Chest Freezer

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Chasing a chest freezer.
There is so many different sizes out there, what size do most brewers use for there kegs.
If possible can you post me a pic or pm to me.
Also did you use new or second hand?
This thread shows you how I put together my chest freezer. "Chest Freezer Thread"

I used a new centrex 200L freezer but as far as I know you can't buy these anymore as centrex went bust. Which is a bugger because they were nice and cheap.

Anyway with a collar i can fit 6 x 18ltr kegs in there nicely and would be able to have 6 taps if I want. But i only have 4 kegs in there and use the other room to store glasses, other drinks and hops etc.



EDIT:...Hmmm no idea why the photo came up that way....but anyway look at the link I gave you all is in there. Any questions just ask
Nice Energy rating ,

I ve heard about some strange goings on in the Pokolbin state forest .

Seriously though . unless you know frig mecs i think its best to buy new. I just bought a 500L new for $980 for C/C my kegs ,I havent loaded it up yet but it will hold 10 easy maybe more. My backs scared though!!
Heres a link to a post showing my 300L Signature brand freezer.

My Chest Freezer

Haven't had any problems with it at all. Now have all Ventmatic taps in place so life is that much better :D

Oh, holds 6 kegs with ease.

Seriously though . unless you know frig mecs i think its best to buy new.

This is why I bought new....really didn't want to get 6 months down the track after setting it all up and finding that the thing died.

I picked up a big chest on ebay for $120,. works fine and holds 9 kegs
Yours looks great POK & Cliffo.
I have been scrolling ebay for a while looking but only seriously now I have made the decision to go this way.
Tossing up now between a font or taps through the collar????
The dilemmas of the home brewer..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yours looks great POK & Cliffo.

Tossing up now between a font or taps through the collar????

Taps through collar is the cheaper option, and generally you will need to build a collar to fit your kegs and beer lines etc in there anyway as the freezer may not be deep enough. The bonus is you can do it that way and then upgrade later if the budget gets better and all you will have to do is make a new collar which is really easy...or have both font and collar taps :p.... might need to buy a second freezer :p

I thought about a font but didn't want to modify my freezer by drilling holes etc in it... as its still under warranty the whole idea was to not molest the freezer itself.

Anyway food for thought.

I'm gonna have four taps through the collar and a four tap font :p
Only have the one tap at the moment but getting the font off dicko soon hopefully :D
I'm gonna have four taps through the collar and a four tap font :p
Only have the one tap at the moment but getting the font off dicko soon hopefully :D

I was thinking of doing that. I have 4 taps at the moment and will have 5 more once I get a bar and put my font on it. .... But will need another freezer for that... so might just use my collar taps for a party setup.
Hey PoK what is the internal measurements of the freezer?
Or even better what is the widths of two kegs side by side then three kegs side by side.
Sorry to be a pain but I do not have any kegs at the moment until my order arrives from supplier.

If you could help me out that would be great.

Collar on a freezer is far better IMO than a font. Effectively cooling a font is a pain & taps through the collar allow far easier & cheaper upgrade as you expand your taps.

cheers Ross
Here you go Reg:

Sorry about the poor photo quality and the mess that my freezer is at the moment but should help you out.

Measurements are approx but again will give you an idea. With a couple of beers under my belt at the moment I'm not going to tell you they are exact.


Cheers, Pok
Here you go Reg:

Sorry about the poor photo quality and the mess that my freezer is at the moment but should help you out.

Measurements are approx but again will give you an idea. With a couple of beers under my belt at the moment I'm not going to tell you they are exact.

View attachment 19284

Cheers, Pok
Cheers POK
Have one on me :D :D
No prob, anytime. If you want to know anything else just ask.
I'm gonna have four taps through the collar and a four tap font
Only have the one tap at the moment but getting the font off dicko soon hopefully


Must be another "dicko".
As that fat seargent said, on Hogans Heroes' "I know nothing" :lol: B) :(

what type of taps did you use on the chest freezer?
What are they worth and where did you get them from?
I see a guy from the states sells taps on a shank delivered to Australia for $59.90.
I would prefer to buy local if possible
what type of taps did you use on the chest freezer?
What are they worth and where did you get them from?
I see a guy from the states sells taps on a shank delivered to Australia for $59.90.
I would prefer to buy local if possible

The taps I have are just the basic beer tap that most HBS sell (they are called Micromatic or something like that.... but you can get copies etc from what I gather)

Ross at Craftbrewer sells the genuine ones Here

But I bought mine off ebay.... they are two different type of taps though, two are self sealing (they are spring loaded...different to the ones shown on that link for Craftbrewer) and the other two you have to close off manually (they don't "flick" back when you let go).

From memory the cost me around $40 - 50, but I couldn't get the self closing ones the second time around. At the moment I can't seem to find them on ebay. I know I bought one of the pairs from a seller named "beerdispense", from memory he is at coffs harbour.

They aren't the best beer tap in the world...but they pour beer in my glass and thats all I need!!

Hope this helps some what. If you are looking to buy a bundle I'm sure if you can't get them off ebay someone like Ross would be willing to help you out.

Cheers, Pok

Right back to that bloody uni work I am meant to be doing
I have some floryte taps so I might just use those.
Just need the fittings of Ken.

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