Cracking Grain ?

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This may be a stupid question

What is the best way to crack grain ? At the moment I am using a small mortar and pestle

I am only cracking about 200 grams at a time but this is hard work because you can only do small amounts at a time is there a easier way to do this

I don't want to have to shell out for an expensive piece of equipment to do such a small amount of grain
Buy it premilled from your supplier.
If you can't/don't want to buy it pre-milled maybe try the rolling pin method, just stick the grain in a spare pillow case or the likes. Not sure if it'd be any easier but I'd say you'd get it done quicker
Buy it premilled from your supplier.
I'm looking to start buying in bulk, or at least bulk buy some base malts. I've been getting everything pre milled, but I would want 25+kg milled. What would be cheap way to mill them? I can't justify the expense of one of those mega awesome mill master ones, but anything up to $100 would be ok. I know NickJD uses one of those little coffee grinders, but it could end up taking ages to mill the 5 or so kilos I usually use as they don't hold alot.
I use a Marga Mill, although a little more than $100 ($140) I got mine 2nd hand. Done my 1st AG a few weeks ago and crushed nearly 5kg of grain in less than 20 mins, could have done it quicker but there was no hurry. I can't justify falking out big bucks for snazzy big **** off mills
nathanR, for such small quantities something like a hammer, heavy rubber mallet or rolling pin would work.
At larger quantities something like a coffee grinder or even food processor could be worth a try. The kids gave me a cute coffee-cup set with a little wooden (manual) coffee grinder, leaves the coffee very course and would probably be ideal for grain.

Siborg, you're looking at bigger quantities again, a Carona mill or (2nd hand) Marga mill would come within your budget
If you dont care about how broken up the husk is and are popping it into some voil to steep anyway, gather it up into a clean tea towel and go apeshit on a brick wall with it! :icon_cheers:
Before picking up a monster mill (great value, IMO, and more than adequate for 99% of brewers, again IMO) I was getting pre-cracked, although once due to lack of planning I found myself wanting to crack about 250g of specialty grain. At the advise of the LHBS, I used a food processor.

DO NOT RECOMMEND. Half the grain was shredded, the other half was whole. It worked terribly.

@ Siborg. I did the maths recently, and at my brewing rate (which is low compared to most), buying base malts in 20kg+ lots and specialties in 2kg+ lots (i.e. the quantity break points at grain and grape), I would have a return on investment from the Monster Mill in around a year, 2 max. You gotta spend money to make money ;)
I'm looking to start buying in bulk, or at least bulk buy some base malts. I've been getting everything pre milled, but I would want 25+kg milled. What would be cheap way to mill them? I can't justify the expense of one of those mega awesome mill master ones, but anything up to $100 would be ok. I know NickJD uses one of those little coffee grinders, but it could end up taking ages to mill the 5 or so kilos I usually use as they don't hold alot.
Check and see if G&G still have the grain book thing happening. That's how I got my grain at a discount rate, and had it milled.

If you dont care about how broken up the husk is and are popping it into some voil to steep anyway, gather it up into a clean tea towel and go apeshit on a brick wall with it! :icon_cheers:
and then you dunk the bag, right? I think i've heard of this methodology... Brick in a bag or something. jk all you baggers...just kidding.
Check and see if G&G still have the grain book thing happening. That's how I got my grain at a discount rate, and had it milled.

Pretty sure they do, good idea that
I just put mine in a thickish plastic zip lock bag and roll it with a rolling pin, untill I can see that they're all cracked. As neither of the HBS here in Hobart will crack it for you, THBS in collins street just laughed at me and called me lazy.
My little coffee grinder does 1kg in a little over 2 minutes. I timed it.

I mainly do around 3kg (15-19L) batches, and it's getting pretty hot by the last 500g.

You'd want to be BIABing though because it grinds the grain to dust. I haven't noticed any bad flavours from the minced husks and get superb efficiency.

It finds wheat a little harder-going. IIRC it's ground over 70kg so far.
It finds wheat a little harder-going. IIRC it's ground over 70kg so far.

My drill would agree with you there! Same thing goes for rye. Both are like milling ball bearings. I once started to see smoke and quickly let go if the trigger. Saved my 27$ Ozito hammer drill! :lol:
Motor, even if it's from a drill. What do you use, 4*
Jeez you guys are lazy, earn those calories boys... hand crank it. (disclaimer: i handcrank, but luckily my 1st gen mashmaster monster eater is a ferrari of a mill)
Jeez you guys are lazy, earn those calories boys... hand crank it. (disclaimer: i handcrank, but luckily my 1st gen mashmaster monster eater is a ferrari of a mill)

Probably would be good for me, considering the amount I drink... gonna have a nice beer gut in 5 years, unless I get my act together! :icon_drunk:
Probably would be good for me, considering the amount I drink... gonna have a nice beer gut in 5 years, unless I get my act together! :icon_drunk:
less if you are kegging - I have evidence.

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