Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Think the cops and courts need to stop considering first offence for these youth bashings. It's either the first time they get caught or the start of more of the same once they get their slap on the wrist. Put some damn fear into them.
practicalfool said:
Think the cops and courts need to stop considering first offence for these youth bashings. It's either the first time they get caught or the start of more of the same once they get their slap on the wrist. Put some damn fear into them.
I confess to being a bleeding-heart liberal, but my compassion disappears for violent offenders, especially those acting with a pack mentality.
Maybe what the country needs is a gang of old blokes rife on the home brew to sort out corner thugs and drug dealers... The Beerdidos. It will be a 6% group and take the crack pipe from their trembling fingers and hand them a packet of yeast and a hydrometer. We could lobby parliament to have meetings not greater than 10 people in attendance and meet in backyard sheds full of taps and amber liquid. We could talk about ratios and use... Of hops... and consumption, in regards to cost... Of AG Vs kit and can. We could get some leather jackets made up with some beer swilling cartoon character, with a scull too and don't forget the Asian triad markings around the emblem, that's always cool to have.

Blokes that gang up on or just fight for the fun of it are cowards in my opinion. I have an every day carry, not that I have ever needed it, nor is it legal, but at 5'6" and not a big bloke it may get me out of **** one day. I have a family of 5 and would have no issues defending them if **** came to shove. It's stories like the above that has prompted me to teach the wife how to use a knife. Actual practice on pigs was a good starter for her and she will remember the lessons.
Pilchard said:
Blokes that gang up on or just fight for the fun of it are cowards in my opinion.
With you there
I have an every day carry, not that I have ever needed it, nor is it legal, but at 5'6" and not a big bloke it may get me out of **** one day. I have a family of 5 and would have no issues defending them if **** came to shove. It's stories like the above that has prompted me to teach the wife how to use a knife. Actual practice on pigs was a good starter for her and she will remember the lessons.
Whoa... just lost me.

What that sort of thing will do is end you up in jail if you ever have to use it. Self defense is allowable if you use reasonable force. Knives and guns are not considered reasonable and "going equipped" means the police assume you were looking for trouble. Bad juju.

As for the missus remembering the lessons... she won't. Either will you. I've been studying knife./sword/whatever fighting for 20 years. We train pretty hard but its all done with blunts and with safety gear and I know that the first time someone comes at me with intent with a live blade, all my training will go to **** and I'll be flailing around like an idiot.

Much better learning some martial art where you can train full contact. That way you can prepare.

Much better to not get into the situation in the first place. easier for me to say though as I'm a: male and b: 6'2".
That's why I love BJJ. 100% full force, right up until that moment everything starts going dark or your bones or ligaments are about to snap and you tap out. Reset. Start again.
******** jujitsu?
Why do people who work full time insist on coming to work when they are sick and infecting everyone else? Y Take the ******* day off. Keep your disease to yourselves you selfish pricks.
[edit: this was in response to Pilchard -- the subsequent replies were posted while I was writing this]

I tend to agree, sort of. I've been randomly attacked by groups and by armed individuals several times in my adult life (once in Aus, three times in the US). Couldn't walk for a month one time; got some nice facial scars another; pissed my pants another time after a ******** in a truck stopped in front of me while I was cycling and fired a rifle directly at me. (Interestingly, all those attacks were in ultra-conservative religious places...)

Each time I wished in retrospect that I'd had a gun, or superhuman martial arts skills or something. But I'm not convinced the outcome would have been more favorable, even though I'm well trained with firearms and am a good shot, coming from a military family who take that stuff very seriously. My sense is that, unless you're a trained soldier or a cop, the odds of something going even more wrong are pretty high if a gun appears.

Having said that, I doubt I'd hesitate if my family were being threatened and I happened to have a suitable weapon.
There's 80 people in my immediate workplace, we share a tea room, and there is a smaller room labeled "the quiet room" which could seat 15 or so...

So when I go to the quiet room and people are there talking all sort of smack in any variety of languages, it really does test my patience not to explode..

schrodinger said:
I tend to agree, sort of. I've been randomly attacked by groups and by armed individuals several times in my adult life (once in Aus, three times in the US). Couldn't walk for a month one time; got some nice facial scars another; pissed my pants another time after a ******** in a truck stopped in front of me while I was cycling and fired a rifle directly at me. (Interestingly, all those attacks were in ultra-conservative religious places...)
I would think more inevitable than interesting.

I'm sorry to hear of your troubles though, thats disgraceful.

I agree that having a weapon only increases the potential for a bad situation. I have no misconception about my fighting skills, I train for fitness, fun and the confidence that if I have no other option that I'll be better prepared than if I was untrained.

It's unfortunate, but you have to remember that people do carry weapons and some people are plain ******* crazy. I avoid physical confrontation at all costs outside of the gym.
manticle said:
******** jujitsu?
Why do people who work full time insist on coming to work when they are sick and infecting everyone else? Y Take the ******* day off. Keep your disease to yourselves you selfish pricks.
Yep that gets to me too.

Went into a Pub on Sunday arvo and there is a girl behind the bar with a raging fukin head cold.

I said to her, "why are you at work you should be home?"

and she says "I need the money"

needless to say I didn't have a beer there, I just went home ;)
I get casual staff doing if because it might be the difference between eating and not but when you get paid sick leave, all you are doing is negatively affecting everyone else's productivity.
And then throw the kids into the mix. Most of my sick leave is taken as carer's leave minding the kids as we don't have any other options atm. Problem is there's not much leave left when you get sick. So it really irks me when blokes come in, crook as a dog, doing the 'right' thing.
I used to always hate seeing sick kids at child care or kinder and think that's why my kids are always sick. But know I see that if I stayed home every time they had a runny nose I'd never go to work.
Screw today's cost of living, banks and ******* mortgages.
These knuckle draggers who bash people are a waste of oxygen,my eldest lad was bashed a while back for no reason.
The gutless pricks turned on him after he walked passed then king hit him,then sunk the boots in,the cops know who it was but nothing came of it.
Goons like them I guarantee will squeal like a bitch if the tables were turned .
StalkingWilbur said:
but you have to remember that people do carry weapons and some people are plain ******* crazy. I avoid physical confrontation at all costs outside of the gym.
Words of wisdom there.

We're only a few base pairs from our chimp cousins, and I reckon we're crazier by a long shot. You don't see chimps fire-bombing residential parts of Tokyo.

Have you ever seen chimps fighting in the wild and what they do to lesser apes?

Trust me, when they discover the secret of Man's red fire, we're all ******.
Fat Bastard said:
Fat Bastard, on 08 Jul 2014 - 5:52 PM, said:

Have you ever seen chimps fighting in the wild and what they do to lesser apes?

Trust me, when they discover the secret of Man's red fire, we're all ******.
This is one of my favourite things about nature and some of the sheltered city slickers I deal with who say things like "I could hurt a person before an animal" or "animals are innocent"


Our closest cousins think nothing of smashing the brains out of an opponent groups child to make a delicious meal, killer whales play with just about everything they eat.. the list goes on.