To anyone who thinks depression isn't real, it is. Fortunately, I have never had to deal with it personally and, as such, honestly thought it was a crock of ****. Toughen up, shake it off, and get on with things was pretty much my line of thinking. That all changed a couple of years ago when two of my friends took their own lives within a short space of time. I couldn't understand why, particularly one who left a wife and two young boys behind. After talking to their close families, I discovered they both suffered from depression. I had no idea their outlook on life had become so bleak. The only ones that knew were their very closest family members.
I can not imagine why or how things got that bad for them and don't pretend to. What I do know is my attitude to this illness has changed. I have since managed to notice the early signs in another friend who was having a rough time at home and work. I just suggested he come around home have a beer and talk it out. He has since told me that's all he needed, someone to listen, but didn't know how to ask.
Another mate has recently seperated and, thankfully, he is a bit more forth coming in asking for help. He knows if it's getting too much, he can lob at my joint for as long as he likes. I live on 50 acres, so I think he likes the fact that if he doesn't want to see anyone much, he doesn't have to.
So my advice is to those who aren't suffering themselves, but suspect a mate is. Just ask if they're ok or if they need to talk. Maybe they are ok which is fantastic. But maybe they're not, and are hoping like hell someone asks as they don't know how to ask themselves.