I use bags of co2 with cubes almost all the time now it works really well. If you have a co2 cylinder just filling the bag from that would obviously be easiest but it is easy enough to fill from a fermenter if you don’t have a keg setup.
A couple of my bags don’t seal properly though and if left full for a few days will start going flat slowly. I bought 2 bags on ebay and 4 more when they were on special at Aldi. I think it’s the Aldi ones that leak.
Only thing is you need to remember to take the bag of when it’s full. I forgot one time and went to bed, in the morning I found the bag had blown up like a balloon and the fermenter was a bit under pressure but luckily co2 was escaping from around the grommet and lid seal.
What I do now is set my phone alarm for one hour (which is the fastest time one has filled for me) then check it estimate how much longer it will take and re set the alarm accordingly.
How long it takes to fill will depend on how fast your wort is fermenting. Using so4 my 20L bags fill in about 1 hour and fermentation is finished in 2-3 days at 18c-20c, Slowest was over 3 hours using M41 Belgian Ale at 24c and fermentation took about 7 days.
I don’t fit the bag immediately after pitching the yeast but leave it till at least the next day so the yeast has used or purged oxygen from the fermrnter and blow off.
Another experiment I tried with a bag and cube was fermenting and serving late hopped ale (Simcoe) from the same cube to minimise any exposure to oxygen. The result was ale with a fantastic hop aroma.
What I did was ferment in the cube with a blow off tube attached to the tap. I didn’t take photos this time but posted pics of this method over in the carbing and conditioning in a cube thread post #52. I think I have already posted a link to them earlier in this thread but it’s
here if not or anyone hasn’t seen it.
This time though when fermentation was almost complete and the blow off bubbling slowly I stood the cube upright fitted a cap with a hole and grommet and attached the bag so it could fill with co2 then closed the bag tap so the cube could carb up.
I could have just fitted the blow off to the cap to start with but thought the tap would work better than the smaller grommet hole and not block up as easily in the early stage.
Cheers Sean