Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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wynnum1 said:
Report on the ABC about the high price of marijuana in the NT this is so sad poor education for indigenous would think that this industry would be thriving or at least self sufficient 30 year ago our neighbors had indigenous relatives that could supply Brisbane and later met another NT resident that claimed he was into agriculture of a different kind could they be victimizing marijuana users to sell more ice.
I agree.
Education, decriminalization, taxation and control of drugs is a far better way forward than prohibition, which is a manifest fail on all levels. The laws only serve to protect the cartels in reality and choke the courts and prisons with small time offenders.
Is that the point you were making? Well said.
I find it strange that it is worth so much up there...Its not like there is no where to grow it, almost the perfect climate

MaryJane is pretty much de criminalised now, and with the proliferation of medical cannabis its going to be even more decriminalised..

But...they still wont allow you to drive around stoned, just like you cant drive drunk

Anyway...I am of to the Doctor to get something for the anxiety caused by my bad body pain and depression and possible cancer and whatever else I can think off
My turn for a rant. Started yesterday. Two bites into a lovely loose lamb Beaucastle pie for smoko and a drop of rain lands on it. Wait a moment. That's not's pigeon ****. Could've strangled the prick.

Get home tonight and head to the shed to check the two batches of beer crash chilling. One was a keg filler and one was destined as a case swap keg to share. Turns out the drop from 4 degrees to 1.5 degrees was enough to suck the 1l blow off bottles dry. ************. Pretty sure the beers will be fine but not gonna chance taking one to the swap.

Oh well, thinks I, and grabbed the 2nd last commercial beer from the fridge. Dos Blockos' '**** the Rent' golden ale. Well it turns out '**** the bottle cap' is another of their mottos. Was just about to take a swig when I realised it was not I that had opened it. Nearly copped a mouthful of infected, septic *****. The six pack was wrapped in plastic so this little sucker had been enjoying the fresh air ever since bottling day. Nice QC Dos Crappos.
Was going to tell you to "Suck it up, Princess", but your cold-crashing already beat me to it.
Poor Camo.
I've just spent 4 days in Beechworth. Being at the brewery everyday.
I hope that makes you feel better.

Oh and a rant to finish.

Why the hell has is taken to now to only to be under construction of bypassing Sydney, that hell hole should have been bypassed first.
I just received a letter from the ato about my super that wasn't payed for 1 year from my previous employer.
They gave me 85cents.
That's right 85c.
Seems people can rip employees off then sail off into the sunset to become the Gm of food and beverages at tempo Australia and drive 200k Jaguars and live in high rise luxury.
I'm so pissed off at the moment, the bloke had 12.5 million debt and 600k in assets and was clearly trading insolvent keeping workers working until the last day of production knowing they wouldn't be payed.
Yes that's ********. It's been brought up here before also. Your not the only brewer that's been ripped off knowingly.
It's another law the fat cats seem to keep.
Yeah, but they don't want to give the money to those who'd just waste it on food,clothing, petrol and other luxuries when there's next year's trip to the Bahamas to be paid for. Of yeah, the yearly donation to your local political party as well. Bastards!!! Been there too.
tugger said:
I just received a letter from the ato about my super that wasn't payed for 1 year from my previous employer.
They gave me 85cents.
That's right 85c.
Seems people can rip employees off then sail off into the sunset to become the Gm of food and beverages at tempo Australia and drive 200k Jaguars and live in high rise luxury.
I'm so pissed off at the moment, the bloke had 12.5 million debt and 600k in assets and was clearly trading insolvent keeping workers working until the last day of production knowing they wouldn't be payed.
I copped the same from a previous employer,my super,long service and holidays weren't pay up and I didn't get a cracker when the arse wipe went under. It was only 7 months worth before I told him to bash his job up his arse but it was mine.
What pissed me off the most was that no department checked this **** ,but if I owed them they'd get what they were owed.
And to cap it all off the prick kept some of my gear and denied having it, claiming he'd never seen it !
I'm really sick of my back neighbors smoking all the time in their backyard and my family gets second hand smoke.

I know they can do what they want but it's not pleasurable playing in the backyard with my 2 year old kid and pregnant wife attempting to enjoy a nice Sunday arvo in our backyard.

Even when we go inside and open up the windows and doors to let the breeze through, their cigarette smoke comes into our home...

Should I say something to them?

Occupants own the home and are semi retired. Most mornings when I get up and open the windows they are already ******* away.

I don't really know what to do
Yes, you are neighbours and they may simply not realise.

Park the passion and keep it calm and respectful.

My neighbour smokes and loves our kids. He has his durries on the other side of his deck. I like the woft now and then, but it is not cool in the circumstance you described.

Most people are cool.

Hopefully you already know this neighbour a little - shared a Christmas beer??

If he help you out then maybe a few of your beers that he likes can be shared.

Hope you find a good outcome. I think you have to try for it... living next to adversarial neighbours is hell. Must avoid it.

Good luck mate

Edit: only describe what you are experiencing. Never ask them to do something else, or suggest an alternative. Perhaps describe the way the air moves the smoke to your place.... definitely play the pregnancy card and that you're concerned.
If diplomacy fails, needs must.

Good thinking. jones could also sanitize his brewing equipment and deodorize his shoes with it.
peekaboo_jones said:
I'm really sick of my back neighbors smoking all the time in their backyard and my family gets second hand smoke.

I know they can do what they want but it's not pleasurable playing in the backyard with my 2 year old kid and pregnant wife attempting to enjoy a nice Sunday arvo in our backyard.

Even when we go inside and open up the windows and doors to let the breeze through, their cigarette smoke comes into our home...

Should I say something to them?

Occupants own the home and are semi retired. Most mornings when I get up and open the windows they are already ******* away.

I don't really know what to do
We have the exact same thing at home (only no kids)
Neighbours smoke on their back patio, which is right outside our bedroom window, so the smoke comes straight into our bedroom if the windows are open
Not having any roof fans in our house (2 year old project home, I guess they expect us to just use AC), this means the windows are closed all summer long and my bed ends up soaked in sweat :angry:
These are only for when all else fails.
Chilli powder does burn.
The resulting smoke causes extreme coughing fits.