Brewing my first Pilsner.. tips?

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Coalminer said:
With respect to lagering would it be suitable to chill to lagering temp then transfer to keg for the lagering process?
I have plenty of kegs and a spare fridge but a limited supply of shiny fermenters
I've found its better to transfer to keg before chilling if you want to go that route. That way you transfer the active yeast and none or little of the dead yeast
I normally use the following fermentation schedule and find it produces a nice crisp clean lager. Primary for the first week at 12oC, by this time depending on the yeast strain it should be at about 1.018, if it is then slowly ramp up to 16oC for a diacetyl rest over the second week, then lager for 2 weeks with the beer still in primary at 1oC
What capacity do you have to make yeast starters? The best results I have had is from making some extra wort on the brew day and using this to go from a 1L starter to a 3L starter and then pitching this into the wort.

I also make the starters and pitch at my fermenting temperature which is 8-9C. I'm lucky as I have a few Erlenmeyer flasks and a stir plate but there are other ways to get a starter going and a good pitch of healthy yeast is the difference between a goo lager and a crap one.

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