Hopefully there are some suppliers or webmasters listening (maybe they'll write me off as a cranky old man).
Can everyone please stop altering websites so they're touch-friendly?
Holy **** I'm sick of this supposed 'touch age' and mobile-oriented web-verse. Websites and technology interfaces have been dumbed down to the point where I feel like sites are being condescending and I'm being treated like an idiot. Where we used to have options and menus, or better still text - as I'm able to read just like >96% of the population - we now have massive square boxes and coloured buttons which make web pages massive and necessitate scrolling through mountains of negative space and panels of pastel colours. Things are attempted to be made so easy to use now that they're being made hard to use because I need to navigate through 30 screens' worth to select a list of options that could easily be put on a single screen. The Wyeast page makes me rage so much I'm thinking of changing yeasts. Here's the drop down menu which, if you decide to have your broswer not covering your entire 30" monitor (or God forbid you have a smaller one), now covers almost the entire screen:
If you want to search for a yeast, which used to oddly be under a hyperlinked 'Yeast strains' line of text no larger than the one you just read, you now have the far simpler huge button up the top patronisingly titled "SEARCH OUR YEAST STRAINS". However only the rectangle in the middle links, the rest of the picture around it is taking up space giving web users the *****. Once clicked... oh I mean tapped, who clicks any more? ... you now get this:
entire list of beer yeast strains used to be on a single page, easily readable and split into styles under subheadings: lager, ale, belgian, wheat and wild I think. NOW it spans over
6 pages with unnecessarily huge buttons, the majority of which can't be clicked on for some reason. End result, the boxes are simply large and taking up space. And text is getting
This isn't an issue with Wyeast specifically though they did allow this. When did webmasters decide that society is so retarded they need to stand a few metres back from a screen so they can read large buttons? Where does it end, will pages eventually have a single button on them so I can go "duuuuuuuuh" and throw my fat moronic finger at it so I don't accidentally miss the screen or have to use a skerrick of fine motor function? Stop catering for morons, technology is meant to be hard to use.
XXXX page - ********. OBS new web page - ********. White pages - ******** (I don't need an
additional single screen option for business or residential). New ATO web site - ********.
I'm sweating I'm so pissed off, society is going backwards.