Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Before one goes throwing good money away, it would be a good idea to find out (once one has the information of the poster) whether he/she has the money to pay should he/she lose the law suit.
The strongest castle you can build around you is a castle made of."Nothing"
The guy who told me that, (an ex NAB bank manager) was caught out in a tax scam proved it was true when the ATO took him to court and got zilch
But for real, I read the review, it didn't even sound like they were a troll, just someone who had a **** experience with the business. It must have gotten under this guy's skin just because they had used an anonymous name for their google account. I don't even know anyone who uses their real name with a google account. Not everyone who uses the net anonymously is a troll or cyber criminal, some people just want to retain a bit of privacy.
Harvey Norman gets heaps of bad reviews, and has a revolving door at the small claims, but at least Gerry Harvey is smart enough to ignore the reviews and carry on building his empire.
It would be interesting to know the percentage of folk reading reviews, I would put my money on 'Not many'
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I didn't know you could turn them off either.
Taxes on Booze
Taxes on Gasoline
Taxes on Air
Taxes on Income

I hate taxes!
State sanctioned theft!

The whole WORLD is going crazy.
I miss the days when Common Sense ruled more often than not.
I miss the days when Common Sense ruled more often than not.
When was that exactly? I'm assuming your American so -
Bit like MAGA, begs the questions when was it last great, why did it stop being great, exactly what sort of great do you want back, I mean the 1950-60's were pretty great for WASP males with money, for a lot of people they sucked pretty seriously....
Income tax came in to replace Pole tax, a tax just for being alive. The Babylonians had alcohol tax so that's not new either.
The notion that "Common Sense" is pretty uncommon goes back at least as far as Aristotle
Mark Twain made a bit of a specialty of commenting on common sense, well worth reading.
Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here
I'm not really fond of right wing dicks, especially on beer forums.
So... you assume I'm american? You know what they say about that... Right?

Anyways, I'm not fond of Left Wing morons, so let's leave it at that. (I'm not "right wing")

Taxes are not a good thing. They are over used, misused, and abused.

Common sense... well, if you don't have any, you won't understand.

Here's one thought about USA and MAGA.
WASPs were not the only ones to benefit. But if they didn't benefit, then only the Elites would.
The ultra rich remain so because they are arrogant and selfish.
WASPs have the distinction of being the most generous people in the world.

MAGA.... Think about it for a moment. Slaves brought to America were treated far better than the slaves anywhere else in the world.
Even today, Slavery is practiced in numerous African/Arab countries... and they do NOT fare well.
What other country in the world is as popular as the USA was/is for immigration et al?
How many people do you hear about migrating to Socialist/Communist countries? or African countries?
There are not many places in the world where you can get as successful and wealthy as you want to be without the "Gov't" standing in your way.
the oft misquoted: “The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”
Using that as a benchmark, which do you believe are the top three nations?

There are examples of when idiots made rules for the rest of us, but there were more opportunities for common sense to prevail.

That is one of the main reasons "Western" culture has flourished. Common sense.
Freedom, Liberty, capitalism, interdispersed with personal responsibility has allowed MORE people to rise from poverty than any other ideologies. again, common sense.

Now, you may not agree with me, and you are free to have your opinions, and you are free to move to China to live in your utopia. But I'm sure, if you use what little common sense you may retain... you'll see the error of your ways.
OK, you're not really "American", as in USA, you're Canadian. Too darned cold most of the year.
Common sense has never ruled the yeast. Right from the off, the fall in the Garden of Eden didn't follow common sense, and it never got better after that.
Recorded history is littered with classic examples of lack of common sense.
And to put it in perspective, a slave is a slave, no matter how well treated they may be or have been in comparison.
As for the USA (if that's one of your top 3), there's not a lot of common sense being displayed (with exceptions) in dealing with the corona virus crisis. And how many of the poor from the slums there wouldn't want to be millionaires, but have absolutely no chance of making it out of their situation. I'd much rather be in Australia, where we at least have a reasonable (but not perfect) social support system. And we don't walk down the street here waiting to be gunned down at any moment by someone lacking common sense, or mentally deranged, or even by the finest, the cops, who shoot first and ask questions later.
Common sense, it disappeared from the first moment in recorded history, and hasn't made much of a comeback.
But if you are happy where you are, then all the best to you.
Common Sense... otherwise known as any opinion that agrees with your own opinions and biases.
Just a few points
"Anyways, I'm not fond of Left Wing morons, so let's leave it at that. (I'm not "right wing")"
Well to the right of where I'm standing old son.

"the oft misquoted: “The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.”
Using that as a benchmark, which do you believe are the top three nations?"

Be hard to pick three, would normally regard Canada very highly, one of the great social democracies. Doesn't mean I agree with everyone who lives there (or here for that matter). Very hard to measure a civilization one I have always liked is "the distance one puts between oneself and their feces"

"MAGA.... Think about it for a moment. Slaves brought to America were treated far better than the slaves anywhere else in the world"
An argument that we must be good because we weren't as bad as we could have been, sorry a step too far.

Yes I an aware of the irony of quoting Moynihan in my sig, mostly a bit of a right wing dick, but showed occasional flashes of brilliance.
I asked a very smart man (by my standards) a simple question, "do you have to be a lying, self absorbed piece of sht to become a politician, or does being a politician turn an otherwise decent person into a lying self absorbed piece of sht?"
He considered the question for quite some time then said "I think it's a bit of both, it doesn't much matter where the start line is, the finish line is always the same"
Admittedly there a few, a very few, that manage to retain their scruples, but they are few and far between, and it doesn't seem to matter too much which piece of dirt you occupy.
He considered the question for quite some time then said "I think it's a bit of both, it doesn't much matter where the start line is, the finish line is always the same"
Which is a good argument, IMHO, to limit the terms of politicians. Get rid of the "lifers", that by the time they get to parliament are already jaded and cynical from their time is student politics and working as staffers "earning" their right to hand picked pre-selection in a safe seat.

Politicians should be able to serve for more than a single term, but I don't think the electorate get any value from their 20th term.
I hate taxes!
Without tax the currency becomes worthless.

Governments with a sovereign currency create and destroy money in order to manage the economy. If you take away the ability to destroy money (taxes) it would limit their ability to create money for universal free health care (Medicare, in Australia), free public education, childcare rebates, maternity/paternity leave, aged pensions, disability pensions etc etc. All the things that make a society great.

I also miss the common sense of the old days.

In the old days people were proud to pay tax. It meant that you were contributing to society. The more successful you were, the more tax you paid, the higher your standing in society.

Australia took a turn for the worse when one particular high-profile businessman claimed "if anyone does not minimise their tax they need their heads read". Fair enough, for a personal opinion I guess. But that very same businessman was gifted a government paid funeral upon his death. And his lawyer, with an account in the Cayman Islands, ended up as PM.

Tell me something, incel...How do you contribute to Society if you choose not to pay tax?

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