Brewer Wanted - Brewhouse Brisbane

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Basic wage for a start out micro brewer about $37K. Work your way up from there if the business is doing well. Its really is for the love of it <_<

I dont know where you get that figure. A brewer starting out with very little knowledge would be on 40-50k......Head brewers or a senior brewer between 55-80....and then probably 80-150 for the top tier, like operations managers/executive brewers etc
If you are interested in the job, why not reply to it rather that getting into a full on debate about a salary that you have no idea of what's on offer ;)
Or you could give me a call if you wish to know a little more before applying....

cheers Ross

Aww c'mon Ross, that would mean people could not take your post off topic

Oh hang on

2/5ths of feck all. But I did like this:
<a href="http://" target="_blank"></a>"5.4 BEER SHIFT

Each week every Brewery Technician shall be issued with a carton of beer on the last shift worked for the week."
Looks to me those rates are from 2006.
Hopefully whoever takes the job won't be worried about the cash. FFS, not everyone cares about having an iphone, a plasma in the ******, um i mean "theatre" room, and a 4k coffee maker haha.
I dont know where you get that figure. A brewer starting out with very little knowledge would be on 40-50k......Head brewers or a senior brewer between 55-80....and then probably 80-150 for the top tier, like operations managers/executive brewers etc


Each week every Brewery Technician shall be issued with a carton of beer on the last shift worked for the week."

if i lived in brisbane that would almost be enough,who cares about money if you get to make beer all day long
Hopefully whoever takes the job won't be worried about the cash. FFS, not everyone cares about having an iphone, a plasma in the ******, um i mean "theatre" room, and a 4k coffee maker haha.

:icon_offtopic: plasmas are losing their popularity, LCD large screen TVs are the major sellers nowadays, but if you have to have a plasma they are actually quite cheap. Around $800 will fix you up with a 50 inch HD. Back in the days of CRT box televisions, a 26 inch stereo upmarket brand like a Sony would set you back over a grand. In today's dollars that would be the equivalent of maybe $1500 so like for like, plasmas now are about the same as what you used to spend on the kids or kitchen second set (1990s)

AHB member up the road from here just bought a Pana Viera 50" LCD for a tad under a grand the other day, good buying.

Sorry, not trying to have a shot but when people throw "plasma" into a conversation in the same way as "BMW" or "Rolex Watch" as a sign of yuppie indulgence I just gotta say something . :icon_cheers:
It certainly seems to be the kind of occupation that isnt highly rewarding in the funds department early on, but as its been mentioned, you start at the bottom, and work your way up. Id rather work in a trade/occupation that i enjoy doing, then just being some grunt on the council digging holes every day.
Aside from crafting yourself into an exceptional brewer, you would, (i imagine) be able to help design/produce new beers, and that to me would be awesome. Sitting down and writing out new ideas and concepts on assorted recipes and seeing if they blend well.
I think any brewer would be proud if they helped put together a new brew for the shelves, especially if it was a hit.
I would jump at the chance if i was a local.... suppose i could move.. lol
It certainly seems to be the kind of occupation that isnt highly rewarding in the funds department early on, but as its been mentioned, you start at the bottom, and work your way up. Id rather work in a trade/occupation that i enjoy doing, then just being some grunt on the council digging holes every day.
Aside from crafting yourself into an exceptional brewer, you would, (i imagine) be able to help design/produce new beers, and that to me would be awesome. Sitting down and writing out new ideas and concepts on assorted recipes and seeing if they blend well.
I think any brewer would be proud if they helped put together a new brew for the shelves, especially if it was a hit.
I would jump at the chance if i was a local.... suppose i could move.. lol

I'd love the opportunity and would do it regardless of the funds issue, if I only had me to support. Sometimes you don't get the opportunity to do something incredibly interesting, but just what pays the bills. I think that is part of the whole work situation, if you have a family and genuinely want to do the right thing by them, then career will take a hit, no matter what it is (or wants to be).

And council workers don't dig holes. They stand there leaning on their shovel, perpetually smoking.

I'd love the opportunity and would do it regardless of the funds issue, if I only had me to support. Sometimes you don't get the opportunity to do something incredibly interesting, but just what pays the bills. I think that is part of the whole work situation, if you have a family and genuinely want to do the right thing by them, then career will take a hit, no matter what it is (or wants to be).

And council workers don't dig holes. They stand there leaning on their shovel, perpetually smoking.


Valid points.
Oh and i seen a council worker dig a hole...once.....while smoking.. haha
Hopefully whoever takes the job won't be worried about the cash. FFS, not everyone cares about having an iphone, a plasma in the ******, um i mean "theatre" room, and a 4k coffee maker haha.

Crap "he who dies with the most toys wins"!


QLD brewer award rates? I need to open a slavery, I mean, brewery.
I'd love to screw and snort coke for a living - but my name isn't charlie sheen... loving the idea of doing something for a living doesn't equate to it actually being a decent way to earn a crust.

You either hit this job with experience and/or a qualification - and then take the industries fairly low wages as a part of the deal - or you hit it with nothing but "I brew beer at home" which is no bad thing, but not necessarily a job winning qualification.... and you get apprentice type (OK a bit better than that) wages.

Either way - median wage is about the best you an hope for for your level of experience, probably less. You brew beer because you love to do it - not because its the best possible way to pay off the mortgage.

- large breweries excepted -

PS - I'd love to meet the brewer that's on 150K a year..... they must keep pretty damn quiet about their salary at the brewers association meetings.
You can pay off a mortage on 35K per year? Must be cheap houses there!
PS - I'd love to meet the brewer that's on 150K a year..... they must keep pretty damn quiet about their salary at the brewers association meetings.

30,000L per year before taxed. Brew that amount for $2 per liter, sell it for $15 per liter.

30,000 x $15 = $450,000

$200K in overheads. $250K in pocket.

Only have to sell 100 liters a day.

Why are there no brewpubs?

Is it because the big breweries are paying their staff squat and lining the pockets of their shareholders while operating a mafia-style protection racket against the small guy? Are you part of the problem, Thirsty? :lol:

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