Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Airgead said:
Don't get me ****n started on baking dogs and useless owners. Dozy bint next door has about 15 of the little bastards who bark and howl all day. As soon as she goes out it starts. Then when she's home we have to put up with oh my darlings... Oh my babies... Did ooo miss ums mummy when she was gone. **** me sideways. I would cheerfully poison them. The only thing that stops me is that I'm secretly looking forward to the day when I snap and go psychotic... Leap the fence and strangle the little bastards in front of her with my bare hands.

Words can not begin to express the depth of my hatred for those dogs. Council are useless. Many complaints zero ***** given.
Its worse when you actually like your neighbors, like mine. Solid, hardworking and generous to a fault. But she will have her King Charles spaniels.
When away, as they often are on business, the little ***** yelp like Jerry Halls cameo on the Bryan Ferry cover of "Lets Stick Together". Im talking ******* hours, from sunset to at least midnight. You wouldn't think it would be possible, but its true. Piercing and shrill bursts at half second frequency. To compound this, their concrete driveway with canter levered veranda lends an amphitheater / reverb quality to the brouhaha . If you could produce tincture o irritation, those dogs would have it in spades.
Its no joke, sound torture is legit.

Woh, look at the time. Better watch The Revenant before 20th Century Fox sue me.
I had an ex that had these ******* Pomeranian's.... basically a wooly chiwawahahah...

One of them used to just bark and ******* bark

I had a Staffy at the time....

The Staffy soon got tired of the barking and decided to shut the little **** of a thing up permanently

Lets just say that things did not go down well, she moved on soon afterwards.
Dave70 said:
Its worse when you actually like your neighbors, like mine. Solid, hardworking and generous to a fault. But she will have her King Charles spaniels.
When away, as they often are on business, the little c*nts yelp like Jerry Halls cameo on the Bryan Ferry cover of "Lets Stick Together". Im talking ******* hours, from sunset to at least midnight. You wouldn't think it would be possible, but its true. Piercing and shrill bursts at half second frequency. To compound this, their concrete driveway with canter levered veranda lends an amphitheater / reverb quality to the brouhaha . If you could produce tincture o irritation, those dogs would have it in spades.
Its no joke, sound torture is legit.

Woh, look at the time. Better watch The Revenant before 20th Century Fox sue me.
Dab some peanut paste on some laxettes and throw them over the fence.
The little feckers will be too scarred to bark.
Argh. Dogs and neighbours. I have a neighbour that is missing a few screws. Single mum (nothing wrong with that, but uses it as an excuse for EVERYTHING) lazy kid and four bloody dogs. 2 massive agro things and two jack Russell crosses. I've had run ins with them for years about it. Mostly the dogs bark when the owner leaves or arrives. But they can go off at any noise. There's a long long story, but I'm just waiting for the big dogs to get out and I beat them to death in self defence, even if I have to chase them 3km down the road.
Airgead said:
Don't get me ****n started on baking dogs and useless owners. Dozy bint next door has about 15 of the little bastards who bark and howl all day. As soon as she goes out it starts. Then when she's home we have to put up with oh my darlings... Oh my babies... Did ooo miss ums mummy when she was gone. **** me sideways. I would cheerfully poison them. The only thing that stops me is that I'm secretly looking forward to the day when I snap and go psychotic... Leap the fence and strangle the little bastards in front of her with my bare hands.

Words can not begin to express the depth of my hatred for those dogs. Council are useless. Many complaints zero ***** given.
With the "baking dog " you could try airbnb in some countries thats sunday roast and have even been told that guard dogs have to be protected and there are no wild pigeons .
wynnum1 said:
With the "baking dog " you could try airbnb in some countries thats sunday roast and have even been told that guard dogs have to be protected and there are no wild pigeons .
Would you please translate that for us English speaking and reading people.
technobabble66 said:
Poison the dozy bint. Let the innocent doggies go free.

Hey, fwiw, many councils won't allow you to have that many dogs. Are you sure they've checked/know the number that are there?

A friend of mine used to have 5 dogs & the council (Darebin) required him to have signed consent forms from his neighbours.
Apologies if that story just rubs salt in the wound! [emoji57]
I have been tempted...

Hornsby shire has a rural section so the council in their infinite wisdom had devised that this means that no restrictions on dog numbers is an appropriate position. Because people need lots of working dogs of their 2 acre market garden obviously. So 15 Maltese crosses in a backyard the size of a postage stamp poses no problem.

Idiot woman works for a doggie rescue place which is lovely but all the ones they can't re home because they have issues... Like compulsive barking, she brings home and adds to the collection. New one showed up last week.

I just wish someone would go round her house with a nail gun and seal up all her doors and windows. Then set fire to the house.
Airgead said:
Hornsby shire has a rural section so the council in their infinite wisdom had devised that this means that no restrictions on dog numbers is an appropriate position. Because people need lots of working dogs of their 2 acre market garden obviously. So 15 Maltese crosses in a backyard the size of a postage stamp poses no problem.
The Maltese cross is a symbol of the St John organisation, which is an aid organisation with ambulances and such.

The maltese crosses mentioned above are a source of annoyance which has bugged me throughout my life.
The ex with whom I have children used to have a Maltese terrorist that liked to snuggle with her in bed, under the covers. One night I rolled over in bed, and awoke to the confrontation of a snapping, snarling beast in my face (literally in my face) while in bed with her. I should have called it quits then, instead of taking my frazzled nerves out to sleep in the lounge room.

The most recent ex has a Shih Tzu cross and a Maltese hybrid, and they both bark a lot, and torment the neighbours. The guy next door responds by poking the brushcutter under the fence to try and get the dogs, according to the ex, as well as yelling at the dogs to "Get inside" with their endless barking.
We're no longer together, but she thinks it's OK for the last few years to sleep in the lounge room (with fireplace -rental house) on the new couch with the dogs, with piss-mats on the walls and floor where the dogs can relieve themselves in the night.Has not slept in her bed for the last 2 years, AFAIK.
The dogs are OK to me, but are very needy and (were) demanding of my time.
Oh, and it's OK to pat the dogs while eating and have the dogs lick your face and/or kiss the dogs, but NOT OK to question the relationship between your woman and her dogs (however unnatural and excessive it seems to normal people).
Get a Chinese wife, apparently they can whip up a mean puppy chow mien ,**** marry one who is related to Jeffery Dahmer and she'll eat the owner as well.
Nothing like killing two birds with one stone. ;)
Les the Weizguy said:
One night I rolled over in bed, and awoke to the confrontation of a snapping, snarling beast in my face (literally in my face) while in bed with her. I should have called it quits then, instead of taking my frazzled nerves out to sleep in the lounge room.
Are you discussing your ex or the dog here?
Les the Weizguy said:
The ex with whom I have children used to have a Maltese terrorist

The most recent ex has a Shih Tzu cross and a Maltese hybrid,
I detect a theme here.....
My neighbours dog barks non stop all night to get inside the house.
The lazy fat bitch sometimes gets up to let the dog in but it's pretty rare.

I spoke to a mate who works at jaycar and he gave me an electronic cricket kit an amplifier kit and a directional speaker.
It's hooked up to a mic triggered by the barking dog, you get the idea.

I have seen the old guy outside in undies beating the ground trying to stop the noise.
Best thing is I can't really hear it.
tugger said:
My neighbours dog barks non stop all night to get inside the house.
The lazy fat bitch sometimes gets up to let the dog in but it's pretty rare.

I spoke to a mate who works at jaycar and he gave me an electronic cricket kit an amplifier kit and a directional speaker.
It's hooked up to a mic triggered by the barking dog, you get the idea.

I have seen the old guy outside in undies beating the ground trying to stop the noise.
Best thing is I can't really hear it.

I like it :D
sponge said:
And those stupid little plastic 'pegs' on bread bags. What good are they?!?

I'll tell you what good.. none good.
Sorry Sponge, I know I replied to this, but I just came across this pic. Had to give the visual response. It's served me well!

CheersView attachment 88562
sponge said:
And those stupid little plastic 'pegs' on bread bags. What good are they?!?

I'll tell you what good.. none good.
Sorry Sponge, I know I replied to this, but I just came across this pic. Had to give the visual response. It's served me well!

Cheers ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1463046969.349969.jpg
Arse hole insurance cheats and the equally piss weak insurance company that couldn't see nor read let alone grasp the obvious .

So the story,last August my Daughter damaged another car while parking when I say damaged I mean it was super minor, it left a small smudge of paint on the front bumper of her car and a superficial dent in the side of the other ( a van),no worries doing the right thing she left a note .
Then BAM ! she gets a letter of demand from a debt collector who presents a quote from a crash repairer and the quote looks as if it was written by a pre schooler on scrap paper...FFS !
When the debt collection mob were asked if the crash repairer was accredited the answer was " dunno", after consulting me my Daughter said she didn't accept the answer,actually I said " tell em to *******".
Along comes the same demand with a pay up or else, "No, go through the insurance company " .
Then the insurance company gets involved...interestingly .
The ******** claim actually states damage for the other side if the vehicle as well ! ...buggered if I know how that works but its been tried with me before.
So photos of the claimed damage are asked for and photos of the paint on my Daughters car are sent in kind,FOUR ******* times because some half sucked off muppet in an office can't file **** correctly ( sack the useless ......) .
The photos of the damage were supplied with a statement saying the pics were taken on the day at the place after the note was taken from under the windscreen hmmm, the pics show a van that has been abused in the excess and curiously both the van and the ground around it are as dry as a bone yet it was pissing down with rain that day! body in the insurance company office spotted that one,but when it was mentioned the reply was " oh that doesn't matter".
The pics show damage to a height of 1.300 metres ,she was driving a Magna not a ******* monster truck ! .
Some of the claim states the rear seats of the van had to be removed to fix the damage,when the insurance company was told the van didn't have rear seats as its an electrical contractors van filled with cable and tools etc the reply was," oh it doesn't matter"
Yet the van has not been repaired and the claim says it has ! " oh it doesn't matter ".
All this blatant rip off crap was stated to the insurance company over the phone and sent in Emails ( four ******* times) with strong recommendations it be looked at very closely yet all they want is the claim payment made so it can be closed.
Honestly I cannot comprehend the casual couldn't be stuffed attitude ,surely there is a department that handles such things in their company but I'm sure as **** not going to ask lest it cause some useless robotic numb skull ******* moron to be late for morning tea......
Spog, is your vehicle insured with the same company as theirs?

It sounds like they are claiming the whole cost of repairs, rather than an excess. Is that right?


Firstly, I would DEFINITELY keep all correspondence and write down 'verbatim' or as close to it, all spoken interactions, along with time, date and contact number of other party.

I would invite them (insurance company/ies) to prove your daughter did the damage. Hell, invite them to prove she was even there on the day. Sure, she left a note, but anybody could have written that. Sure, she sent emails stating she caused minor damage, but none of that proves she created the damage being claimed.

I would presume the insurance company would have expected a Police report for the "extensive damage" done, particularly if there were 'witnesses or CCTV'. I'd ask for the reference (event) number so you can chase it up. It should list your daughter and her car in the report if any of this crap has in fact been reported to the Police. If not, less ground for them to stand on.

Ask the insurer if they can outline the details for their mandatory Internal Review Process, and their mandatory External Review Process, or if you should simply bypass them both and take your complaint direct to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. Might not hurt to mention the Financial Services Ombudsman either, just to make it sound complete. (And no harm in starting to ask about your options with these agencies anyway).

Also I'd ask if the "repairer" who wrote the "quote", would be willing to front these agencies and say that the damage was even "possibly" caused by the same incident, let alone "probably", let alone "definitely", (which nobody could say anyway). Remember that each different incident warrants a different claim (and therefore another excess). Hence the reason these grubs are trying to get it repaired at your daughter's cost.

At the end of the day, there is no Police (at least NSW) action likely to be taken due to the statute of limitations. They couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that your daughter caused ALL the damage anyway.

As far as any civil claim goes, these teeter on the balance of probabilities, meaning the onus is to prove that it "most likely happened", rather than "it ******* did happen". From the information given, any magistrate should be expected to have enough common sense to see straight through this ********.

If it were me, I'd stand my ground and let them prove their ******** story, rather than give in as the little guy.
I'm a retired insurance claims manager.
What Wardcliff wrote is excellent advice.
And don't deal with the monkeys on the shop floor, insist on dealing only with the claims manager or his superior, on the basis that the monkey has no authority other than to mindlessly repeat their stupid demands.

I would also threaten them with a claim for your own costs (time lost from work, inconvenience, administrative, stress, etc etc) if they persist with their ******** demands.

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