Cheap Kegs

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I got mine a while ago when they still sent 4 per box :) . They were top notch kegs.

I recently got a load of 3 gallon kegs sent over. They seem to be running out of these. They sent mainly older models, and were not as pristine as the first load I ordered. Still good, but you can see they are begining to really scrounge.

I reckon this will eventually happen with the 5 gallon kegs, so start hoarding now.

Got an email back from Brewers Discount Yesterday and from it I worked out the following information:

"The box will hold 2 fives or three threes or one three and one five. Cost for for shipping can be found at Normally it is about $42 for the fives.

The threes are about 7.5 lbs each and the fives are about 10 lbs each. Add $3 for the box."

So Basic Costs Below:

2 x 5 = US $42.00(postage) (kegs = US $51.00) TOTAL = US $96.00 = AUS $122.826

1 X 3 + 1 X 5 = US $38.50(postage) (kegs = US $58.00) TOTAL = US$96.50 = AUS $123.465

3 X 3 = US $45.00(postage) (kegs = US $97.50) TOTAL = US$142.50 = AUS $182.300

1 AUD = 0.781679 USD

NOTE: All calculations are approximate as it depends on the AUS/US dollar but it is a good guide anyway.

how is everyone paying for them? credit cards?
Kman Yep, I paid with Credit card straight through the website/ shopping cart
id have to borrow one, as i dont think i can trust myself with owning one. Im the best inpulse buyer the world has ever seen
TL - Just emailed about the kegs and they replied:

I am sorry, we do not ship outside of the US. We have a horrible time with tracking items leaving the US, for this reason we have just stopped shipping outside of the United States.

Sorry for any inconvenience

Which sux
damn it, i wanted to get 3 small kegs,

oh well, have to find another source
Just for interest - I brought 4 kegs from this guys last "auction":

He is still saying 4 x 5gals in a box. Postage US$68.40 (note he mentions Australia by name) Works out about $48 a keg delivered.

I only brought them last week so obviously haven't got them yet but I got an email from the guy saying that the order had come through OK and to expect 12 weeks delivery. He didn't say anything about 4 in a box being a problem so I'm assuming this is OK.

I paid by PAYPAL. Never used it before but it worked fine.

Also read the guys notes on how these are becoming rare and how the plants in China are soaking up the worlds supply - maybe time to hoard as MAH says..

Plastic Man,
This outfit is associated with Brewers Discount...See an earlier post on this thread. I'm sure they're fine to deal with but they aren't somebody new...

Sluggerdog - thanks for the info - ah well, it looks like its back to Brewers Discount for me...

might have to look into buying 4 or 8 kegs very early into the new year. But the only issue will be getting a credit card to pay for them all, so if someone is buying during jan or feb, id be happy to pay cash if someone could credit card them for me.

I want to get to the stage next year where i have a ***** load of kegs, maybe even to the point where i just brew solidly in jan and have beer for the rest of the year.

Keep in mind i only start brewing this year, and i already have a chest freezer keg system, 3 kegs, and with in the next week and a half a portable miracle box setup and small gas bottle. So i have progressed pretty quickly.
Plastic Man, I too ordered from that auction. :D It's a bit dearer than the $18.50 they used to be, but the AUD is pretty good these days, so it didn't bother me so much. The reason I went with the Ebay auction rather than Brewer's Discount (I know they're affiliated) was that he mentioned 4 kegs per box was possible. Can't wait to get them! :D
you make a good point about the dollar being fairly strong now, maybe i should take out a small short term loan of say $600 or so, and get like 12 kegs, and then just budget the repayments into my life. By the time i get the kegs, id probably have it paid off
Thanks TL

I hope they are fine as well, ($200 worth of hope to be exact!!). It's weird though that 4 in a box is OK for one but not the other - especially if they are related soemhow.

Yeah it is wierd but at the end of the day, if you get your kegs in reasonable nick and you can clean and use them, who cares!

I see the ebay site says that 4 x 5 Gal cornys can be shipped here for US$68.40 and Brewers Discount ship two 5 Gal cornys in a box for US$42.50. So if it's the same mob - and I'm almost certain that it is - then you're better of going to E-bay for their kegs, until they change the shipping charges on their E-bay site. If anyone buys there kegs from the usedequip mob on E-bay and pays more than US$68.40 for 4 kegs as they state, please let us know! <_<

As a side note, there was a fairly busy debate on the morebeer forum (the forum on the beer, beer and morebeer or B3 site) about whether or not Japan and China were getting the bulk of the kegs from the one Pepsi keg factory and suppliers. There was rumours and counter rumours flying thick and fast - the chinese were using the stainless steel for other things, and the fussy japanese wanted their beer in kegs not plastic lined boxes etc...Whatever, I doubt that a business is gonna stop providing corny kegs if the market demand for the kegs is growing! Especially if they can tap into China (pardon the pun)! :ph34r:
Anyway, I'll keep working on the missus for this late addition chrissy present! ;)

i have ordered 8 kegs from the ebay site - ordered in Oct - still waiting....

Will let u guys know when they arrive and what condition etc...
dreamboat, just saw your post sorry!!! ...for everyone else, the question was "how much did the per keg price work out to be?" ...when I bulk ordered 24 kegs from usedequip in the States.

It worked out to be about $46 per keg !!!

I did take months to arrive ...but, $46 delivered to your door is pretty good value! ;)
Slightly off topic, last time I was in the Philippines, I noticed in one of the downtown supermarkets in an unused trolley bay about 300 5L pepsi cornies empty. Didn't enquire at the time, but I will ask my brother in-law to try to get some info about them. Shipping may be cheaper if they are for sale. I am going there in April, so I will sort something out. Can't see them costing too much at all.
i keep running the numbers, and i think i will end up getting my first order of kegs early in the new year. I hope the aussie dollar get above 80c, that woulf be great. Anyway i think i have to budget in about $430 or so bucks to pick up 4 x 3gal kegs, and 4 x 5 gal kegs, then make another order of eith 4or8 x 5gal kegs around mid year, and that should fill my imeddiate keg requirements, and even if i want more after that, i could easily sell a few @ $70, and then buy another load, get a keg or two free just for waiting it out.