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Yeah, if I'm sitting on the speed limit or a little above in the right hand lane and I'm moving faster than the traffic in the left lanes and you're tailgating me... You're gonna have a bad time.

People doing even 10km/h under speed limit in the right hand lane in normal driving conditions can **** right off though.
zappa said:
I can be a little aggressive too if the driver in far right lane is just there because he enjoys driving in the right lane, sitting at the same speed as the guy to his left and "wont bloody move for anyone". BUT... If I'm doing 103 in the right lane because the other lanes are sitting on or below 100 and someone tailgates me like this because they don't have the patience to wait a minute or two until I've got an opportunity to merge back into the left lane, I simply take my foot off the accelerator. Because the left lane is generally so congested, I'm sometimes down to 40k or less before the tailgater has a chance to get around me. Makes my drive far more enjoyable because I know the guy behind is probably so enraged that their intimidation has no effect on me! If it's dark, I just flip my rear view mirror up and carry on.
going 40km/h on a 100km/h highway is a good way to cause an accident.

tavas said:
So you have then :ph34r:
sorry for not introducing myself!
Haha. I had to edit that post three times. I've just come off night shift and flown home and am enjoying an Anderson Valley BA stout. I'm definitely not firing on all cylinders.
Airgead said:
Checked mine against 2 different GPS systems. Out by maybe 2%. Quality German engineering...

But furthermore. I really don't care anyway.

The max allowable error is only 10% and it has to be on the low side. Someone is going to tailgate me for 10%? Really? Because I might be doing 100 instead of 110? And your 6% - at 110 that might mean a difference of 6.6 (on the low side). OMG! I might only be doing 103.4! I'm losing 3.6 whole minutes every hour! Panic! Floor it!

That's me and plenty others if your fuking around on 80-90km/h and gas bagging to the passenger beside you. Trying to overtake someone doing this when your doing the speed limit, well Yeh, get fuked and wait.

Also u don't know what there speeding for, if you see them speed to pull off into a Macca's well yes there fukwits, but consider the guy taking his pregnant wife to hospital, or the guy who just received a call saying his dad's on his death bed in hospital, all within reason I suppose.

Just saying, don't judge as it may be u one day, but I cannot think of an excuse to drive slow in an overtaking Lane, my Hilux does no faster than 90km/h, and you'll never see me in that far right Lane.
Liam_snorkel said:
going 40km/h on a 100km/h highway is a good way to cause an accident.
Whereas driving a metre and a half behind someone while pressing the accelerator and yelling is the height of sensible driving?
manticle said:
Whereas driving a metre and a half behind someone while pressing the accelerator and yelling is the height of sensible driving?
U keep forgetting to mention the one you are following is driving under the speed limit in an overtaking Lane.

So yes, it's sensible, they might even learn to drive to the correct speed limit and not cop the abuse one day, but you know, it's hard to train idiots.
Slow down u 2, last time I hated on the Lycra wearing idiots I got thrown a few reports....
I'm really fond of the nervous kind of driver. When I glance back on hearing them approach and acknowledge them and nod to let them know I know they are there on a single lane road, ffs, that's a clear sign to pass. Motorists are getting better at that though. There was a time when I used to see people go into the oncoming lane to pass a bicycle.
Actually, I'll clarify since I know what a bunch of ******* sooks the the lycra crowd can be.
Got nothing against the sport per se, and there is indeed a push in my local area for drivers to 'share the road' and stop yelling c***s!! out the window at riders as drivers swerve to miss them as hiss along at a third of the speed limit, riding 3 or 4 abreast whilst having a chat.
Where are our manners?
shaunous said:
U keep forgetting to mention the one you are following is driving under the speed limit in an overtaking Lane.

So yes, it's sensible, they might even learn to drive to the correct speed limit and not cop the abuse one day, but you know, it's hard to train idiots.
If tailgating were entirely limited to people driving 10km below the speed limit in the right hand lane or overtaking lane wile obliviously chatting to their friend of either gender then I get the point (even while I still disagree) and I know that's the qualifier you have given.

However my experience of aggressive, imbecilic drivers who impatiently and blatantly attempt to intimidate other drivers who won't speed goes way beyond that and tailgating, whether or not the person in front is annoying you is ******* dangerous, stupid and unnecessary.

People do it on single lane roads, up mountains, even on suburban streets for ****'s sake. Maybe you only do it in the circumstances you've described but just as the speeder might have their special reasons for driving like a ******, so might the slightly slower driver have recently lost someone close in a car accident or simply be aware that the machine they are driving can easily kill and maim. Someone else's pregnant wife is no excuse to put my partner or someone else's kids in danger.

You've recently had a very unfortunate experience with just how deadly the things can be so I know you get that. There's no excuse for tailgating in my book and Airgead's breakdown of the time-saving makes it appear even stupider.
Dave70 said:
Actually, I'll clarify since I know what a bunch of ******* sooks the the lycra crowd can be.
Got nothing against the sport per se, and there is indeed a push in my local area for drivers to 'share the road' and stop yelling c***s!! out the window at riders as drivers swerve to miss them as hiss along at a third of the speed limit, riding 3 or 4 abreast whilst having a chat.
Where are our manners?
I'm far from a lycra clad anything and I despise the self righteous idiot bike riders who think they own the road but for every one of those, there's six others using a vehicle to get somewhere who are well aware that if there is a collision between them and a car, they will never, ever win.

Probably two or three times a day when riding a bike to work (obeying road rules, sticking to my lane, attempting to make eye contact with drivers, etc, etc) I come within inches of death or permanent disability because some jerk or jerkess wants to cut lanes without looking, open a car door without looking, swerve into a car park without looking or one of the many other things that should preferably involve looking so I can not die travelling to work.

For every one of them, there's six drivers who are aware and do attempt to share the space with riders and drivers alike.
manticle said:
the slightly slower driver have recently lost someone close in a car accident or simply be aware that the machine they are driving can easily kill and maim. Someone else's pregnant wife is no excuse to put my partner or someone else's kids in danger.
I remember driving my firstborn home from the hospital, mind still totally blown at my beautiful little girl in her capsule in the back of the car. I don't think I've ever driven more cautiously. I probably annoyed someone on that journey, not that I would have noticed.

I think part of the problem is in the way licences are handed out, in Victoria, you aren't taught to drive you are taught how to pass the test. Massive difference.
Liam_snorkel said:
going 40km/h on a 100km/h highway is a good way to cause an accident.
Sorry, but someone riding up my bum at over 100km/h is a far better way to cause an accident that's more likely to be fatal and involve more than two cars. Slowing to 40km/h over a minute or two might make the guy riding up my bum do something stupid. There's no braking involved. If someone hasn't noticed traffic slowing in front, they're not paying attention. If I braked hard to 40, that's another story. Tailgating causes accidents. Frequently.