Cloud Surfer
Well-Known Member
That's a very neat way of trapping and collecting your trub. I'm not sure how well that would work for me, as I'm using the false bottom on the BrewZilla, and the trub trapper would have to sit on that.
I have a home made trub trapper and then just lay the helix coil around it as a second ' sieve ', and i get less than a litre of loss
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I like it Dunc, thanks for the tip! I am going to set up a trub trapper dam in the helix coil on my next brew. I will use a stainless steel round baking dish or bowl with the bottom cut out and give it a try. It should stop most of the break being carried in the current to my take off points. Will get some photos and post with the results.
CloudSurfer. I do not use the false bottom.
It's a research and development exercise for me get the trub/break transfer into the fermenter down to an acceptable level. Equally important for me is keep my brew day simple and efficent time wise. I am not recommending Brewzilla owners punch out a extra take off by any means. I had the same results by using a siphon to take off the high level wort above the break. Next step is to try dunc's trub dam! Will get some good photos of the next brew a hazy NEIPA and post how it goes.Nice setup Mick.
I don't plan any major mods to my BrewZilla. I really liked how I had it setup for the first brew. Next time I just want to get a better whirlpool which I think I will with what I learnt from my first go.It's a research and development exercise for me get the trub/break transfer into the fermenter down to an acceptable level. Equally important for me is keep my brew day simple and efficent time wise. I am not recommending Brewzilla owners punch out a extra take off by any means. I had the same results by using a siphon to take off the high level wort above the break. Next step is to try dunc's trub dam! Will get some good photos of the next brew a hazy NEIPA and post how it goes.
My mill is set at 0.80mm and a credit card is around 0.75mm. Your crush seems very similar. When I mash on my 35L I find it is hands on for the full mash with a combination of lots of scrapping of the malt pipe bottom screen and adjustment of the pump return volume. Hence I do not use the overflow and block the lifting handle holes. I have just set up for a brew tommorrow with a Dunc's Dam, no false bottom. Will take some video of the process, it sounds like your malt pipe screen is blocking. Do you have the double screens on your malt pipe?Well my first brew on the Brewzilla 65L was a bit of disaster. Essentially I had very little to no flow through the malt pipe. I (eventually) raised the malt pipe and the only way I could get any sort of flow coming out of it was by scraping grain away from the mesh screen on the bottom of the malt pipe to allow the wort to drain out. I assumed my crush is too fine however I've brewed on a Braumeister for years never had an issue like this (using the same mill). However a quick test with a credit card had the card sliding through the gap in the mill so not sure? Didn't have a chance to test with feeler gauges but will check again later and confirm. I also used a good amount of rice hulls - I had about 4% oats and 8% flaked wheat - which I probably wouldn't have bothered with on the Braumeister but wanted to be cautious. Any ideas for next time? I set the unit up as per the instructions (false bottom in the kettle and screen on the bottom of the malt pipe) with the exception of the top plate as the pipe was too full and I couldn't get it on.
I ended up with about 40L into the fermenter at 1056 so not a complete disaster in the end though probably took me about 2hrs longer than it should have!
I hope you figure this out. I had no issue with circulating through the mash, and my sparge was way too fast through the mash for my liking.Well my first brew on the Brewzilla 65L was a bit of disaster. Essentially I had very little to no flow through the malt pipe. I (eventually) raised the malt pipe and the only way I could get any sort of flow coming out of it was by scraping grain away from the mesh screen on the bottom of the malt pipe to allow the wort to drain out. I assumed my crush is too fine however I've brewed on a Braumeister for years never had an issue like this (using the same mill). However a quick test with a credit card had the card sliding through the gap in the mill so not sure? Didn't have a chance to test with feeler gauges but will check again later and confirm. I also used a good amount of rice hulls - I had about 4% oats and 8% flaked wheat - which I probably wouldn't have bothered with on the Braumeister but wanted to be cautious. Any ideas for next time? I set the unit up as per the instructions (false bottom in the kettle and screen on the bottom of the malt pipe) with the exception of the top plate as the pipe was too full and I couldn't get it on.
I ended up with about 40L into the fermenter at 1056 so not a complete disaster in the end though probably took me about 2hrs longer than it should have!
I have the bottom screen on the malt pipe but not the top one - also had the false bottom in there but that wasn't the issue - the issue was the lack of flow out of the malt pipe. Hopefully there's no too much mucking around with stirring etc on brewday - coming from a Braumeister which is set and forget pretty much. No issues with stuck mashes because the wort flows bottom to top not top to bottom.My mill is set at 0.80mm and a credit card is around 0.75mm. Your crush seems very similar. When I mash on my 35L I find it is hands on for the full mash with a combination of lots of scrapping of the malt pipe bottom screen and adjustment of the pump return volume. Hence I do not use the overflow and block the lifting handle holes. I have just set up for a brew tommorrow with a Dunc's Dam, no false bottom. Will take some video of the process, it sounds like your malt pipe screen is blocking. Do you have the double screens on your malt pipe?
Good stuff, that’s exactly what I would have used. 2.5L/kg +10L for the volume below the malt pipe.@Cloud Surfer I used 40L strike water and 12kg of grain
To clarify, Braumeister pumps from the bottom of the mash tun forcing wort up through the malt pipe and grain bed, it then spills over the top of the malt pipe and back into the mash tun. Brewzilla draws the wort at the bottom and pumps it up via a pipe on the outside of the vessel where it then re-enters the malt pipe back at the top. Thus you don't get a stuck mash (or at least very unlikely to) with a Braumeister but units that behave as per the Brewzilla it is certainly possible as you're relying on gravity for the wort to go back down through the grain bed and potentially the grain bed becoming compacted during the mash recirculation.Not sure what Mark is referencing pumped from bottom to top, isn't that what happens with the brewzilla?
Exactly as described on my Brewzillia Dunc, hence I have to stir and scrap the bottom during the mash to stop compaction. Doing a Hazy Daisy NEIPA today and all is going well. 30 minutes into the boil! Got the Dunc's Dam fitted, going to be interesting to see how it works.I see so the grains " stay floating " with the braumeister, wheras they are sinking and being washed down with the Brewzilla types. Thank you must look it up.