1 1700L jacketed tank (ex milk tank with glycol tubes) used condition
Apx 350 500ml bottles new from glaspak
Pin lock keg
blichman gun
Crankenstein (steel rollers)
Racking cane
Bottle capper
Several 20L drums
The start of a Herms.. 1 large stainless pot, 1 urn, 1 large aluminium pot, March pump (ac-5c-md), 13 plate chiller, water filter, biovast hose, 3x 2way 12vdc ball valves, 3x 12vdc ball valves, heaps of Tri-clover fittings, bucket full of stainless elbows, reducers, pipe, manual ball valves, stainless screen. Rhs welded frame with levelling feet. Some relay control board, 3xsolid state relays, arduino, float switches, various wiring, most likely some other electrical stuff to help build.
Co2 keg King regulator, o2 regulator & sintered stone for oxygenating wort
Several cheapo taps and quick connects.
If you need more photos or would like to check it out feel free to email me at tarlo@narlodotcomdotau.
Ideally I would like $1000, priced cheap I think, but would prefer to see it go as one lot. You will need a car trailer and engine crane to move it.