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Anyway, maybe Quantock's has gone away on holiday or something.
read all of the thread. Its already been est that Quantocks has been on the site recently (his profile says last on AHB 8th Feb)


Hang on why does it sound like im getting involved?! *CM2 takes a back seat*
Anyway, maybe Quantock's has gone away on holiday or something.

Yes, he's holidaying in a 3ft x 4ft bamboo cage on Bribie Island. His disapperance right after that photograph is very suspicious :)

And I can see your point, there's no way cops or ex-cops would ever be involved personally in narcotics. Perish the thought ;)
A re-enactment:


Quantocks has just made contact with me and has offered to make it right.
Quantocks has just made contact with me and has offered to make it right.
Thats it. No further goss of went on. Hmmmmm......guess I should go back to home and away for my drama intake :D
Finally good news! It is a bit of a shame it had to go so far but hey as long as it's all sorted out.

All this debate for nothing! And it was rapidly deterriorating into the gutter damn it!! :lol: Ok next post!
I twigged right at the start of this thread who it was about. (not that hard, just look at Reg's posts, and work backwards. :lol: ). But I thought it best not to mention it, in fairness to both parties.

Glad it's resolved. I've stayed well out of it....but if I can put 2c in now.....
Q had been on the site after pm's had been sent, and after this thread went up (which was in the 'latest threads' consistantly)
R did everything he could (imo) to contact, prior to the name and shame....

However.....if Q gave a reasonable and valid reason to you for the no contact, Reg, then it's only fair that you state publicly in this thread that the reason for no contact was valid, and excuseable (sp), and that it was all an unfortunate misunderstanding. If Q has no reasonable excuse, then it is up to him to post an apology, in which case, given that the issue has been resolved satisfactorily, combined with the appropriate eating of humble pie and apology, forgiveness and understanding can be bestowed, and confidence in future transactions with Q would not, necessarily, be prejudiced. (ie, if he says "I f*cked up", and took it like a man, I (for one) wouldn't necessarily automaticaly distrust dealing with him in future...having the balls to own up to you're shortcomings buys back a considerable amount of lost goodwill.)

My 2c only....not trying to stir the pot. (well, maybe slightly, but lets face it, it could go either way...although, at this point, Q looks llike the villain...and in fairness, that might not actually be the case. B) )
Q said that he definently posted them.
He then offered to send his hops as a replacement.

I sent a reply to him so still waiting to hear back.

It all could have been avoided had there been a better bit of communication, and maybe I lost my cool a little as I thought I was getting ripped off.
Alls well that ends well and I will let everybody know when it is settled.

Perhaps I stuffed up by posting his name etc but in the end it gets a result.
....not trying to stir the pot. (well, maybe slightly, but lets face it, it could go either way...although, at this point, Q looks llike the villain...and in fairness, that might not actually be the case. B) )

********! Who the hell are you? Judge Judy? How do you know Quantocks didnt post them? I for one believe he did. End of story, transaction closed and hopefully the thread.
and I will let everybody know when it is settled.

reg, please dont let us know when its settled as its becoming very boring and we dont need to know
re-read what I wrote. Actually, just re-read the part of what I wrote that you actually quoted. What do I actually say? That it looks one way, but it might not actually be the case. How is that unfair? Open your ******* eyes, ********.
OK. Seems like this has been settled.

And I should say thread is closed.
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