cascade & mosaic in smurto's ga?

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Love some feedback - thinking Cascade for bittering and split cascade and mosaic flavour and aroma 50/50. Any thoughts - good / bad / ugly?

also have available:

fuggles, ekg, saaz, hersbrucker, spalter. Open to suggestions.
Yeah. I am going to be putting that down as soon as I have some keg space. Cascade + Mosaic/Amarillo/any American hop ever is a winner.
I have done Dr's Light Amber with Cascade and Mosiac and it was a winner so would only imagine it would be just as good in the GA. :beerbang:
Awesome - just about to throw in the hops! :) Thanks everyone!

upgraded the braumiser yesterday.... 50L batch :)

on this kind of question; at what point does it not become a dr smurto's and become your own beer? the lael love ale or whatever really.

I've just seen this kind of thing posted a lot and was curious what people's thoughts were. is it a smurto's GA because of the grist? the hops? the mash temps and/or yeast?
61gr Cascade @ 60mins for 22 IBU
25gr each @ 15 mins for 10IBU
25gr Mosaic @ 5mins for 3IBU...

suggest any changes?
fletcher said:

I've just seen this kind of thing posted a lot and was curious what people's thoughts were. is it a smurto's GA because of the grist? the hops? the mash temps and/or yeast?
It's the recipe Smurto's design. Available from kits and bits, all extract or all grain. Makes a great beer however you make it. It was based on JS Golden Ale IIRC when JS GA was nice back a few years.
With all due respect to the good Dr, Pils/munich/caraminch/wheat in the proportions described aren't overly novel, nor uncommon, particularly if you've read Daniels' Designing Great Beers. So any changes thereof, even to the process, water chemistry, malt etc. is immediately different to Smurto's recipe. This is the fun of brewing, creating something that tastes great and can be called your own.
Will be good to hear your results of the mix

I'm going to do a straight mosaic this weekend, have done with Amarillo, so can't wait to taste the difference as never used mosaic.
I asked that question a few months back and was taken to task (sort of) for being "politically correct". I think it's an interesting question. Beer recipes are all pretty derivative, especially when brewing to style.
Who cares! I use Smurto's grist all the time. If I am using that grist and keeping the IBU's similar then it is a Smurto's derivative. If I change the grist slightly or change the IBU's dramatically it's a different beer.

Smurto's with Cascade and Mosaic sounds like heaven!
In my mind any change in ingredients make it something else. I mean, if i ferment grape juice is it beer? Of course not. Not that i care though, just brew.

Beer is always going to be malt + hops + yeast in some combination.

What's that? Syl uses malt in his beer too? He's ripping me off, i should sue. :lol: . Pffffffffffffft
Never noticed Dr S to care in any way when these questions come up besides whether or not it will work as a beer.

Irrelevant. Call it DSGA, call it Barry McGee.

Yes subbing some other types of fruity hops will work with that grist.
lael said:
for me - its his recipe, I'm just changing the hop... :)
When scientists cloned "Dolly" the sheep, had they given her wings, web feet and a hump, would it still be sheep ???
taztiger said:
G'day Lael
What was the verdict on the Dr S Mosaic/Cascade?
Hey Taz.,

Fantastic! Widely loved. Although a lot of the fruity flavours coming out of the ferment didn't come through. Any suggestions anyone? (didn't dry hop at all).

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