Coopers Vintage Ale - What Will It Be Like?

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Hey guys, I got given a bunch of vintage ale on my 18th and decided by the end of the night to save one for my 21st. It's a 2006 so out of interest, what do people think it will be like in 2010? I'm no connoisseur but I'm having a real hard time stopping myself from cracking it open right now.
How has it been stored?

Standing up at the bottom of a cupboard in my kitchen. No light, fairly constant temperature. Thinking about it now it would have been better off in the fridge wouldn't it? Bummer :(
If it hasn't seen light it might still be ok....

It's been a while since I've had a coopers vintage. I remembering it being quite "bananery".

As for what that one tastes like... There is only one way to find out.
I reckon itll be awesome.
Its been in a brown bottle in a cupboard all this time.
Cheers, lads. Got my fingers crossed, first time i've tried to age a beer. It was a nice brew when it was a year old, hoping it's even better now that 2010 is just around the corner.
I think DrSmurto keeps his till they're about 8, 9 or 10 years or so old.
You should be fine if it's been kept in the dark.
I kept a bottle of 2008 for the same reason, just to see. Was beautiful 6 months ago, wanna see how it'll compare in a few years.
Should be grand I reckon. I'd save it and have it as that first afternoon drink on your birthday, how good would that be hey?

- boingk
You can probably expect a little oxidation, but with the malt profile that oxidation develops as a rich porty flavour that is fantastic. I've noted this in a couple of aged ones, can't remember the years though.
That's the idea boingk, whether it's good, bad or average it'll be worth it just to hear the bottle open.
Bought a 6pack at xmas last year and plan to have one each year for the next 6 years.

Will do that for 2009 vintage as well.....but may leave the last bottle an extra couple of years just to see.
We normally do a bulk buy at work when they come out and grab a few cases each. I've only ever had them last max 2 years before they run out. At 2 years they are great. One of the gusy at work still has a 2004 I think. We keep lobbying him to bring it in for a group taste but he wont be in it.

From memory Willie Simpson did a story in the SMH a few years ago about a virtical taste test. Coopers sent him a bottle from each vintage to try. (what a perk !!). From memory they all tasted good so you shouls be in for a treat in 2010 !!! If you google you may find a copy of the story on line.
i have bought a carton each year since 2006. havnt had any for a while, i should get a few in the fridge and try out a few of them side by side. they do differ slightly, i remember sending an email to coopers and asking if the 07 was different to the 06, cos i thought the 07 had a bit more bitterness, and they confirmed it. my overall impressoin is they definatly benifit from age.

07 - Didnt care for
08 - nice

How 'young" did you drink the 07. I thought it was pretty ordinary when it was released, (a bit harsh), but after a year it was totally different. I think I drank the last one last xmas and it was really nice. Definately changed and improved with age.
Hey guys, I got given a bunch of vintage ale on my 18th and decided by the end of the night to save one for my 21st. It's a 2006 so out of interest, what do people think it will be like in 2010? I'm no connoisseur but I'm having a real hard time stopping myself from cracking it open right now.

Recently scored two, yes two cartons of the 1998 first batch. Was lovely. Store the beer like you would any wine that you want to age and reap the benefits later.


Very jealous. There's got to be a story behind that one. Where did you get it ??
Recently scored two, yes two cartons of the 1998 first batch. Was lovely. Store the beer like you would any wine that you want to age and reap the benefits later.


Wow - 11 years old! I wonder if it is the same stuff they are currently selling? The Coopers website says;

"Extra Strong Vintage Ale If fine wine were beer it would no doubt be Coopers Extra Strong Vintage Ale. This strong ale imparts rich full flavours that are suitable for maturation. Brewed with choice malts and an extended top fermentation, Coopers Extra Strong Vintage Ale will improve with age, becoming more interesting and complex in flavour for up to 18 months. The results are well worth the wait!"

I would have thought it unusual for the brewer themselves to say 18 months if it can cellar longer??
Pistolpatch gave me a 2000 vintage earlier this year :super: .
Twas brillig !!
No 'off' flavors from oxidation. Very complex.
Hmmm might have to grab one on the way home :)

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