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Forgetting to check pockets before washing clothes. Paper and receipts make a real mess in Washing Machine..
The ********* that phone you up in the evening or night time. You pick up the phone and silence for about 15 seconds then beep beep beep as they hang up.

If I am home in the daytime I switch on the answering machine ( he he Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry message ) must get at least 8 calls no message. You just know it is some dipshit trying to sell you Solar power, water filters or insurance or even the monkeys from India telling you as from next week your telephone service will be free as we convert you to *9)^%$^&& telecom.
These days all calls to the home phone go through the the machine, even if we're home. 99% of the time no message is left.
That's the same with calls to my mobile. If I don't recognise the number or if you withhold your number, you're going to voice mail. If you don't leave a message, you obviously didn't really want to get in touch with me.
When they do a political servey and its automated system how is **** off counted.
Tropical_Brews said:
Forgetting to check pockets before washing clothes. Paper and receipts make a real mess in Washing Machine..
Pens are another painful experience..
Ahh, the infamous evening a few years ago when we had received about 7 or 8 of the calls over an hour and a half where it is simply a bot dialling through to log your home times, no answer when sitting on the phone for 15 secs or so. I was losing the plot a tad and when I next answered the phone and got a female with indian accent I started to unload. Halfway through my rant I was able to make out "Mr. ***********, this is S***** from BigW layby at Stafford, just calling about your layby". She had the decency to accept my apology and explabnation, and when I went in a short while later to pick up my goods had a bit of a laugh about it.
Does anyone elses wife decide which of her husband's clothes are not needed?
Going on holiday recently I looked for my flying underpants, (a pair of retro, quality 'Y' fronts) which are brilliant for halting the crush on the wedding tackle from the seam of a pair of jeans when sitting in the aircraft seat, when I complained to my wife that she had thrown out my 'Y' fronts without out them even getting to the affectionate distinction of being called "Shreddies".
She went out and bought another pair, not retro but a tiny pair of modern ones which when put on squeezes the wedding tackle into a ball, and gives the impression of a loaded sling shot.
Maybe, I've had to buy my Blood Duster "****" t-shirt more than once. The first one went mysteriously missing.
Kingy said:
I was cleaning the shed up and there was the christmas stuff we hadnt used for months so i threw the whole lot out.
I'm assuming you were cleaning up in winter then? :D
Liam_snorkel said:
Maybe, I've had to buy my Blood Duster "****" t-shirt more than once. The first one went mysteriously missing.
I bet some **** stole it.
Can you get a shirt that shows everyone you're a Caring Understanding Nineties Type??
Liam_snorkel said:
Maybe, I've had to buy my Blood Duster "****" t-shirt more than once. The first one went mysteriously missing.
I have had to buy so many cheap plastic orange juicers it's a wonder the kitchen cupboards aren't overflowing with them, they were never thrown out, just not put back to where they live.
So called "workmates" who orders a video card for a client who wants to run 3 monitors, I built the PC, installed windows and ****, "workmate" takes it out and cant hook it up to the 3 monitors because he forgot to order the correct cables.
Tries to put the blame on me.
All this and my missus set his wife up for a comfy gov job 2 weeks ago :angry2:
mje1980 said:
Can you get a shirt that shows everyone you're a Caring Understanding Nineties Type??
Give 2GB mouthpiece Alan Jones a tingle. May have a few left over from the fete.
Ask him about anthropogenic climate change while your at it. Apparently its a hoax foisted by left wing idealogs, I heard him say today.
******* 96% of scientists, what would they know.

wide eyed and legless said:
Does anyone elses wife decide which of her husband's clothes are not needed?
Had a "hole-y" t shirt that was my favourite about the place. Saved it 3 times out of the rubbish bin so I hid it- cant remember where? Sadly true.
Whilst on the subject of clothes can anyone explain how one (swmbo) can have a huge double wardrobe stuffed full of clothes (and I mean full) yet regularly finds room in for more???