Calling Lyall Cottam Calling Lyall Cottam

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
Reaction score
A gentleman called Lyall Cottam won the lager and pilsener classes at the recent QABC comp, and didn't actually get into the first three brewers because he "cut himself out" by getting two places in the pilseners. I note he's not a BABBs member but wonder if he's an AHB member or if anyone knows of his whereabouts in QLD ? If you are out there Lyall I'd like to pick your brains on lagers if you don't mind.

Just pm me if you don't want your real name to be revealed on the forum

A gentleman called Lyall Cottam won the lager and pilsener classes at the recent QABC comp, and didn't actually get into the first three brewers because he "cut himself out" by getting two places in the pilseners. I note he's not a BABBs member but wonder if he's an AHB member or if anyone knows of his whereabouts in QLD ? If you are out there Lyall I'd like to pick your brains on lagers if you don't mind.

Just pm me if you don't want your real name to be revealed on the forum

Lyall actually was a Babbs member Bribie, as well as a PUBS member, but doesn't make it down to Babbs so often these days...

Mr Starkes can give you the details but we should also have his email around somewhere if you get no joy...

He does know his way around a pilsner that's for sure...
Thanks guys, I'm closing in on the bugger and should have him hogtied this coming

lyall.jpgweek :D :D
Thanks guys, I'm closing in on the bugger and should have him hogtied this coming week :D :D
Funniest thing about this Bribie.....You were both stewarding the QABC together last weekend. :lol: :unsure:

Funniest thing about this Bribie.....You were both stewarding the QABC together last weekend. :lol:


:eek: And so we were :eek:

Edit: we were so busy that our sum total of communication was like: I've got table 1, table 4 is nearly done did you put table 2's scoresheet in the box? Who's getting table 1 ? :p Then I had to POQ at 2.30