Don't I Feel Like an idiot

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I Drink VB
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Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, for the last 4-5 years I've been kegging and not knowing any different because I suppose I just never paid attention properly, BUT I've always had a little fight with the black quick connects for the kegs, nothing major, just alot harder to pull off then the liquid.

Today was meant to be a brew day, but yesterday I decided to go to Vans Warped Tour in Coffs Harbour, and well today because im a old man, my bodies screaming at me. Doing a bit of reading on carbonation levels instead and Oh Looky, what do we have here in pictures and writing,

'Make Sure Your Black Quick Connect Is on the liquid side', I thought WHAaaaaaaaaT????, So I jumped onto the craftbrewer sight to confirm with pictures and details..

Turns out this whole time kegging I've been using the black quick connects for my gas, and grey for the beer.
Oh, Hahahahahahha. Lordy Me.
Hahha, nope.

Just worked it out this morning reading around on this site, my keg fridge right now out in the shed currently has black as gas and grey as beer.

I've never really struggled that hard with the black taps to think they were on wrong.

I'll change them over whenever I can be buggered, for now their working perfectly.
Good on you for having the guts to admit your mistake. There are probably plenty of us who have done similar but wouldn't admit it.
B for black for beer
G for grey for gas

I can sympathise. Actually I'm feeling a right bollock myself at the moment... ah that's better... -_-
I was never shown and don't know anyone else personally with kegs, that and its always worked. So why think otherwise.

Its not like im not mechanically minded either, im a diesel mechanic / Auto Electrician / CSG process operator maintainer :p

But yes, I had to re-read, check craftbrewer then re-read, then go to my shed and check, YEP I've been doing it wrong for nearly 5 years, hahahhahahahaha. Goodo.

Black for Beer
Grey (or white) for Gas

I've had beer disconnects stuck on gas posts on the odd occasion when I've not paid attention, or am too drunk to notice....

Surprised you didn't have similar issues Shaunous!!
I did it once it took me half an hour to get it back off. The stainless ones are harder again to tell apart.

You are a legend for telling us :beerbang:

Not too many around who admit they work in CSG either. Bloke was telling me the other day he was carting some gear for em, stopped at a servo in Carroona or somewhere for breakfast and they refused to serve him becuase of his load. :ph34r:
Bribie G said:
B for black for beer
G for grey for gas

I can sympathise. Actually I'm feeling a right bollock myself at the moment... ah that's better... -_-
I also remember Grooved post is Gas.

Good on ya for owning up. We all have stupid moments. Just maybe not as extended as yours!

I bought a used corny and disconnects from kegking and thought I'd test the disconnects fitted before leaving the store. The keg was pressurised and sent a spray of stale syrup everywhere. You shoulda seen the look on Yuri's face!
NickB said:
Black for Beer
Grey (or white) for Gas
I've had beer disconnects stuck on gas posts on the odd occasion when I've not paid attention, or am too drunk to notice....
Surprised you didn't have similar issues Shaunous!!
Only had one black post get stuck, and it popped off after I turned it side to side and pulled up a coupla times, never used it since :)

punkin said:
I did it once it took me half an hour to get it back off. The stainless ones are harder again to tell apart.

You are a legend for telling us :beerbang:

Not too many around who admit they work in CSG either. Bloke was telling me the other day he was carting some gear for em, stopped at a servo in Carroona or somewhere for breakfast and they refused to serve him becuase of his load. :ph34r:
I've got 2 stainless ones that were given to me but I've never used them. Might give them a go.

Yeh I'm outa the industry just now, but ran the process and booster gas plants for Queensland Gas/Brittish Gas out near chinchilla, then worked in CSG construction in PNG.

Here's one for you people, It's Not As Bas As The Crazy Hippies Tell You. FACT!
I'm also a primary producer cattle farmer on land, I wish they come and knocked on my door. $$$$$
I did that for a few months when I started kegging. Had me stumped. Then I figured it out haha no problems since.
Just went out into the shed and tell ya what, the black connect seems to fit easier on the liquid side :p
Grey duct tape on the handle of the keg, black part, on the gas in side makes it idiot proof. Especially when jostling 3 keys in a commercial kegerator around and connecting it all up.
I like that the thread title was moderated to be more politically correct yet the term chosen to replace it also has its origins in describing a condition of disability and is similarly used as a derogatory term.

I also like your willingness to admit Shaunous - I've done some fairly stupid things myself over the years and it's worth laughing at yourself from time to time.
If ya can't laugh at yourself there's something wrong with you.

Yeh, calling myself a spastic wasn't allowed, but I'm allowed to be an idiot. Anyway, it's not my forum, I just play by the rules.
Sticks and stones as they say.

Liam_snorkel said:
Using keg lube too?
There is always time for lube :p
If you've been doing this for four years, you must have big muscles by now :)