (I'd add some a bit earlier if you were chilling straight away, maybe someone experienced with no-chill could advise?).
Sounds like you've got your equipment sorted, I'm jealous too! I've skimmed over steps in the recipe as I'm not sure if your familiar with the method or not but there's plenty of good threads on here about it.