Cloudy Beer

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hi guys!!
Just bought my 1st coopers home brew kit and done my 1st batch of coopers larger which went ok.Then for my 2nd brew i did a dutch larger (heineken style) Ive done everything by the book from the instuctions to the dvd provided.cleaned everything ect ect added nothing extra than the norm!! but after 2 weeks in the bottle the beer is cloudy.just wondering if ive gone wrong somewhere/should i dump the beer,any help would be good cheers!!
Does it taste ok? If my beer is cloudy & tastes ok I turn the light off (& if it's really cloudy close my eyes as well). If it's disgustingly cloudy & tastes ok I'd drink it all before anyone sees it.
It is probably fine I would give it at least two more weeks in the bottle and I find the beer is allways better after days in the fridge
the one thing ive found that contributes to cloudy beer more than any thing else is impatience. give it a couple more weeks especially this time of year the yeast will be working slower and not finishing up and dropping out. and when i was bottling i also found putting the bottles in the fridge for a week or more before consumption not only gave a clearer beer but tastier aswell.doing straight kits its really hard to make cloudy beer if you just give it enough time. give it more time in the bottle and you should be sweet.
cloudy beer can be caused by type of yeast used,chill haze,ferm time as your first 2 brews have been lagers you have jumped into the deeper end of k&k,lagers have to be fermented at a low temp under 12*c then lagered for a couple of weeks after ferm finishes to let the yeast cleanup,if it tastes ok drink it some beers[wheat style]are ment to be cloudy,if you want to improve your beers make sure you can keep a constant ferm temp 17-20 ales 10-14 lagers[forget what the booklet says],use a better yeast than comes with the kits & sanitise everything.For your next simple brew try coopers real ale -1kg coops be2-250g ldme,200g golden syrup- saf04 or us05 yeast ,ferm @ 18* very simple and you wont be dissapointed
hi guys!!
Just bought my 1st coopers home brew kit and done my 1st batch of coopers larger which went ok.Then for my 2nd brew i did a dutch larger (heineken style) Ive done everything by the book from the instuctions to the dvd provided.cleaned everything ect ect added nothing extra than the norm!! but after 2 weeks in the bottle the beer is cloudy.just wondering if ive gone wrong somewhere/should i dump the beer,any help would be good cheers!!

Why would you dump it? Does it taste foul?

Cloudiness can be caused by a number of things. The first suspect is yeast remaining in suspension. This is the stuff that forms sediment at the bottom of the bottle. If your beer is carbonated to the level you want, take one or two bottles and refrigerate them (upright) for a week. Then open one, and pour it very gently into a jug. Be patient, pour on an angle. Watch the beer coming out of the bottle. Is it clear? If it is make sure you watch and as soon as you see cloud come out, stop and leave the remainder (probably only 2-4 cm worth) in the bottle.

By the way - are all your bottles stored upright and treated gently? Do you drink from the bottle, pour into a glass, pour the lot out at once, shake it around a bit before opening?

There are a number of things you can do to reduce that suspended yeast to make it easier to get clear beer. There are other possible causes but start with that one and see how you go.
I agree with everything Manticle just said.

Plus if it is foul, drink it any way, that'll make sure you dont Fk it up again.
Hatchy said:
Does it taste ok? If my beer is cloudy & tastes ok I turn the light off (& if it's really cloudy close my eyes as well). If it's disgustingly cloudy & tastes ok I'd drink it all before anyone sees it.

Hahahhaha, love it
cheers for your replys!! it started to go clear from the top,looks like il have to give it afew weeks to settle

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