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Ducatiboy stu said:
What sort of vehicle..??.
Doubt tyres would have anything to do with cruise control
I bought a jeep. It's an old joke. That's why I'm also suspecting the oil change error. Next thing I'd be wanting an obd code reader!
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I service my diesel engine every 5k. and stick to the logbook with the rest of the vehicle.

Never worked on a jeep, but i know they do seem to love there sensors everywhere, cant help you out on that one P-Fool. If your paying someoen else to service your car, well yeh I can understand why you dont wanna do it so often. If you have the mechincal knowledge to homebrew you should be able to do a basic service on a jeep.
If your cruise drops out, especially over bumps, I'd be having a look at your brake light switch or a fault in your trailer brake wiring or even globes. Does pressing 'resume' reinstate it or do you have to press the 'on' button again?
Agree the Toyo 4.2l is indestructable and best engine they ever made.
Most modern diesels are serviced every 15000kms now and while not ideal its a selling point I guess. But you don't see them doing 500,000 on original engines thats for sure.
Biggest killer on common rails is water in fuel. Kills the pump and injectors quickly and costs a small fortune to replace.
I hate it when I double post about hating double post's only to discover the next morning that one of my double post's has been deleted.
My day is give me coffee......NOW...
I hate when you approach an intersection that has an extra slip lane at the lights, so 3 lanes. Some idiot decides to take pole position in the slip lane so hes not behind 6 cars in the middle or right lane but when the lights turn green he drives that slow that all the cars in the other lanes pass him anyway before the lane ends and he has to merge back in.

Or when there is a truck in every lane.

Also ********* on eastlink doing 90 in the right lane running beside another car in the middle lane also doing 90 and there is a line of cars a mile long all trying to get past.

Okay one more....

********* who merge onto a freeway along the entrance ramp at 60 kmph. You can see the traffic is doing 100 its an effing freeway FFS. Even worse is the idiot who gets to the end and stops waiting for a gap so he can get in.
warra48 said:
The thing that amazes me in my town is the huge number of idiots who are convinced you need to pull up to a browser on the same side as the fuel cap on their car. I've rocked up behind a queue of 7 or 8 cars waiting to get into the same browser, with the lane next to them totally empty. Do these dikkbrains not realise that the fuel hose will reach around their ****** little Daewoos, Kias or other crap oldies cars? I roll into the empty lane next to them, and I'm filled and paid up before they even move 2 or 3 spots up in their queue.
I did this at a Caltex servo and the attendant refused to turn the pump on saying it was dangerous and I had to park with my fuel filler on the same side. My car runs on diesel FFS not that it would be dangerous if it were unleaded anyway, the hose reaches.

At another Caltex servo they wouldnt let me use the fast flow diesel pump because my car isnt a truck and its for trucks only. (I have a Ford Ranger dual cab) Even though Ive filled up there plenty of times before with the fast flow.
Camo6 said:
But you don't see them doing 500,000 on original engines thats for sure.
Biggest killer on common rails is water in fuel. Kills the pump and injectors quickly and costs a small fortune to replace.
Still gets me why they dont have water traps from the factory.

15,000k is pushing the limit for any motor. Even v6 Commodoores will do 400k if done every 10,000. I bought my old work VY and it had 320k on it and ran like a dream and I put 250 hard kays on it with work. People bag aussie cars but thats cause they have there heads up their own arse.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Still gets me why they dont have water traps from the factory.

15,000k is pushing the limit for any motor. Even v6 Commodoores will do 400k if done every 10,000. I bought my old work VY and it had 320k on it and ran like a dream and I put 250 hard kays on it with work. People bag aussie cars but thats cause they have there heads up their own arse.
True Dat...
Camo6 said:
If your cruise drops out, especially over bumps, I'd be having a look at your brake light switch or a fault in your trailer brake wiring or even globes. Does pressing 'resume' reinstate it or do you have to press the 'on' button again?
Agree the Toyo 4.2l is indestructable and best engine they ever made.
Most modern diesels are serviced every 15000kms now and while not ideal its a selling point I guess. But you don't see them doing 500,000 on original engines thats for sure.
Biggest killer on common rails is water in fuel. Kills the pump and injectors quickly and costs a small fortune to replace.
Sorry you must have made a typo, you meant to say the Nissan Patrol 4.2t is the best engine ever made.... And why the *** they stopped it has everyone in the world bamboozled.... (Ok maybe for emmisions and fuel econ)

Modern engines are designed to beat an emission level, so they make tiny cheap engines, up the fuel pressure to something that'd cut a hole through titanium and call it the same horse power and torque as an engine twice its size, then recommend you service it every 10-15k with flash synthetic oil that is $70+ dollars for 5 litres, in comparson to good oil that is $70 for 10-20Litres.

If any of you out there have a new diesel engine, put a good quality water seperator in before the standard fuel filter. U will thank me later...
Know what I really hate? Knob ends who tailgate and flash their lights when I'm cruising at 110 and have pulled out to overtake a slower car. F you. I'm not flooring it to get past so you can get to your destination 30 seconds earlier. Learn some basic maths. If the limit is 110 and the journey is 1 hour, if you do 120 you save a whole 6 minutes (actually 5.4 minutes). Imaging that! A whole 5.4 minutes saved!. And if you do 140 its a whole 13.2 minutes saved! Amazing. What will I do with all that saved time?

You clearly must be a very important person with somewhere very important to go because your 5.4 minutes is obviously more important than the safety of every other road user

And these will be the same knob ends who get all uppity when for reasons like fog or driving rain, I choose, nay dare, to drive at below the posted speed limit as a personal insult to you and your oh so important schedule. Clearly the posted limit isn't a maximum but a minimum which we must never drop below.

Furthermore, these dribbling fools will then insist that "I am driving to my ability". No. You aren't. Did you know that 80% of drivers rate themselves as significantly above average? Think about that for a while. Worse, the more incompetent you are, the more likely you are to rate yourself highly. The incompetent are incapable of recognizing their own shortcomings. Actual good drivers tend to have a more realistic picture of their abilities. Even those people regularly involved in serious road incidents involving staggering levels of incompetence behind the wheel will still rate themselves as a well above average driver.

To you I say - grow up idiot.

At least I get the satisfaction of seeing you have to explain yourself to the nice man in the highway patrol car every so often as I cruise by.

Whew. that feels better.

+1 For after market water separator. And keep all fuel receipts incase you get a tankful of water. Ooh and never fill up while a tankers unloading, stirs up the water.
And did you mention the nissan 3.0l Shaunous? Didnt think so :p
I always enjoy making the 'phone hang up' signal with my hand (with the pinky being the mic and thumb being the speaker, lowered away from my ear and mouth) if I ever see people on their phones whilst driving.

Needless to say, this pisses people off a lot more than I ever imagined.

Gotta love that sweet taste of swearing and raised fingers on a frosty Monday morning.
Ducatiboy stu said:
15,000k is pushing the limit for any motor. Even v6 Commodoores will do 400k if done every 10,000. I bought my old work VY and it had 320k on it and ran like a dream and I put 250 hard kays on it with work. People bag aussie cars but thats cause they have there heads up their own arse.
I miss my old VP commodore. Most reliable car. I always serviced it myself every 10,000. When the odometer stopped working it was sitting on 386,000. I drove it for another 8 years. I would've got that old girl up to half a million easy I reckon. It went around Australia twice and survived me as a 22 year old moron.

When I sold her she was still running ok, but blowing a bit of smoke and had lost heaps of power. If I could get another one in mint condition I would be all over it.