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Had a **** day at work Friday,come 'Monday the same and today well , bugger me with a stick and call me twiggy if it didnt happen again.
I'm sure someone up there hates me...had a couple of brews and feel much better now .
The poor old NAB only increased profits by a paltry 19% to 6.4 Billion Dollars What a bunch of Bankers. The Reverse Robin Hood Syndrome working well here.
So I join My Dan Murphys and Woolworths Rewards and to register you have to provide a Mobile Phone number WTF ? I am the only one on earth that does not have one of these POS that everybody has their nose stuck into 24/7
'Do you have a rewards card sir?'
'Yes, but I don't use it anymore because I'm sick of receiving 10 emails every time I buy something!'
'I understand, lots of people tell me the same thing everyday'.

WTF! Why would they keep hammering people with something that turns them off!

What really gets on my tits though is when you've paid every single bill on the Internet for the last 12 years or so, rent, electricity, gas, credit card, phone, loan payments to other parties, you name it I've payed it, though a bank you've been with since the 1980's, and you still have to fill in all the **** on a loan application. To me the greatest thing a bank could do with computers is make it easy for an existing long term customer get a loan approved from them. But they don't it's an absolute ridiculous situation, pea brain monkeys running them is what I reckon.
Can anyone give me the address of the prick responsible for this ,I will gut them with a ****'n spoon.
Mum has it and its getting worse we have taken her car away and had her licence cancelled,she goes walkabout gets to the supermarket and stocks up on food that is overflowing from her fridge anyway.
Christ the list is endless,we promised the old man on his death bed that we would look after Mum ,but its a gut wrenching hopeless task.
So Fckn cruel to see a person,any person reduced to such a state and its early stages for our Mum so it's going to get a whole lot worse....worse !, yep worse, Where is the fairness in that !'s called life,....cold,harsh reality, a bitter pill to swallow.
spog said:
Can anyone give me the address of the prick responsible for this ,I will gut them with a ****'n spoon.
Mum has it and its getting worse we have taken her car away and had her licence cancelled,she goes walkabout gets to the supermarket and stocks up on food that is overflowing from her fridge anyway.
Christ the list is endless,we promised the old man on his death bed that we would look after Mum ,but its a gut wrenching hopeless task.
So Fckn cruel to see a person,any person reduced to such a state and its early stages for our Mum so it's going to get a whole lot worse....worse !, yep worse, Where is the fairness in that !'s called life,....cold,harsh reality, a bitter pill to swallow.
That's sad spog, but I reckon your dad will be proud your trying the best you can to look after your mum. Also don't be afraid to reach out to a support group in your area who might be able to make things a lot easier for you to cope with.

Keep your chin up mate your probably doing much better for your mum than you think you are :)
******' rough. Losing someone before they're gone. At least Nan was cheerful to the end, probably happier than I had ever seen her. My other Nan, panic-ridden paranoid freakout for 8 years. ****. Sorry to hear it mate.
"**** DEMENTIA" .​

sympathy to you spog and family. This is no way easy and hard to take but understanding and support for mum is the best you can continue to do.
Tropical_Brews said:
So I join My Dan Murphys and Woolworths Rewards and to register you have to provide a Mobile Phone number WTF ? I am the only one on earth that does not have one of these POS that everybody has their nose stuck into 24/7
Who says it has to be an active number you own?
Just invent a number, that's all their system is looking for.
And if it's a fake number, you won't get annoying texts or calls! Well, OK, maybe the person who might accidentally own that number might start wondering why they are the flavour of the month with Dans or Woollies, but hey, you can't have everything.
Dementia sucks all right.

My dad died from it at age 84.
My mother-in-law had it along with crippling anxiety. Fortunately she went from a heart attack before the final stage of her dementia.
My mother has it, but she is in a great care place in the Netherlands, and thankfully she is as happy as can be without any signs of stress or depression.
warra48 said:
Who says it has to be an active number you own?
Just invent a number, that's all their system is looking for.
And if it's a fake number, you won't get annoying texts or calls! Well, OK, maybe the person who might accidentally own that number might start wondering why they are the flavour of the month with Dans or Woollies, but hey, you can't have everything.
Pre paid broadband dongle they have a sim with a phone number get one of those numbers they can only sms if its in the dongle .
spog said:
Can anyone give me the address of the prick responsible for this ,I will gut them with a ****'n spoon.
Yep. Going through this with the mil right now. Had to move her into care a few months ago (retirement village with some services rather than a full nursing home but that's not far off). Not nice. Best we can hope for its that she forgets to take her heart meds and goes before she turns into a vegetable. My gran went that way years ago. Spent the last few years as a dribbling ruin. Late stage dementia is a real life zombie plague. The person is long dead but they are still moving.

Thanks to you all for the support and concern,the fight on Mums behalf with the system is very draining .
Referral after referral trying to get it sorted and help for her,it's amazing how much ingrained bastardry exists in the medical system but you take it with a pinch of salt, as the people are after all simply doing their job and complying with the system which is the bastard it's self.
I tips my hat to them.
spog said:
Can anyone give me the address of the prick responsible for this ,I will gut them with a ****'n spoon.
Mum has it and its getting worse we have taken her car away and had her licence cancelled,she goes walkabout gets to the supermarket and stocks up on food that is overflowing from her fridge anyway.
Christ the list is endless,we promised the old man on his death bed that we would look after Mum ,but its a gut wrenching hopeless task.
So Fckn cruel to see a person,any person reduced to such a state and its early stages for our Mum so it's going to get a whole lot worse....worse !, yep worse, Where is the fairness in that !'s called life,....cold,harsh reality, a bitter pill to swallow.
Nothing worse, both my parents demented and it's ******* horrible for them but worse for the families who have to watch it happen to someone they love. I'm sorry Spog.
Drick said:
Nothing worse, both my parents demented and it's ******* horrible for them but worse for the families who have to watch it happen to someone they love. I'm sorry Spog.
Amazing what the brain is capable of yet SFA is known how it works and indeed how to fix it.
A long way to go for all.
spog said:
I feel for you spog. Was at my grand father in-laws 97th birthday yesterday, and he's suffering from it pretty badly. Doesn't remember who anyone is, and normally just gets upset and wants to go home (when we're at his house).

He's lucky to have a huge family (my mil is one of 11), so the burden gets spread out a bit across them all.

It's amazing how quickly it has come on as well. At his 90th he wasn't showing any signs at all and you would have though he was no more than 60.

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