Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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50 million partly because she moved from one part of the US to another ?
Fuckme whatd it cost if she moved to AUS,let alone a ding dong divorce.
50 million on top of what she is now worth ? 50 mil, I couldn't honestly spend that in a hundred lifetimes,is it me or do people not have a good grasp on reality?..................he he he, I think WE all know the answer.
Mattress said:
Womans Days scrupulous journalistic credentials notwithstanding, I cant see Packer being taken to the cleaners by some shrill, warbling, D grade actress.
'Glitter' Budget 22 million - Box office - 5.3 million..
Probably make her an offer (via his team of barristers) that she cant refuse, similar to the one he gave Kate Fischer - According to Womans Day.
Does James Packer. have any money of his own could be after half her money .
Couldn't decide where best to put this rant/post or should it be in another topic section ? , dunno.
Got the news today that Uncle Don passed, that's 6 deaths ( including the 16 yr old family dog) in the family this year, looking forward to NYE so I can a hearty two fingered salute to 2016.
So again dunno if this IS the right place, but Uncle Don was/ will always be a legend in my eyes.
A bloke who always walked tall with pride honour and respect which he gave over to all he met.
A Red Beret " Para" who jumped on D'Day June 1944 and told me a few hair raising stories.......faaaark.
Had a long life and to use " Para" language, had his final descent today passing at the ripe old age of 92.
A while back at the the age of 78 he was confronted in a shopping centre car park by a knife wielding scumbag who said " gimme ya wallet you old ****".
He he, 78 yr old ex Para drives away leaving the punk on the ground in pain...WIN.
Raised a BIG glass to him this arvo.
Society is much poorer for his passing. **** me if that bloke didn't have " IT".
I'll miss the man.
GrumpyPaul said:
Indeed Uncle Don sounds like a legend.
Would have loved to have heard some of his yarns.
So sorry for you loss.
Got a bit to do at the moment but stay tuned and I'll tell ya.
Let's get this right too, Mariah doesn't put out until she's married - she's got morales (apparently).

So that definitely makes her the highest paid 'stripper' in the world.

Both of them were perfect for each other.....both are farking good oxygen wasters.
Fuuuuuuuuuck me, sisters and mothers. Why can't you put your **** aside long enough to allow things to change. You know, if you stop beating each other up, the pain stops. And if you stop bashing yourself in the face with your resentment, the "bleeding" might just stop. ****. Now summer holidays have turned into the Let's Work **** Out game, instead of Let's Have Some Fun & Games. God dammit. This has been going on for so many years now it's like a zombie, dead of mind, but still shuffling along leaking fluids. Sigh.
Favourite sandy walking trail across the road from my house has been replaced by a plastic raised plastic /grid cycleway. First walk on it I trip over and graze the **** out of my hands and elbows on the abrasive plastic. Thankyou very much local council.
Mardoo said:
Fuuuuuuuuuck me, sisters and mothers. Why can't you put your **** aside long enough to allow things to change. You know, if you stop beating each other up, the pain stops. And if you stop bashing yourself in the face with your resentment, the "bleeding" might just stop. ****. Now summer holidays have turned into the Let's Work **** Out game, instead of Let's Have Some Fun & Games. God dammit. This has been going on for so many years now it's like a zombie, dead of mind, but still shuffling along leaking fluids. Sigh.
Tell em to GROW UP and leave you and yours the **** out of their childish ****, a clear lack of respect is being given to the rest of the family.
Do it, it'll make you feel better and send a CLEAR more !
Mind you you'll definitely cop some flack but **** em, why put up with it and let others drag you and yours down with them.
A line in the sand or **** off.
No joke,I've been there "had to do that" in the past and by Christ it gets the message across. I was the worlds biggest Cnut for a while but it worked.

Oh, 'tis the season so be sure to add a Yo Ho Ho on the end.
Damn, I already drank my bottle of rum. Yo ho ho and a bottle of…oh ****.

Thanks guys, and yes, I told them to leave and go back to England if they couldn't be bothered to talk things through. Funnily enough they immediately talked things through. Saying which was especially rich as they got the word today that their emigration visa has been approved to move here from the UK. Sometimes a gentle **** you is the best way.
My wife has 3 sisters, her being the 3rd born. Her family 'gets along' so to speak but they are a pack of knifing cats towards each other (mother included) behind one another's backs. It's like their hobby. Sister A will tell mum something. Mum tells sister B and omits/disregards important details, and when sister B talks to C the story about the sister feeding her black dog is already about murdering the neighbour's white cat. Sister C speaks to A about it, and thus starts the hatred about sister B from sister A about spreading rumours. Drives me nuts, completely immature and gets nobody anywhere unless you like spawning hatred.
A few Christmases ago I had a few beverages under the belt while the whole family was at our place. I'm past trying to make nice impressions - I'm sick of the two-faced behaviour and dishonesty between them. All 4 sisters were having a conversation and somehow a rumour got brought up and they had a bit of a crack at their mum for spreading rumours. I was walking past and said "come on... that's a bit hypocritical now isn't it?". They all sort of paused and the sister speaking said "don't be so judgemental, it's not nice to spread rumours and it's not like I started it". I said something along the lines of "but you say stuff about my wife to her all the time, and so does my wife, and remember when you said X about you? [pointing to two other sister]. You're all as bad as each other". I felt like Jerry Springer and they were a pack of hillbillies on stage. They stared at each other and the sister I first addressed was basically gasping "oh, you... gasp... how dare... I... gasp!"
I walked off beer in hand and spent 15 minutes in the shed. Good times.
Mardoo said:
Fuuuuuuuuuck me, sisters and mothers. Why can't you put your **** aside long enough to allow things to change. You know, if you stop beating each other up, the pain stops. And if you stop bashing yourself in the face with your resentment, the "bleeding" might just stop. ****. Now summer holidays have turned into the Let's Work **** Out game, instead of Let's Have Some Fun & Games. God dammit. This has been going on for so many years now it's like a zombie, dead of mind, but still shuffling along leaking fluids. Sigh.
I have been watching that series 'Humans' at first one thinks great potential here (some of those robots are lookers) but on reflection it is better to be human and surrounded by humans with all their traits good and bad, makes life less boring.
good4whatAlesU said:
Favourite sandy walking trail across the road from my house has been replaced by a plastic raised plastic /grid cycleway. First walk on it I trip over and graze the **** out of my hands and elbows on the abrasive plastic. Thankyou very much local council.
This plastic raised plastic /grid cycleway does it burn and where is it seems like the local government has been taken advantage of .
wide eyed and legless said:
I have been watching that series 'Humans' at first one thinks great potential here (some of those robots are lookers) but on reflection it is better to be human and surrounded by humans with all their traits good and bad, makes life less boring.
Yeah, I always used to say that without the drama all that's left is TV and the cats.

However, watching my MIL stir up **** between my wife and her sister - who already have a difficult relationship - just ***** me to tears. There's no need to create unnecessary turmoil. Necessary turmoil, of course ;) Unfortunately, with their mother doing the casting, the two sisters have huge trouble resisting the bait.

Thanks for the input and commiserations guys. It helps just to get it off my chest.

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