Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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manticle said:
Whereas driving a metre and a half behind someone while pressing the accelerator and yelling is the height of sensible driving?
I never said it was. But if you slow down to 40km/h on a 100km/h highway it is like driving through a carpark at 60km/h in reverse. It is exceptionally dangerous and will involve every car behind you. In a traffic situation you WILL cause a traffic jam, and in virtually every traffic jam I drive past (multiple times a week, I highway commute 'against' the traffic) there is a rear ending, sometimes involving multiple cars.

I've driven past fatal crashes where the driver was just trying to avoid an obstacle. YOU would be that obstacle.

Now let's go back to the angry tailgater - at worst, only ONE other car (them) is involved if you have a crash. If you slow down to 40km/h, every car behind you becomes involved in your action of trying to prove a point.

So my advice to you would safely ignore the tailgater, and move to the left lane when you have the opportunity.
zappa said:
Sorry, but someone riding up my bum at over 100km/h is a far better way to cause an accident that's more likely to be fatal and involve more than two cars. Slowing to 40km/h over a minute or two might make the guy riding up my bum do something stupid. There's no braking involved. If someone hasn't noticed traffic slowing in front, they're not paying attention. If I braked hard to 40, that's another story. Tailgating causes accidents. Frequently.
you don't drive much do you? I do at least 1100km / week. I've seen some **** man. Drive safely, and don't react to someone tailgating by slowing down to a 60km/h differential speed to the dozens of cars behind you because that is ******* stupid.
Liam_snorkel said:
you don't drive much do you? I do at least 1100km / week. I've seen some **** man. Drive safely, and don't react to someone tailgating by slowing down to a 60km/h differential speed to the dozens of cars behind you because that is ******* stupid.
A lot of people don't drive as much as you and someone trying to lick your tail pipe regardless of the speed they are doing can make them very nervous, nervous drivers = accidents.
Not to mention tailgating is illegal.
Liam_snorkel said:
you don't drive much do you? I do at least 1100km / week. I've seen some **** man. Drive safely, and don't react to someone tailgating by slowing down to a 60km/h differential speed to the dozens of cars behind you because that is ******* stupid.
Well, I generally pull around 500km a week these days and it's nearing 30 years since I first got my license. I haven't caused an accident and I haven't had an accident. I like to keep my 3 second gap, I don't change lanes unecessarily, I don't speed up to close gaps between myself and the car in front, and I like to slow down and let people in when it's clear others are been an ass and trying to stop them from merging. I don't think enough people have respect or courtesy for others on the road these days.

Anyway, this is not something I do regularly. I generally do exactly as you suggest. However, if the guy behind me is been a complete *******, I will take my foot off the accelerator. They should have some ******* respect for others on the road and the deadly weapon they're comnandeering. You can't drive in the fast lane all the time and never expect to encounter slower traffic.
^ I'm sure you are a good driver, but I disagree that slowing down to 40km/h on a highway is "less" dangerous, but that isn't even the point. All that you'd achieve is making a bad situation worse. Master of ones own destiny and all that.

as you say, backing off the accelerator a bit, but staying (more or less) the same speed as the traffic flow is probably not such a big deal.
I was overtaking a few cars in a 100 zone, some time ago and this woman in a car behind me was right up my arse, she was also creeping out near the edge of the road, ****** if I know why, it's not like you can overtake by driving through bushes. Incredibly dangerous, totally unnecessary, (I was already exceeding the speed limit by overtaking) and when she did get the opportunity to overtake me she gave me the finger and was clearly abusing me. I just smiled and waved.

At least one of us was having a good day.........
Now off the subject of driving and bikes.

I hate home brewers who are to stuck up and think their to cool to drink mega swills and would rather 'not even have a beer if it isn't craft or Homebrew'. Wine in Australia has basically lost all its pompous/up its self type consumers, let's not make beer the next to take its place, just like u can get a real good $5 bottle of wine, u can get a decent tasting megaswill. And me being a camper and outdoorsy type of person would rather fill my engel to the brim with New, VB or XXXX gold tinnies, in which it fits 60 of I might add, then *** around with a 5l pressure pump converted into a keg, or a $100+ mini keg that u have to clean and sanitise later that holds less then a carton of tinnies, which let's face it, wouldn't get a single man to night time on our camping/fishing/hunting trips. I do get the bling factor of rocking up to a BBQ with a mini keg of your home made grog, but unless u only BBQ less often to rarely, it's a waste of time, money, beer and esky space.
shaunous said:
So is motoring in the right hand Lane with cars up your arse.

But we digress...
As long as they are "overtaking another vehicle" they are not breaking the law. Not sticking up for slowvertakers but there is alot worse things to get upset over.

Pricks and pricketts that flick their ash from the ciggies out the car windows **** me to tears. "Oh i am addicted to smoking and dont give a rats about anyone having smell the filthy ****, but I flick my ash and butts out the windows of my vehicle because I dont want my car to stink" . I have hopped out my car at the lights and handed back someone back the smoke butt they "dropped". Sorry mate this fell out of your car!
$8.99 goon bag from Aldi. **** yeah. Bogan and proud. Perfect for camping as it doubles as a pillow.
shaunous said:
So is motoring in the right hand Lane with cars up your arse.

But we digress...
As Brad pointed out, as long as they are overtaking another vehicle it's not illegal, tailgating on the other hand is always illegal.
How uncouth.

I never stooped lower than Gala Spumante. Less than $4 a bottle and was so easy to bring back up.