Clay's Cider (SIMPLE!)

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bum said:
Let me present an example:The people who told me to go **** myself were heard and understood and no more was needed to be said by either side.How do you think your point is coming along?
Sorry, what? Be clear rather than a sarcastic, elusive prick. You're not Salman Rushdie. Say what you mean, clearly, define your terms and discuss them.

You being deliberately obtuse is nothing to do with my ability to communicate. I see you as more intelligent than an argument for its own sake kind of guy.
This entire thread after the OP has gone on and on, with mountains of arrogance, self-righteousness and blind bashing, with little or no help to either the community or those who have bothered to try to share their knowledge. It's a big shame. I'm not disheartened or turned away, I'll continue to participate on the forums and try to contribute where I can regardless of if it doesn't meet the lofty standards of a few.

bum said:
In my own defence (assuming this is something I'm allowed to do), I haven't really issued any personal remarks. I have, however, seen a great many of them directed my way and I haven't even responded in kind.
There shouldn't be a need to defend your behaviour. Someone who is prepared to defend their behaviour is usually an antagonist. I'm sensing you're quite an intelligent person, who enjoys using the internet as a means to generate conflict and argument, thereby virtually stroking your own ego whilst in the comfort of your own chair at home. Forward me your postal address. I have the perfect 'Keyboard Warrior' sticker for the back window of your car. Free of charge. And perhaps a fat white cat and a box of cheap cigars.
No shortage of targets, I'm afraid.
Clearly not. Targets will never be in short supply when the shooter is unbiased towards what he's shooting.

OP has clearly read the recent cider tutorials and said "**** those threads - here's the way easy ****"

Partially correct. Whilst I haven't discounted the other threads nor publically attacked the authors, I respect others for putting their learnings up. All I did was make a 'simple' thread with simple details about how I make my simple cider, which I personally am happy with to date.

What exactly is wrong about doing it a different way? Like others have said earlier, if it doesn't work or it's not to your liking you A: haven't endangered yourself (let's be realistic here), B: have only wasted a small amount of time and money and C: learned how you personally don't want to make cider. If it does work and it is to your liking, then you've only gained, not lost.

bum said:
You're probably right as my communication is clearly ineffective. Can't seem to get the simplest of points across, apparently.

bum said:
The only product of this thread would have been a few posts of thanks from noobs, silence from people who know and a tonne of sub-par cider.
Presumptuous. Have you made it this way? Has anyone who has actually turned their nose up at it, made it in this manner? I'm personally happy with the results, and that's good enough for me. Forgive me for thinking that since my lowly standards are appeased, that heaven forbid perhaps one other soul in the world may be content with such results also.

bum said:
I propose (yet again) that lots of people who would not have commented negatively under any other circumstance have done so ONLY so that they could comment on my behaviour.
The phrase 'haters gonna hate' comes to mind here. Such a waste.
manticle said:
Sorry, what? Be clear rather than a sarcastic, elusive prick. You're not Salman Rushdie. Say what you mean, clearly, define your terms and discuss them.

You being deliberately obtuse is nothing to do with my ability to communicate. I see you as more intelligent than an argument for its own sake kind of guy.
How is my point unclear? Or even able to be labeled as pure sarcasm for that matter? I am directly and openly suggesting that the method you're suggesting I follow (by both word and deed) is futile. Not just in the case of my own behaviour but also everone else's.
bum said:
Let me present an example:

The people who told me to go **** myself were heard and understood and no more was needed to be said by either side.

The meaning of this is unclear.

How do you think your point is coming along?
This reads as sarcastic.

I withdraw from this conversation. Might just as soon debate with my cat.
bum said:
The only product of this thread would have been a few posts of thanks from noobs, silence from people who know and a tonne of sub-par cider.

slcmorro said:
Presumptuous. Have you made it this way? Has anyone who has actually turned their nose up at it, made it in this manner? I'm personally happy with the results, and that's good enough for me. Forgive me for thinking that since my lowly standards are appeased, that heaven forbid perhaps one other soul in the world may be content with such results also.
Ok, I feel the need to chime in as one of the 'silent people who know'. With all due respect the advice given in the OP is crap and will not result in a good product, no matter how you spin it. There isn't even a way of estimating ABV, which is not even particularly safe (this is food production after all). The main problem here is that the OP is writing a 'guide', when it is clealy obvious that you have little knowledge to guide with. I have been on this forum and brewing for a couple of years and would never be as presumptuous to write a guide on anything and only give out basic advice to noobs (which I really am still one) on topics that I have good knowledge and experience with. This forum is supposed to be about sharing knowledge to promote the science and art of homebrewing to improve peoples' understanding and processes; not the quickest and easiest way to produce and alcoholic drink (you can also put some bread and water in a bag and leave it near the heater if you want).

To the OP, hang around, ask questions, search the cider topics and improve your process. There is a wealth of information available. You don't have to go overboard if that is not your thing, but I personally think if you are going to be producing and foodstuff/drink and giving it to people you have a responsibility to know what you are doing. :beer:
manticle said:
I withdraw from this conversation. Might just as soon debate with my cat.
Finishing with a personal remark. Excellent way to underscore your point. Well played.
In case anybody else clicked on this thread thinking they would learn a simple way to brew cider, I will risk being constructive...

I just finished my first attempt. I removed 500mL of juice from 3L bottles, fermented it out to dry, added apple juice from a new 2L bottle to get it to 1.010, my estimate at how dry/sweet I'd like it.

(What I did after this point I probably wouldn't do again or recommend, but will list it anyway. I had read about pasteurization, so I bottled them then opened one a day until they were well-carbed. I then pasteurized at 75 degrees, but even still, I was afraid of bottle-bombs and have kept them in the fridge anyways.)

My suggestion to the OP's method which may address a few criticisms: why not pour more of the original juice out and ferment out to dry. This way you basically know your ABV. Add back some juice to backsweeten, then proceed with your in-bottle carbonation, sticking it in the fridge after it's carbed enough.

My reasoning for going down this track is that I'd spend less time checking hydro readings.

Just my 2/5ths of a dime
Actually, if you searched back a bit, there are threads discussing converting the label stated sugar content to OG, threads going back all the way to when we started discussing using the bottles as pre-sterilised fermenters, head space, carbonation and sweetness control, workarounds to not measuring fg, I even remember posting a picture of a really clear brewed in the bottle glass of cider.
I believe those threads also recommended in varying degrees that its a convenient method to dip your toe and learn your sweet spots before commuting to 20-30L at a time. I even got some comment at the time from more experienced cider makers who prefer the dry and aged and we had some discussion on the merits of partially sweet cider, a few, like me preferred to not having to add lactose or pasteurise and figured these methods were the right fit for our limited consumption. Horses for courses.

Unfortunately, to search and read back is clearly not something prison hooch makers want to do. Compounding is the amount of trash threads one would have to ignore to go back that far. I know I filter threads when searching by quick and precise comments from people whose advice I trust before reading page on page of possible drivel. Well done Bum, your precise comment would be very handy a year down the line for anyone not wanting to waste time on this thread.

In other news, lecter must be getting a kick out of this one ;)
My simultaneous on-topic and off-topic advice is to not bother with the pricks. CO2 will still escape and you reduce the chance of infection.

Method is pretty similar to oz tops, which I doubt many would use a hydrometer for. No big deal if you are drinking at home and not driving. As you have stated, temperature is stable and your ability to estimate yeast pitch rate no less accurate than anyone culturing up on a stir plate.

Dunno what all the fuss is about.
I have suggested a Cider and Perry subforum to be on an equal footing with All Grain, Partials, Kits n Extracts and Other brewing (e.g. wines, mead, braggot, melomel, pruno etc).
Ahh, Its good to be back (ran out of spare cash for internet for a month or so!). Been an interesting read since I last posted.

Bum, I said I never intended to write the "How to deal with Bum" guide, so unfortunately there is no draft. Twas a wee grasp at humour amongst my original postings.

Anyway, as you can see just recharged the old prepaid internet, and bought another barrel while I was at it, and some good ol Brigalow cider cans plus 20L of juice and assorted other things, time to bump up production!

'Tis good to be back on the forum. I still stand by my original post on this thread but dont imagine I'll venture any further down this 4 page path. Enough has been said on the matter I reckon. So I'll bid you all fair greetings and go make some cider me thinks!

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