what's wrong with a little argument in a forum anyway?
I'm well aware that there is a level of debate surrounding certain subjects, and perhaps this subject is no exception. But there is however and extraordinary amount of BS floating around out the in Homebrew land that a homebrewer has to weed thru to get to the truth.
Unfortunatly these forums aren't full of Master Brewing experts, but ordinary guys with a passion for what they do and a thirst for good beer and good knowledge. If the purpose of these forums isn't for discussion and debate and sharing of ideas and new information, then what is it for?
Pumpy has bought to the table some information he has acquired from a television show. He has not hid the fact of where the information has come from, and has not passed on the information as fact, merely just as a piece of evidence that may be helpful to other homebrewers. Now maybe you choose to beleive that, or maybe you don't. Thats your decision.
I personally appreciate threads like this one, because it helps me to decide which ideas in HB'ing are real and which ones are BS. So if that means debate/arguments even about a fly crawling up the wall, imo, bring them on.
The 'no chiller' thread of recent as i recall was a huge collection of debate and argumentive comments, but it proved to be one of the most interesting threads i have read so far in this forum, and i'm sure it has proved in some way a construtive influence for many a homebrewer.
My point is, theres nothing wrong with 'constructive' argument in these threads, and if a person doesnt' like it then they a free not to participate.
Anyhow, no offense intended to you warren, but i just had to get that thought out.
I'll take a breathe now
ps. Batz your a stirrer