A couple of months back I recall Joolia anounced a pledge of $435M for Indonesian schools, well good for them I thought. A couple of days ago she announced $1M for the poor all buggers affected by the floods up here in QLD. Now, these are Australians and tax payers and all the stupid bitch can come up with is $1M ????? FFS, what kind of country are we living in? What is their reasoning? "They are aussies, they have insurance, they can afford to rebuild?" Anyone who thought a new age was dawning with a female prime minister must be shaking their heads in disbelief. Bloody polititians MUST realise they are playing with the taxpayers money not their own. I ask that you all email your local federal member as I have done to protest about this ********.
Sorry about the expletives
The operative word here is 'pledge'. You don't really think guberments just give away vast sums of cash unless there's a drink in it for them do you? The Indo's obviously have something we want, maby it's Aussie company's supplying the materials for those schools, but there must be some back room deal - who knows.
The only thing politicians give a **** about in regard to a local disaster is the photo op, far more important to be 'seen' to be doing something. There's no impetus for them to do anything that wont get them re elected.
And anyone who thought there would be a 'new age' dawning due to having a barely elected female prime minister is a retard of the highest order.
do you mean things like little johnnys gun laws after Port Arthur?.
do you mean things like little johnnys gun laws after Port Arthur?.
Bull.biggest knee jerk youll ever see.
Gimme one good reason a civilian needs an automatic weapon.
Gimme one good reason a civilian needs an automatic weapon.
Why indeed... ?I see your point, but the same logic could be applied to cars...
Why do we need to be able to buy a car with 350 kw capable of 300 km/h
I see your point, but the same logic could be applied to cars...
Why do we need to be able to buy a car with 350 kw capable of 300 km/h when I can get a Hyundai Getz with 65 kw that will reach the maximum legal speed limit in any state in a little more time? Not to mention the carbon footprint...blah blah blah...
And I bet the 350 kw vehicles have killed more people in this country....
Gimme one good reason a civilian needs an automatic weapon.
do you really think the gun laws have worked in their aim of reducing murder or suicide rates?
if it was only automatic firearms not to many people would have bitched about the laws, but they also banned semi-automatic rifles and shotguns and pump action shotguns while leaving pump action rifles as legal. and do you really think the gun laws have worked in their aim of reducing murder or suicide rates?
research is fromresearch shows that in areas with more legal guns (ie licences) the crime rate is lower. this effect is compounded in areas where concealed weapon licences are also available. now this research is mainly from the US and is now about 10yrs old but it should still hold true.
Their aim was to make it less easy for Joe Blow to purchase a weapon capable of easily murdering 30+ people in an hour long shooting spree, not reduce the murder/suicide rate as a whole.
before gun buy-back et al
In the eleven years between January 1987 and January 1998, Australia experienced approximately three gun massacres per year where on average, four people died in each of these massacres. The only other western nation to experience such a massacre rate is America5. Of the actual 141 killed, 69 were female and 72 were male. Twenty of the 141 were children under 18 years of age.
[Mukherjee Satyanshu, Carcach C., (1996) Violent Deaths and Firearms in Australia : Data & Trends, Australian Institute of Criminology, (Research and Public Policy; No. 4). Australian Firearms Buyback Web page. P 4.]
since buy back.. well i dont have data but its bugger all.
if it was only automatic firearms not to many people would have bitched about the laws, but they also banned semi-automatic rifles and shotguns and pump action shotguns while leaving pump action rifles as legal. and do you really think the gun laws have worked in their aim of reducing murder or suicide rates?