Coopers Light Dry Malt

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Imbil Qld

I've recently renewed my interest in home brew. My first effort many, many years ago had an amazing resemblance to cat's urine, however it all seems much easier now with the various canned brews.

I was talking with my neighbour this morning and he gave me a can of Tooheys Classic Dark Ale and a packet of Coopers Light Dry Malt, both of which he's had for a few years. The malt has set into a solid block, rather than the original fine powder and hence my question. ... I assume the can will still be fine to use, but what about the malt? Would it be worth a try, or should I discard it and use dextrose, or would I be better off getting another packet of newer malt for a better result with this type of beer?
Thanks in anticipation.

The can could be crap as well, as malt extract does tend to get a twang if it's past date. For the price per pint of the finished beer, I'd just renew the lot - probably less than $20 at Big W.
Bribie G said:
The can could be crap as well, as malt extract does tend to get a twang if it's past date. For the price per pint of the finished beer, I'd just renew the lot - probably less than $20 at Big W.
You're probably right there. The can has a "use by" date of 24/2/14, so it's probably dodgy as well.

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