Ok guys,
Today I started to enjoy everyones beer. I am about to post my impressions of the beers I have drunk so far (this impression was also derived from friends who were also here to imbibe in these nectar delights).
Let me say from the outset, I am not a beer judge, I enjoy a good beer immensely, I also know what I like.
I have rated your beers on categories I look to when I sit down to have a beer.
Please don't be offended if I didn't like your beer. Also, dont forget your beers came through Australia Post and could have sat anywhere while the strike was on or before they decide to send the beer.
Date Brewer Style Comments
9/01/2010 NME Extract APA
Clarity - Very thick almost murky
Carbonation - good
Colour - Off brown
Head - Long lasting - fluffy
Aroma - Gooseberries
Flavour/Taste - Beer had a lasting bitterness.
Overall Impression - If I was brutally honest I would not contemplate drinking this beer again.
I am not a fan of Nelson hops but that should not detract from you continuing to brew with this hops.
Sorry mate but I could not rate this beer any better.
9/01/2010 itmechanic Landlord Clone
Clarity - Cloudy
Carbonation - Low to nil
Colour - Medium copper
Head - Slight which reduces to wispy
Aroma - Nil
Flavour/Taste - Noticeable caramel & toffee flavours
Overall Impression - I have never tasted this style of beer before therefore I am unfamiliar of
what is expected. The beer had a very dry finish.
The beer was very subdued in both flavour and stated before I could not pick up any noticeable aromas.
Additionally there were many floaties present in the beer.
I must admit my wife enjoyed this beer immensely.
9/01/2010 WSC APA
Clarity - Milky
Carbonation - Slight
Head - Fluffy
Aroma - Very slight citrus
Flavour/Taste - Very mellow to no hop bitterness. No aftertaste or lingering bitterness.
Overall Impression - A very subdued APA. There was no noticeable hop flavour/bitterness or aromas.
9/01/2010 Mayor of Mildura Wit
Clarity - Clear
Carbonation - Slight
Head - Fluffy
Aroma - Lemon
Flavour/Taste - The lemon addition has taken over the entire beer flavour.
I was unable to discern any other flavours.
Overall Impression - On a hot afternoon a glass of this will quench anyones thirst
and they would probably ask for another.
9/01/2010 Jisaw Wit
Clarity - Cloudy - which is what you expect from a Wit
Carbonation - Low
Head - Fluffy
Aroma - Faint orange citrus smell
Flavour/Taste - Very smooth sweet flavour.
Overall Impression - I had a Hoegaarden yesterday (amongst others) and
I enjoyed drinking this beer far more than the Hoegaarden. If I could brew a Wit like this I would be a happy man.
9/01/2009 Cocko APA
Clarity - Clear
Carbonation - Nil
Head - Initial pour good but dissipates to slight
Aroma - Caramel and toffee aromas
Flavour/Taste - Good bitterness that lingers in the aftertaste. I thought the crystal flavour
might be a bit high for this style of beer.
Overall Impression - I enjoyed this beer immensely. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount
of caramel flavour this beer imparted. As you stated this was bottled from a keg therefore
this would explain the no carbonation.
9/01/2010 Booyablack Pale Ale
Clarity - good
Carbonation - Slight to nil
Head - Good
Aroma - I was unable to pick what the aromas were for this beer
Flavour/Taste - My initial impression was apricot and was unable to discern any other flavours after this.
Overall Impression - Sorry mate but the overall impression was not a beer I would want to
try again in the short term.