Cold Condition Bad For Goodness Of Beer?

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What about finings ? Fish bladder, cows skin and pig parts aren't very vegetarian.
I'm a vego and sometimes i will put geltaine in my beer, but its not really my beer, its megaswillin beer. I have a lager tap, its for my dad and for others who don't like hop laden beverages. I have put gelatine in my beer, but i feel like a hypocrite drinking it, so i don't do it anymore. Tried agar a few times, seems to make the beer stay cloudy.

Will be trying PVPP in a few weeks straight into the keg.
You impure @%#$%!#$

Everyone always starts swearing when I tell them what's in finings LOL. One poor guy at my local pub has switched to wine as a result. Out of compassion, I'm not going to talk to him about the winemaking process
Everyone always starts swearing when I tell them what's in finings LOL. One poor guy at my local pub has switched to wine as a result. Out of compassion, I'm not going to talk to him about the winemaking process

I don't give ppl grief if they bring something they made with a lot of effort and pride. The goodness of that pretty much cancels the meatheadedness of not being vegetarian (pun :p).
But I'll politely refuse anything made from meat/fish/loaded with eggs. I know some friends that used to rail and wail over the unavailability of much vege stuff... now they eat meat <_< Think I'll stick to being me.

PS: Tell him.. someday, just after the third wine or so ;)
Not using an animal-derived product to aid floculation of a microbial product (you don't drink the finings) is like not eating apples because a bird nested in the tree and one of its chicks died.

Bloody hippys. The pig was dead, whether we used its skin for finings or not.

I think it's better the whole animal was used.

Sorry I'm angry, but I just burnt my tongue on my tofu burger.
Not using an animal-derived product to aid floculation of a microbial product (you don't drink the finings) is like not eating apples because a bird nested in the tree and one of its chicks died.

Bloody hippys. The pig was dead, whether we used its skin for finings or not.

I think it's better the whole animal was used.

Sorry I'm angry, but I just burnt my tongue on my tofu burger.

Ooooh nooooo, one of the chicks died????

*waiting for my meatballs to finish cooking in the oven*

I wish they taught anatomy in school like that.
Not only have they failed to convert me to veganism; I may now be developing cannabalist tendencies.

getting a bit off topic....

I keg so no need to natural bottle carb etc.

oh well I have not become any more knowledgeable after your posts

thanks guys!
*waiting for my meatballs to finish cooking in the oven*

Was that a voluntary act or did the wife/gf do it for you?

Not only have they failed to convert me to veganism; I may now be developing cannabalist tendencies.

I'd eat that :p

getting a bit off topic....

I keg so no need to natural bottle carb etc.

oh well I have not become any more knowledgeable after your posts

thanks guys!

Man.... Pills... just pills....

Oh, and have some weissbier between batches to raise your vitamin count
getting a bit off topic....

I keg so no need to natural bottle carb etc.

oh well I have not become any more knowledgeable after your posts

thanks guys!

What are you talking about? Several times it was said that beer contains very little in terms of B vitamins. Cold conditioning reduces the amount that's in the beer, but there's still a some of the tiny amount left because yeast remains in suspension to carbonate beers (assuming bottle conditioning). What more info do you need?
Was that a voluntary act or did the wife/gf do it for you?

I'd eat that :p

Man.... Pills... just pills....

Oh, and have some weissbier between batches to raise your vitamin count

Team effort actually - I made the red wine, basil, garlic and homegrown tomato sauce while she put the meatballs together! and we have leftovers for lunch for the week!! :icon_cheers:
Alcohol fcuks with the body's ability to absorb vitamin B 12 whilst it kerb stomps your liver anyway so it's kind of two for the price of one on that front.
On the plus side, it's an excellent stress mitigator and thus a first rate medicinal tonic.

Stress is a demonstrably a far greater threat to ones well being than vitamin B deficiency in the modern world.
You see where I'm going with this?

I wish they taught anatomy in school like that.

I notice they both have their hair artificially dyed - with toxic chemicals. I always wonder why vegans are so loud & proud about their diet cult, but still destroy the planet through other actions.

I mean, how much energy was wasted by all the AHB members getting erections in the last few hours while looking at this photo ? That's an extra lamb chop on the barbie just to make up for the burned calories.

Ah yes, and I think the OP is taking the piss. Probably why he's increasingly being ignored in light of sweet ass pictures.

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