Ever Had One Of Those Days?

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Ever had one of those days where you're working hard on a dreary day, getting nowhere then you get a text from your brother (who is on holidays on the other side of the country) "mmm going through the taps at little creatures brewery. had the single brown, sliding down 2 easy. rogers coming up" <_<
I've had it a few times. I don't forget it, either... :angry:
The worst thing I've found lately is that with widespread use of blackberry's and iphones, I get emails and MMS's with attached photos from mates in similar situations all the time. Last winter just about every one of my mates took it in turns to send me photo's of themselves snowboarding on weekdays to rub in the fact that I had to work... really bloody harsh if you ask me.
Yep, the BIL sent my a photo on my phone a few months ago, holding up a pint of LCPA at the brewery. *******
The worst thing I've found lately is that with widespread use of blackberry's and iphones, I get emails and MMS's with attached photos from mates in similar situations all the time. Last winter just about every one of my mates took it in turns to send me photo's of themselves snowboarding on weekdays to rub in the fact that I had to work... really bloody harsh if you ask me.
Could be worse! With the prevalence of cameras in phones these days, could be a photo of your mate doing something (someone?) completely different. :lol:
I was the ******* one day. I knew it was hot as hell in WA one day and my mate was slogging his guts out and was 3 hrs from finishing work and 2 hours from the closest bottle shop.
I sent him a phone pic of a glass of JSGA.
Needless to say, he has never forgiven me. But he says he would have done the same thing lol.
In case anyone is interested, the one off Brown ale is currently on tap at the Little Creature Beer Hall in Melbourne.
In case anyone is interested, the one off Brown ale is currently on tap at the Little Creature Beer Hall in Melbourne.

Very interested... might need to swing by sooner rather than later. Whats it like Doog?
one of those days - i've been having one of those weeks!

The boss (aka my dad) and mum are OS sending back reports of their trip each day via email. No pictures thankfully. Dad keeps talking about all the great brittish beers he is drinking.
Meanwhile I'm stuck in "sunny moorabbin" dealing with screaming builders, sick draftsmen, late sub contractors and riggers cancelling jobs! Plus to top it all off we had our worst ever workplace accident last thursday - tipped a scissor lift over onsite and smashed up a rigger pretty badly leaving him in the alfred for 5 days.
Yep life is f**king grand sometimes...

I think I need a holiday!
Have Worksafe paid you a visit yet?
Yeah mate worksafe & union officials were on the site within 45 minutes - site was shut down till tuesday morning.
Actually wasnt too bad for me. I got slapped with a prohibition notice on the machine - need to be inspected and signed off by an engineer to put it back in to opperation just to make sure the machine didnt sustain structural damage or damage that will affect its opperating safety.
Builder has copped it though. Realistically the incedent more than anything was a bit of opperator error combined with a bit of slackness on the builders behalf regarding keeping the slab clear. Unfortunately its resulted in a bloke being hospitalised.
He's a very lucky boy that he didnt do head or spinal injuries. At the end of the day he's going to be pretty sore for quite some time (cuts to his forearm, ass down his thigh, across his knee and 2 broken ribs and a broken shoulder) but his wife still has a husband and his kids still have a dad. Bloody lucky!
Shit yeah. Sounds like everyone was lucky really.
Unlucky that it happend yes. But pretty lucky he's alive and not dead or a vegitable concidering he was in a scissor with the platform elevated to 4mtrs when it went over, Hes also lucky the cleats which cut his thigh open didnt go through his skull. Also lucky was one of the other riggers working near by who was cutting off HD bolts - if the scissor had have gone the opposite way he would have been under it!
He was just moving the machine to unhook the chains off a column to release the crane then they were going to smoke-o. It only takes a split second...
Scary shit. Thank christ I'm only ever likely to use a scissor indoors on a very level surface.
Yeah, Scissor lifts have a pretty reasonable potential of being nasty. I'm more freaked out by those massive boomlifts/cherry pickers. It's just doesn't feel right when your in a cage that is high in the air and not even close to being above the base that is supporting you.
Just watch out going through doors andrew. One of the girls in the office at the company we hire all our access equipment from was telling me about a guy who was driving through a door way without looking where he was going (must have either been off with the fairies or looking the complete other way) with the platform up and crushed himself between the handrail and the door way!

Booms scare the shit out of me I have to admit. We've got 45ft knuckle booms - I get about 7 meters up to get on the service platform for our overhead cranes and shit bricks! The boys on site use them all the time and they go up over a wall back down the other side then swing the basket around. Pretty amazing stuff in reality. The 45 footers weigh in at about 8.5 tonne with a 5.5kVa generator with most of theat weight down low so they are fairly well counter balanced. I've got no idea how they go with the bigger 60footers and I dont even want to know about the big ******* 125 footers! or worse the thought of being out in a man box hanging off a tower crane pendant - YUCK! braver blokes than I do those jobs!

But as soon as you get off the ground things start getting risky straight away. We had a rigger who used to work for us (well dad - I was only in primary school) and back in about 1992 he was working about 5ft up off a ladder on site (he was working for someone else at this stage), gust of wind came through blew him off the ladder and he knocked his head put him in a coma. He was about 5 years on life support before they switched it off and he died leaving behind a family.
You never go to work not expecting to come home at the end of your shift.
I agree - so many dangers no matter where you are.

Fortunately I drive them in galleries and museums so the general expected speed is SLOW and being careful has an extra dimension - several million dollars of art may be on the wall. There's no tendency to hoon or show off or have anything to prove other than to show how not to break a Ming vase.

When I went for my licence I did see a guy nearly clothesline himself on a solid overhanging wall at Federation square which has ingrained itself in my memory.

As for boom lifts - I'm licensed to drive the smaller versions but the only time I've ever actually been in one is for the licence test and practice. I don't even know how to fasten the harness properly. One of my other workplaces has massive ones driving around constantly - my biggest fear in one would be trying to see far enough to make sure I didn't crush anyone else's foot.

I don't want to die at work. Can't think of a worse way to go (presuming I never contract ebola)
Thats why it's important to come home and enjoy a HB with the peeps you love!!

At the top of this thread, I was gonna say that My girl called me from Fiji, saying it was so hot that she had to put the air con on- whilist I, was freezing my arse off in 10 degree Melb weather gardening...... but now I don't think I feel it's appropriate. :(

In case anyone is interested, the one off Brown ale is currently on tap at the Little Creature Beer Hall in Melbourne.

Very nice. I may have been a little pissed when I tried it, but from memory nice and hoppy aroma and flavour that is very well balanced by a nice malty backbone. It has it's similarities to White Rabbit Dark Ale, just without that roasted flavour. A definite must though, great beer.

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