got apressure sprayer Just wnadering if anyone else had a stong smell in theres will this jsut clean out with napisan
The beauty of the spraker keg is that it's so simple and compact. I reckon carting a soda stream cylinder around with it defeats the purpose a little. I'd go with a soda bulb charger. You can get soda bulb regs but they're frickin expensive.
What I don't get is why you need co2 at all?
It's small enough to drink in one sitting :chug: and you can just use the in built pump thing to pressurise it so the beer comes out your tap!
Oxygenation shouldn't be a problem in one sitting I don't think.
What I don't get is why you need co2 at all?
Because you want to.
Occasionally (admittedly only very, but still), I will make a small batch of something and keg it into one of these things to drink over a period of weeks or whatever. Sits on the compressor hump in the kegerator (or on its side in the kitchen fridge). So, treating it like a proper keg works for me.
I had a couple of party kegs before I got my 'real' kegs, so I was able to learn stuff before committing a whole batch of my swill to a keg.
got apressure sprayer Just wnadering if anyone else had a stong smell in theres will this jsut clean out with napisan
Fair enough mate, but I reckon there'd be a hell of a lot of people going to the effort of co2 when they don't need to for 'party keg' reasons.
Small keg reasons I agree 100% they'd be very handy and I may do that at some point.
OK Ive built my sprayer keg, using a 6L Hills Garden Sprayer... so far so good except for one part!