Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Reminds me of before I got my electronic cricket and directional speaker, I set up a compost bin right near there bedroom window, then proceeded to put meat scraps in it.
Register them online for a bunch of "quit smoking" programs and have the information sent to their mailbox.

Put up a large and obvious "no smoking" sign just over your side of the fence.
peekaboo_jones said:
I'm really sick of my back neighbors smoking all the time in their backyard and my family gets second hand smoke.
Occupants own the home and are semi retired.
Too easy.
Take up drumming and go toe to toe with the excuse that it's part of your 'lifestyle choice' as an 'alcoholic'.
They choose to smoke, the fallout from which is your family are now passive smokers. By coincidence, you also choose to partake in a hobby which alters your state (brewing). It also involves lots of taste testing to ensure high quality, the fallout from which is you can justify acting like a prick at all hours of the day.
**Alcoholism is a serious addiction and sickness which you should not be penalised for, you're not a prick you're just a bit sick.**
You can justify most things now. A bit like the meth head in court, "I was under the influence of this life destroying drug at the time yer hona, it wasn't me, I was just a bit sick".

Or maybe you should just go over with a couple of bottles of your best to 'lubricate the wheels' a bit, suggest some ideas for a common solution and ask them for some input as to what they think might help. It's called communication, they feel valued because you've listened to their suggestions and views on the subject and they now are aware it's causing you concern, and you get to control the process as you've initiated it.
I don't smoke anymore and nothing wrong with a quiet, friendly chat but it's a bit rough if a retiree can't even enjoy some tobacco on their own verandah.
I agree with manticle and I'm pretty sure that the second hand smoke would not be much of a danger to your family from that distance unless they are smoking reefers the size arnies arms, I know how I'd respond if someone told me to stop smoking on my own property[emoji106]
Hopefully there are some suppliers or webmasters listening (maybe they'll write me off as a cranky old man).

Can everyone please stop altering websites so they're touch-friendly?

Holy **** I'm sick of this supposed 'touch age' and mobile-oriented web-verse. Websites and technology interfaces have been dumbed down to the point where I feel like sites are being condescending and I'm being treated like an idiot. Where we used to have options and menus, or better still text - as I'm able to read just like >96% of the population - we now have massive square boxes and coloured buttons which make web pages massive and necessitate scrolling through mountains of negative space and panels of pastel colours. Things are attempted to be made so easy to use now that they're being made hard to use because I need to navigate through 30 screens' worth to select a list of options that could easily be put on a single screen. The Wyeast page makes me rage so much I'm thinking of changing yeasts. Here's the drop down menu which, if you decide to have your broswer not covering your entire 30" monitor (or God forbid you have a smaller one), now covers almost the entire screen:


If you want to search for a yeast, which used to oddly be under a hyperlinked 'Yeast strains' line of text no larger than the one you just read, you now have the far simpler huge button up the top patronisingly titled "SEARCH OUR YEAST STRAINS". However only the rectangle in the middle links, the rest of the picture around it is taking up space giving web users the *****. Once clicked... oh I mean tapped, who clicks any more? ... you now get this:


The entire list of beer yeast strains used to be on a single page, easily readable and split into styles under subheadings: lager, ale, belgian, wheat and wild I think. NOW it spans over 6 pages with unnecessarily huge buttons, the majority of which can't be clicked on for some reason. End result, the boxes are simply large and taking up space. And text is getting HUGE FOR NO APPARENT REASON.

This isn't an issue with Wyeast specifically though they did allow this. When did webmasters decide that society is so retarded they need to stand a few metres back from a screen so they can read large buttons? Where does it end, will pages eventually have a single button on them so I can go "duuuuuuuuh" and throw my fat moronic finger at it so I don't accidentally miss the screen or have to use a skerrick of fine motor function? Stop catering for morons, technology is meant to be hard to use.
XXXX page - ********. OBS new web page - ********. White pages - ******** (I don't need an additional single screen option for business or residential). New ATO web site - ********.
I'm sweating I'm so pissed off, society is going backwards.
It's pure laziness on the developers part, not that hard to have different schemes for different devices...
TheWiggman said:
Hopefully there are some suppliers or webmasters listening (maybe they'll write me off as a cranky old man).

Can everyone please stop altering websites so they're touch-friendly?
Nice rant! Mine's a bit shorter...

Hay ******* fever.
Yes, I use facebook. It does a lot of good things, like me never having to know someones email address or phone number if I want to contact them... Also a good way of keeping in touch with groups, sporting associations rah rah rah..

What I hate is how the human race is showing how ******* gullible we are.

"For the first time in Facebook history we're giving away 5 Range Rovers ((for example). Its been 5 x 100ft luxury cruisers, 5 x 1st class travel tickets round the world etc) because we cant sell them due to... Just like and share, comment which colour" blah blah blah.

For a while I was commenting "its ********" or "tune your ******** radar" or "its a hoax" or "dont fall for that ****" And thats just to my mother's likes/shares/comments :unsure:

Anyway, I made a public post saying every single one of my FB friends that does this will be unfriended for being a dumbarse.

Didnt I cop the flame?! From morons saying, "you never know" to others saying "arent you the smartest xxx" Anyway I just wrote "defriended dopey"
Now I'm copping it from the wifey saying "No-one wants to be made to look stupid"

How ******* stupid do you have to be??? Seems I'm thinning out my friends to smart(er) people though....
I removed every friend that sent me a game request after posting a warning.
I dropped Facebook this weekend. Almost 2/3 of the internet using population of the world is on Facebook, all willingly giving Zuckerberg (and the CIA) as much private information as they want. That one company has that much information about the world, I struggle to see how it's not going to go badly wrong and bite every one on the arse or worse.

I'm not an archetypical tinfoil hat type but there becomes a point where I think **** that, I want no more of it. They've got enough data on me, they're not having anything else. And that mates volunteer information about you by tagging you in every location you go to as mates, there is no privacy whatsoever.

Of course, I shall quite quickly become a social outcast as everyone organises everything on Facebook. I shall deal with it as needs.