Chuck Hahn Dinner

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Hi all, Chuck Hahn is visiting Ballina on the NSW far north coast this Thursday for a 4 course dinner and beer matching evening. Wanted to hear from folks that have been to such an event elsewhere and what their thoughts on it were..

Went to one a couple of years ago. Good night out.
Chuck runs through dishes and James Squire beers to match.
You get some good face to face time with Chuck through the night as well.

I also attended one at the Portland Hotel Brewhouse down here in Melbourne a few years back.

It was a good, informative night, Chuck was very approachable and a few of the other Squire's brewers were there as well and managed to bail a few of them up for a chat.

Even my wife enjoyed it.


I went to the one in Perth last Wednesday. It was great!
I learned a lot, got a perspective of James Squire beers from Chuck, had really good food and really good beer. Best night out in a while!
I have only been to one,
and while it was quite good, it was hosted at a large hotel, despite this, the food was actually very good, and quite interesting.
The fact its basically a caged promo event makes at a little, well, predictable with regard to the beers served etc, and Chuck has this certain fairly well rehearsed schtick,

Also not sure if it was just his one I went to, but everything seemed very rushed
Thanks for the feedback guys, I wil give it a go and post here after Thursday and let you all now how it went.

Well myself and few mates went the James Squire beer matching dinner at the point restuarant Ballina last night. :beerbang: $55 pp for 4 courses and beers to match. I have to say it was a great evening. Chuck gives his speech on the different types of beer and the reasons they go well with the various dishes. He was very approachable and I managed some face to face time to ask him a few burning questions, such as why had the taste of golden ale changed???

The only problem was....I had to work today :(

Anyway a great time and I recommend it to all. Chuck even managed to back up some of my claims that I have been trying to explain to my mates for years!!
I went to the one in Perth last Wednesday. It was great!
I learned a lot, got a perspective of James Squire beers from Chuck, had really good food and really good beer. Best night out in a while!

Gday NME where did ya here about that?
Purely by chance this time! I read it in the blog on the James Squire website. Have since joined their mailing list :p
The great Amarillo shortage of 2008 :p

Yep That's what the man said. No alteration at all has been made to the grain bill. It was simply a case of Amarillo hops going from $40/kg to $100/kg and thus the amount added to the golden ale had to unfortunatley be reduced...