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Gimme one good reason a civilian needs an automatic weapon.

automatic fire arms were already illegal! a good shooter with a 303 or pump or lever action can shoot almost as quick as some one with a semi auto rifle with just as many or more rounds in the magazine, but some poeple dont like big recoil and as such with the recoil reduction from a semi auto can enjoy a day hunting or blowing apart clay pigeons a hell of a lot more.
as i said a media driven knee jerk reaction.
one of the points of this was to stop Illegal Use of firearms.. hmm criminals still have them today and they are still using them guess that did not work as by definition Criminals don't obey the laws.
I'd be very interested to hear where you think illegal firearms come from in the first place.
The most elite gunsmen in the world struggle to achieve what you are suggesting! I'll leave that thought for you to ponder...

I may have been guilty of hyperbole but the point stands.

The gun laws (whether you're for or against - I agree with you that blanket prohibition of anything is a bad method of controlling the produced ills) were not introduced to lower the murder/suicide rate.

All cynicism aside, they are simply there to make it less easy for someone like Martin Bryant to buy a big gun, walk into a public place and let loose (however long it took him although the 30+ figure is accurate and wikipedia suggests he killed 20 in a number of seconds as well as wounding others).

Whether they work or not is not what I'm debating - simply that their purpose was not as suggested by Marksfish.
I'd be very interested to hear where you think illegal firearms come from in the first place.

i dont know about long-arms but 70% of illegal handguns were stolen from the police!
All cynicism aside, they are simply there to make it less easy for someone like Martin Bryant to buy a big gun, walk into a public place and let loose (however long it took him although the 30+ figure is accurate and wikipedia suggests he killed 20 in a number of seconds as well as wounding others).

A little bit of reading makes me think you are referring to the Vialls Conspiracy Leigh.

On that I have no opinion as I only came across it today.
Not sure of that particular text, but have read another that is probably similar...there is also a bit of stuff I rememebr from the day that has disappeared from the "official" accounts of the day...
There's a small town in Texas in the US of A (where else) where not carrying a gun (as an adult) is illegal...surprisingly they have the lowest crime rate and shootings of any place in the good ole (pun) You Ess of Aye...I guess crims are scared in that town of having a gun pulled on them!

And what would be the name of this small town??
Not sure of that particular text, but have read another that is probably similar...there is also a bit of stuff I rememebr from the day that has disappeared from the "official" accounts of the day...

You can also read about how the recent asian tsunami was the result of a nuclear explosion commissioned by Mossad and Ex American secret Service agents. The Bali bombing was apparently also a small nuclear device orchestrated by the same and said massacre was in fact designed to disarm our populace due to us being so resource rich (organised by -you guessed it - mossad and the CIA). Bryant was a patsy who wasn't there and if he was there, didn't shoot a gun and if he was there and did shoot a gun then he missed everybody.

It's irrefutably proven by irrefutable scientific fact using hard science that can't be refuted.


I'm all for accepting that people of low IQ and other intellectual disability can be pressured to falsely confess (Jason Miskelly being one possible example) but if the guy wasn't dead (Vialls) then he should look at getting an editor because he does himself no favours. Count the number of times he writes 'scientific' without actually offering any real or referenced science.
A couple of months back I recall Joolia anounced a pledge of $435M for Indonesian schools, well good for them I thought. A couple of days ago she announced $1M for the poor all buggers affected by the floods up here in QLD. Now, these are Australians and tax payers and all the stupid bitch can come up with is $1M ????? FFS, what kind of country are we living in? What is their reasoning? "They are aussies, they have insurance, they can afford to rebuild?" Anyone who thought a new age was dawning with a female prime minister must be shaking their heads in disbelief. Bloody polititians MUST realise they are playing with the taxpayers money not their own. I ask that you all email your local federal member as I have done to protest about this bullshit.

Sorry about the expletives


One word... Vote Liberal.... Wait... 2 words

You won't have to wait very long... Government will dissolve within...... (hmmm crystal ball says) 9 months... Then the Libs are a shoe-in.. (Federally)

Why instill faith in a government with a proven track record of deliberately pursuading voters to vote for them with no intent of fulfilling any semblance of their election promises?

Firesuit.... For Labor voters....

Greens voters? I'll kick the shit out of you for being massive suckers in allowing populist media to pursuade you in wasting your votes....

One word... Vote Liberal.... Wait... 2 words

You won't have to wait very long... Government will dissolve within...... (hmmm crystal ball says) 9 months... Then the Libs are a shoe-in.. (Federally)

Why instill faith in a government with a proven track record of deliberately pursuading voters to vote for them with no intent of fulfilling any semblance of their election promises?

Firesuit.... For Labor voters....

Greens voters? I'll kick the shit out of you for being massive suckers in allowing populist media to pursuade you in wasting your votes....


There seems to be very little difference in the ideologies of the two parties these days, labor just seems to be a less competant liberal party and the greens live in loopyland.

you dont really believe a liberal govt would be any better do you? since the libs got in here in vic all theyve done is set up more mirror gazing we will look into it enquires. if it wasnt for the banners telling you wich side is wich thre would be no telling them apart from one another these days. pollys on both sides are there to line threre own pockets and satisfy theyre own power lust rather than do anything for the poeple that put them there.

edit^ what he said
One word... Vote Liberal.... Wait... 2 words

You won't have to wait very long... Government will dissolve within...... (hmmm crystal ball says) 9 months... Then the Libs are a shoe-in.. (Federally)

Why instill faith in a government with a proven track record of deliberately pursuading voters to vote for them with no intent of fulfilling any semblance of their election promises?
GST? Work Choices? Fucken anything? Anyone? Nope? Oh well. I guess you're right then. The Coalition can do no wrong (note: Coalition, not Liberals, when was the last Liberal Government? Even Menzies got in as part of a Coalition - not that Liberals will remember that - they'll just talk about how Labor didn't "win" the last election.)
Beerhog, Bum... Great points... Short answer? No...

Labor's centre of left, and the Libs are centre of right....

What does that give us? Sweet naff all...
There's no policy from the Libs, there's none from the Labor Party.. Oh hang on.... Aside from the populist vote-winning ones.. NBN, the miners 'the baddies' with the Mining Tax to name a couple...

There's no direction from either party for a reason.. We're phucked financially at the moment... Stong growth, growing interest rate, high Dollar, mean shit all when the rest of the world recovers...

The Libs, sorry, Coalition didn't offer anything we, the public couldn't afford...

The Labor Party were very lucky to scrape through the 2010 election on alot of empty promises.

Sorry, forgot the federal budget deficit... I wasn't surprised by it though... :lol: