I can equate with a lot said here.
My demons are similar, but different - PTSD.
Just in case some folks have wondered why I suddenly stopped brewing 10 years ago & why it's taken me so long to get back into it, well, now you have your answer.
I bottled-up stuff from the past & didn't deal with it. Then, a bomb went-off in my head & I basically withdrew from everything & everyone. Drank myself into a stupor every day for a few months (I don't think I was ever sober, plus the dope). Contemplated topping myself (absolutely ANYTHING to stop the "replays") & decided that fighting (to the) death was better than giving-in to it.
Wild, raging anger, then seconds later bawling my brains-out. I called it having a "brain-snap". I used to listen to Motorhead & Pennywise to calm-down.
I was put on meds for awhile, but I felt so dull & lifeless, I stopped taking them. That, for me, was a good move.
'Still struggle with it occasionally, 'still drink heavily.
Still alive.